Media Massa dan Islam, Antara Industri dan Ideologi (original) (raw)
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Media Massa Sebagai Agen Sosialisasi Ideologi
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 1970
This passage discusses the fact that any media in this world is never separated frompolitical and ideological interests. Various types of domination and subordination are alwayscontinuously created and reproduced for the existence and sustainability of certain individualsor groups.Legitimacy in the capital system is very crucial in to support its role as a source ofpower. Three kinds of important capital are economic, politic, and cultural capital. Thesekinds of capital are the source of power and cause some social inequalities. Capitalism spreadsout in all sides of human life, is produced and sustained continuously through various socialagents.
Media di Sumatera Utara: Antara Industri dan Ideologi
Kajian ini mendeskripsikan keterkaitan antara ideologi dan industri dalam media massa serta persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi ketika mengelola sebuah media terutama dalam hal menyiasati keseimbangan dengan sistem sosial politik dan budaya di Indonesia. Dengan locus Sumatera Utara, kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan ekonomi politik media dan historis komparatif. Dapat dilihat bahwa ada pola struktural, siasat struktur bahasa, pragmatisme, serta elemen lain berikut dampak-dampak yang terjadi, yang berlaku di media untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara industri dan ideolog
Diskursus Politik Islam dan Kebijakan Ideologis Media Massa di Sumatera Utara
Persepsi: Communication Journal, 2019
Stigmatisasi dan labelisasi terhadap imej Islam di media memerlihatkan wacana islamophobia, terorisme, radikalisme hingga fundamentalisme. Di sisi lain, kapitalisasi-industrialisasi media dan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi informasi yang pesat, telah meneguhkan ketergantungan media-media di tingkat lokal ke level nasional dan internasional semakin tinggi. Penyebaran wacana Islam berjalan secara sepihak, terus-menerus dan massif, seperti propaganda. Untuk menyusuri masalah ini, digunakan pendekatan historis-komparatif dan ekonomi-politik. Studi ini memerlihatkan diskursus politik Islam di media merupakan gambaran politik Islam yang terbelah pada pemahaman holistik dan sekuler. Ketiadaan media yang berkonsentrasi pada politik Islam, dan lebih memilih segmentasi umum-sekuler, membuat agenda politik Islam tergantung pada pertimbangan ideologis pemilik dan pilihan segmentasi pasar.
Media Massa beserta Ideologinya dalam Proses Hegemoni
The media does not only influence society from the content it conveys, but also by the characteristics of the media itself. This shows the power and influence of the media (medium) on society, not just the content of the message. Media and ideology always go hand in hand. Referring to McLuhan that the medium is the message, the media is the message itself, and the message is part of the hegemonic process. However, there is no single ideology promoted by the popular media. However, the mass media, have a tendency to determine human behavior, attitudes and lifestyles in a narrow perspective according to their standards. The tendency which then marginalizes or ostracizes people who are different from the norms as presented by the medi
Islam dan Media: Kontestasi Ideologi dan Ekonomi Politik Media Era Demokrasi
MAARIF, 2018
Dalam konteks pertarungan politik saat ini, perkembangan media sosial dan informasi-informasi alternatif diluar media mainstream tidak memperlihatkan lahirnya kekuatan masyarakat sipil yang cerdas informasi yang dapat melakukan kontrol terhadap negara. Penyebaran hoax dan berita kebencian di media sosial justru berkembang menjadi kanker demokrasi, ketika penyebarannya dan kemampuannya untuk menarik publik dalam panggung politik justru menghancurkan fondasi dari tatanan dan nilai-nilai demokrasi itu sendiri. Dalam konteks ketika tubuh politik demokrasi Indonesia mengalami sakit kronis akibat dominasi kekuatan-kekuatan oligarkhi yang menjarah sumber daya publik dan institusi negara, penyebaran hoax dan informasi kebencian justu berpotensi menghancurkan tatanan masyarakat multikultural dan penguatan kebhinekaan, sementara bagi kekuatan aliansi sosial dominan tertentu informasi-informasi hoax dan penyebaran kebencian tersebut berperan sebagai senjata ampuh mereka untuk merebut kekuasaan...
Media dan Masyarakat ; Islam dalam Perspektif Media Massa Barat
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang mana berkat rahmat, taufik, serta hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah dengan judul " Islam dalam Perspektif Media Massa Barat; "Penembakan 12 Jurnalis Majalah Charlie Hebdo Oleh 2 Orang Muslim" Dalam penyusunannya, kami memperoleh banyak bantuan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak, karena itu kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada:
Strategi Pengembangan Media: Antara Bisnis Dan Ideologi
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis, 2011
A research about media development strategy: between business and ideology, was conducted toward Media Indonesia and Metro TV which located under the Media Group management. The writer used the phenomenology approach in this research, and analytic descriptive research type. Data collection technique was done through literature study, observation, interview, and also by surfing the website on the internet. The findings in this research are: first, the media group policy to integrate Media Indonesia and Metro TV, was just for the internal needs in the beginning. Second, Media Indonesia and Metro TV's operational model, raises "unique convergent" model which never been done by any other media in the world, which is show integration between the analog Media Indonesia and the digital Metro TV. The convergent was not only done in Metro TV shows and Media Indonesia reports, but also by conducted "exchanging" and "re-cycling" the employee inside Media Indonesia and Metro TV. They're not just getting the economical benefits, but they also could educate their employee to know and have double skills, writing in printed media and writing TV narration. Third, in order to survive, Media Indonesia and Metro TV try to balance the media idealism as the agent of change pile with the business interest, through several internal policies and also society enlighten.
Media Islam dan Kesalehan Publik
NUN: Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara
Along with the rapid advancement of technology, the dynamics of the Qur'an print in Indonesia develops significantly. This can be seen from the emergence of various kinds of Qur’an printing. Publishers introduce interesting innovations that suit the needs of readers and learners of the Qur'an. This phenomenon cannot be separated from the globalized online market. However, media and Islamic relations in this case are not only related to market place and the consumptive cultural structure of society, but also as a form of mediation of public piety. For this reason, this study aims to answer these questions: why the use of media in the printing of the Qur'an encourages the formation of public piety in Indonesia? How is the space of public piety built by the existence of the media, especially in contemporary Qur'an printing? This article is a bibliographic study with descriptive methods of analysis. The result of this paper is that the printing of the contemporary Qur...
Media Islam, Media Islami, dan Perbedaannya dengan Media Lain
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