Соенов В.И., Трифанова С.В. Средневековые наконечники стрел из коллекций случайных находок на Алтае [MEDIEVAL ARROWHEADS FROM COLLECTIONSOF ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERIES IN ALTAI] // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул: АлтГУ, 2019. Вып. XXV. С. 242-247. (original) (raw)

Матренин С.С., Серегин Н.Н. Костяные (роговые) наконечники стрел кочевников Алтая рубежа древности и средневековья / Matrenin S., Seregin N. Bone (Horn) Arrowheads of Nomads of Altai at the Boundary of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Матренин С.С., Серегин Н.Н. Костяные (роговые) наконечники стрел кочевников Алтая рубежа древности и средневековья // Известия Алтайского государственного университета. Сер.: Исторические науки и археология. 2019. №3(107). С. 104–113.

The article concerns systematization of bone (horn) arrowheads from the archaeological sites of Altai, dated by the end of antiquity and the early Middle Ages. The authors present analysis of 45 items from the necropolis of Bulan-Koby culture (2nd half of the 4th — 5th centuries AD) and from funeral and «ritual» complexes of the early medieval Turks (2nd half of the I millennium AD). The classification of objects in this category allowed us to distinguish 22 types of bone (horn) arrowheads, demonstrating the variability of the tradition of making such things in the chronological period under consideration. It has been established that most types of arrowheads from the Rouran period represent the local development of patterns that appeared in the region during Xianby time. Bulan-Koby products of the category in question are not genetically related to the previous Pazyryk tradition of bone carving and are not known in the quiver sets of Altai Turks. Separate types of objects continued to exist in the 2nd half of the 5th — 1st half of the 6th centuries AD, becoming a prototype for arrowheads of early medieval nomads. There is a significant similarity between the arrowheads of Altai and Eastern Transbaikalia, which could be due to the orientation of the population of these regions to the common «samples» of the material culture of one of the Xianby ethnic groups. Key words: Altai, bone (horn) arrowheads, Bulan-Koby culture, Rouran time, Turks, classification, typology, chronology.

Серегин Н.Н. и др. Костяные (роговые) наконечники стрел населения Северного Алтая сяньбийского времени / Seregin et al. BONE (HORN) ARROWHEADS OF THE POPULATION OF NORTHERN ALTAI IN XIANBEI PERIOD

Серегин Н.Н., Демин М.А., Матренин С.С. Костяные (роговые) наконечники стрел населения Северного Алтая сяньбийского времени (по материалам комплекса Карбан-I) // Нижневолжский археологический вестник. 2022. №1. С. 155–170., 2022

The article presents the results of the systematization and chronological interpretation of bone (horn) arrowheads found during excavations of the Xianbei time burials of the Karban-I necropolis. This complex is located in the Chemal region of the Altai Republic. The published collection includes 26 bone (horn) arrowheads from seven burial kurgans. As a result of morphological analysis and classification of 23 items of good and satisfactory preservation, nine types were identified. There are both already known and specific modifications that have no analogies in the materials of the Bulan-Koby culture. Comparative study of general, special and individual morphological features made it possible to determine the relative chronology of the items. It was found that the arrowheads from Karban-I necropolis are not genetically related to the bone-cutting traditions of the Pazyryk culture population and represent the local development of specimens that appeared in the Xiongnu (2nd century BC–1st centuryAD) and Xianbei (2nd –1st half of the 4th century AD) time. A series of “experimental” specimens with a separately made bone whistle (types 1b, 4b), which represent a simplified technology for making tips with a one- piece bushing whistle (type 7a), have been identified. It is noted that arrowheads with a sleeve (type 8a) and clamping attachments (type 9a) have rather rare structural elements. Additional evidence was obtained that the population of Altai in the Xianbei time could use arrows with bone tips not only for hunting purposes, but also as a weapon to defeat a weakly defended enemy.

Серегин Н. Н., Демин М. А., Матренин С. С., 2022. Костяные (роговые) наконечники стрел населения Северного Алтая сяньбийского времени (по материалам комплекса Карбан-I) / BONE (HORN) ARROWHEADS OF THE POPULATION OF NORTHERN ALTAI IN XIANBEI TIME (BASED ON MATERIALS OF KARBAN-I COMPLEX)

The Lower Volga archaeological Bulletin / Нижневолжский археологический вестник, 2022

The article presents the results of the systematization and chronological interpretation of bone (horn) arrowheads found during excavations of the Xianbei time burials of the Karban-I necropolis. This complex is located in the Chemal region of the Altai Republic. The published collection includes 26 bone (horn) arrowheads from seven burial kurgans. As a result of morphological analysis and classification of 23 items of good and satisfactory preservation, nine types were identified. There are both already known and specific modifications that have no analogies in the materials of the Bulan-Koby culture. Comparative study of general, special and individual morphological features made it possible to determine the relative chronology of the items. It was found that the arrowheads from Karban-I necropolis are not genetically related to the bone-cutting traditions of the Pazyryk culture population and represent the local development of specimens that appeared in the Xiongnu (2 nd century BC-1 st century AD) and Xianbei (2 nd-1 st half of the 4 th century AD) time. A series of "experimental" specimens with a separately made bone whistle (types 1b, 4b), which represent a simplified technology for making tips with a onepiece bushing whistle (type 7a), have been identified. It is noted that arrowheads with a sleeve (type 8a) and clamping attachments (type 9a) have rather rare structural elements. Additional evidence was obtained that the population of Altai in the Xianbei time could use arrows with bone tips not only for hunting purposes, but also as a weapon to defeat a weakly defended enemy.

Каинов С.Ю., Макушников О.А. Наконечник ножен меча из Старой Белицы (Гомельская обл., Беларусь) // Военная археология. Вып. 7. 2022. С. 162-170.

The article is dedicated to the sword’s scabbard chape found at the village of Staraya Belitsa in the vicinity of Gomel on the territory of the identified Ancient Rus’ settlement. It belongs to a rare group of high cast chapes dating from the end of the 10th – the first half of the 11th century, probably produced in Ancient Rus’. A significant area of the settlement, a large number of barrows that used to be nearby and the find of the sword’s scabbard chape may indicate that in the immediate vicinity of the chronicles' Gomiy near the village of Staraya Belitsa, there used to be a settlement that was controlled by the representatives of the princely administration.

Трансверсальные наконечники стрел усатовской культуры \ Transversal arrowheads of the Usatovo culture. СПб, 2019

Трансверсальные наконечники стрел усатовской культуры. Связи, контакты и взаимодействия древних культур Северной Евразии и цивилизаций Востока в эпоху палеометалла (IV–I тыс. до н. э.). — СПб.: ИИМК РАН, Невская Типография. С.141-143, 2019

Transversal arrowheads of the Usatovo culture Sergey N. Razumov Pridnestrovian State University, Tiraspol, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Keywords: Usatovo culture, Early Bronze Age, kurgans, burial rite, arrowheads. In burials of the Usatovo culture (North-Western black Sea region, last third of the 4th — early 3rd mill. bC), there are found microlithic trapezes. The researchers interpret them as inserts of sickles. analysis of the context of these finds has lead to the conclusion that we are dealing here with transversal arrowheads. In interments of the elite, the heads of these types were found in quiver sets. Single trapezes found among the bones of the dead from other burials may have been the cause of a wound. Traces of use identified on some of the trapezes were due to the fact that, for their manufacture, inserts of sickles on blades were taken for secondary use. Similar arrowheads are known in Egypt of the Pre-Dynastic period, the Old and Middle Kingdom, as well as in Mesopotamia and Crete. along with bronze daggers and glass beads, transversal arrowheads are an evidence of contacts of the bearers of the Usatovo culture with the population of the Eastern Mediterranean.