BUKU ACARA (Book Program) : Seminar Internasional PERHEPI : "KAJIAN KRITIS PENDEKATAN PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS PEDESAAN (PUAP) DI INDONESIA : Sebuah Analisis Perbandingan dengan china." (original) (raw)
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Proceeding Unand , 2014
Classical and fundamental issues in rural development in Indonesia is the lack of coordination among the various parties involved in these activities, resulting in the approach and objectivity activities less clear. This paper attempts to examine some of the key issues in rural development in Indonesia, moved from the experience that was, and comparisons between the implementation of the program with approach patterns used by China and India in the rural development. This study examines in some parts of the approach used in the Department of Agriculture rural development through the Rural Agribusiness Development approach (PUAP) were carried out starting in 2008 within the framework of the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM Mandiri). PUAP is a breakthrough program in the Department of Agriculture to reduce poverty and unemployment in rural areas. As a type of program that was ABSTRACT introduced earlier, this program is more dominant as a centralized effort in managing agriculture and rural development in Indonesia. The new paradigm of rural development has shifted the pattern approach, implementation mechanisms, actor actors are very dependent on the structure of the bureaucracy, so that many decisions made by the managers of the various levels of government. Rural communities still often positioned as an object. PUAP approach is top-down in its implementation and decision-making is still dominant as the administrator of government officials and experts. In contrast to China, which has a clear time targets and the creation of the financial system due to the creation of added value that can confine the flow of capital flows into the city center, making it possible back in the form of investment in the countryside. While the experience of India, its success still leaves the social structure-castes in society-a barrier for flexibility approach to public participation in decision-making, although rural development is slower than China. Key words : rural development, agribusiness, farmers' income
ABSTRACT Classic and fundamental issues in rural development in Indonesia is the lack of coordination between the various parties involved in these activities, thus resulting in approach and objectivity activities less clear. This paper attempts to examine some of the key issues in rural development in Indonesia, moved from the experience that was, and comparisons between the implementation of the program with the pattern of the approach used by the Chinese in rural development. This study examines in some parts of the approaches used in the Department of Agriculture rural development through the Rural Agribusiness Development approach (PUAP) were implemented beginning in 2008 within the framework of the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM Mandiri). PUAP is a program of the Department of Agriculture breakthrough in reducing poverty and unemployment in rural areas. As ever implemented similar programs, this program is more dominant as a centralized effort to organize agriculture and rural development in Indonesia. In this approach, the mechanism of implementation is highly dependent on the structure of the bureaucracy, so many decisions made by the managers of the various levels of government. Rural communities still often positioned as an object. PUAP approach is top-down in its implementation and decision-making is still dominant government officials as administrators and experts. Unlike the Chinese who have a clear time targets and the creation of the financial system due to the creation of added value that can confine the flow of capital flows into the city center, allowing the back in the form of investment in the countryside. Key words : rural development, agribusiness, farmers' income
Penelitian ini berjudul: EFEKTIFITAS PENDANAAN PENGEMBANGAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS PEDESAAN (PUAP) OLEH MASYARAKAT TANI MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Penyaluran Program PUAP dari Balai Penyuluh Pertanian Kepada GAPOKTAN Semangat Bersama Di Kecamatan Kampar Timur) Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya dana simpan pinjam dari pemerintah berupa dana Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) kepada anggota GAPOKTAN di Kecamatan Kampar Timur, dengan adanya dana tersebut anggota Gapoktan membuat usaha-usaha atau menjalankan usaha yang telah ada dari dana Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan. Oleh karena itu penulis tertarik meneliti Apa saja tujuan pendanaan pada usaha agribisnis pedesaan, Bagaimana realisasi pencapaian tujuan pendanaan tersebut, dan Bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap efektifitas pendanaan Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) oleh masyarakat tani di Kecamatan Kampar Timur. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Balai Penyuluh Pertanian...
Seminar Nasional Lahan Sub Optimal, 2017
Swamp land has great potential as a natural resource to be managed. the fact that the conversion of productive agricultural land to other uses intensive and food needs that require the support of the new land, the wetland is a promising alternative. Development of swamp land utilized for agriculture is not cultivated optimally. Whereas the application of technology arrangement of land, land management, and integrated agricultural commodities, wetlands can be used as one of the main sources of growth in agribusiness to support national food security. This has been demonstrated by the successful local farmers develop agriculture by applying local wisdom. Community empowerment is an economic development concept that summarizes the social values. This concept reflects the new paradigm of development, ie, that are "people-centered, participatory, empowering, and sustainable". Implementation PUAP program aims to reduce poverty and unemployment through the growth and development of agribusiness activities in rural areas in accordance with the potential of the area; empower farmer groups (poktan) and the rural economy to rising household welfare of poor farmers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of farmer group in increasing the income percentage of wetland-based farmers who used the PUAP funds in South Sumatra. This study used survey method and purposive sampling method. Samples of 200 farmers who received PUAP funds were taken systematically and randomly. Data collected were analyzed by using the SPSS Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. This is the result of research that aims to look at the role of farmer groups and land use option, through empowerment PUAP program to business success farming households in swamp land South Sumatra. The results showed that the role of farmer groups is significant on percentage revenue increase farmer group members with a choice of the type of farming that significantly influence is Crop, Horticulture and Off Farm. Keywords: Land Swamp Lebak, Farmers Group, Empowerment, PUAP
SOROT, 2019
Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) is a program that focuses inreducing poverty and also creating a huge accupation in rural area by providing venturecapital to support on farm and off farm activities. Farmers’ association (Gapoktan) as animplementer of PUAP has a pivotal function to distribute incentives, venture capital, and alsoas the managers of all the programs given. Gapoktan is an association of some farmergroups that collected and worked together for increasing the economic scale and effortefficiency which have several characters. The objectives of this research was to describe thecharacteristic of Gapoktan. This research resulted several important usults, namely: Thecharacteristics were categorized good, where the indicators of norm, the purposes, cohesive,leadership and participation were good categorized, while the indicator of size was lesscategorized, and than Gapoktan were still became a hope for the farmers in increasing anddeveloping their farm activities.