La confrontación entre la Metafísica aristotélica y la nueva especulación bruniana (original) (raw)

Página 1 de 12 Problemática entre la realidad natural y la esencia en la Metafísica aristotélica

Resumen Desde el punto de vista de la filosofía aristotélica, la realidad natural se entiende bajo dos presupuestos: existe y es susceptible de ser conocida. Parece que de entrada podríamos prescindir de una argumentación que no fuera la deíctica, sin embargo lo relevante del caso es la implicación al respecto: la identidad entre la realidad natural y la esencia. En el presente artículo expuse los argumentos pertinentes con base en los cuales se fundamenta dicha posición. Abstract From the point of view of Aristotle Philosophy, the natural reality is understood under two premises: it exists and it is susceptible of being known. It seems that from the beginning we could prescind of an argumentation besides the deictic one; however, what is relevant is the implication about it: the identity between natural reality and essence. In this article, I exposed the pertinent arguments, based on which such position is established.

San Buenaventura frente al aristotelismo

Patristica et Mediaevalia, 1981

Omar Argerami's "Saint Bonaventure with regard to Aristotelism". Saint Bonaventure's position in contrast to Aristotelianism has been since E. Gilson's thesis an object of discussion. Historical data, however, allow to assert that the great Franciscan authority: 1) intended to work out no philosophical system; 2) adopted a position which was neither in favour nor against Aristotle; 3) to a certain extent, his attitude towards philosophy may be regarded as indifferent; 4) he always referred to philosophy in relation to his theological and pastoral purposes. The knowledge he had of Aristotle's work did not surpass the notions and readings common to any 13th century university student and for this reason he did not participate in any Aristotelian debates of the time. However, and facing a possible risk of heresy, he lively defends what he considers the orthodox doctrine.

Reflexiones sobre la fundación de la Metafísica y su carácter “Aristoárjico” a partir de la crítica de Platón a Anaxágoras

Viator, 2010

Plato's criticism of Anaxagoras's philosophy of mind is the milestone of Western Metaphysics. At least from Plato to Aquinas, the relationship of the mind to the Metaphysical Good can be regarded as a kind of hallmark of that milestone. According to Plato, Anaxagoras's mistake lies in linking mind merely to physical goodness, as if it were a sort of management of natural things. In agreement with this, from Plato to Aquinas the concepts of reason and freedom have been deepened and enriched. The article specifically points out -from an Aristotelian point of view- that Anaxagoras's original error is the confusion between mind (mens, noûs) and soul (anima, psyjé). The purpose of the article is programmatic rather than to deliver a thorough explanation of these issues.