Documents of Hetmans as the Source for the Research of the Ethnoconfessional Relations in Ukraine During the Second Half of the XVII Century (original) (raw)

Yevhen Zavalynskyi. Turkological Studies. Correspondence. Resources / Євген Завалинський. Тюркологічні студії. Листування. Матеріали / Упоряд. А. Фелонюк. – Львів, 2022. – 384 с., іл. (фрагмент)


This collection contains the works of the Ukrainian Orientalist-Turkologist Yevhen Zavalynskyi (Eugene Zawalinski) (1911–1993), correspondence and materials related to his biography and work. The scholar emerged from the Polish Orientalist school of the 1930s, was a driving force of the Ukrainian Orientalist environment of Lviv in the early 1940s and a vivid example of an intellectual with great creative potential. He sought to realize himself in the difficult cir cumstances of the mid-20th century, but eventually was forced to leave acade mic activity. The materials of Yevhen Zavalynskyi that are presented to the reader in this book are grouped into three chapters and an appendix. The first one, entitled «Turkological Studies», presents all the published and unpublished works of the researcher on the subject of Oriental studies known to date (12 of them in total). First, we represent two studies of a purely academic content – the doctorate of Yevhen Zavalynskyi «Polska w kronikach tureckich XV i XVI w.» (1938) and the article «Zbiory tureckich dokumentów w bibliotece Czartoryskich w Krakowie» (1939). All other texts are placed in the chronological order of their writing. First, six articles published during 1937–1938 in the Krakow weekly «Kurier Literacko-Naukowy» are republished here, followed by the enquiry «Poland with the ban on culture» of the late 1930s, which first saw the light of day as late as 2013. The following two are still unpublished texts that have survived only in typescript. This is an incomplete material with the title «Rola Osmanów w dziejach kultury», which was written by the author before September 1939, as well as the essay «What will Turkology give to Ukrainian history?» (1940), of which a copy was found in the archive of Omelian Pritsak. The first section ends with a single Ukrainian-language publication of Yevhen Zavalynskyi (although under the pseudonym «M. Zelynskyi»), which appeared in print in the Paris magazine «Soborna Ukraina», – «Turkish sources for the history of Ukraine» (1947) (edited by Ilko Borshchak). Despite his generally unknown creative output, it well reflects the academic interests of this orientalist and characterizes him as a talented linguist who was interested in Ukrainian-Turkish and Polish-Turkish relations in the pre-modern period, the image of Ukraine and Poland in the Ottoman chronicles of the 15th–18th centuries and Turkish sources relating to the history of Ukraine. The second chapter includes all the letters found by the compiler to other cohorts of Yevhen Zavalynskyi with whom he was in contact, mostly in research matters. 38 letters are arranged by correspondents and chronology of appearance. They come from the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, the Archives of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, the Scientific Library of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», the Manuscript Institute of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine and the private archive of Yevhen Zavalynskyi, which today belongs to his family in Melbourne (Australia). 20 correspondences are addressed to his teacher Wladyslaw Kotwicz (1930–1939, with interruptions), two to his Krakow tutor Tadeusz Kowalski (1938), one each to Lviv University professor Stefan Stasiak (1934), Ahatanhel Krymskyi (1941) and Volodymyr Yaniv (1966). The remaining seven were written by Yevhen Zavalynskyi to his student and close colleague Omelian Pritsak (1942–1943 and 1966). We have only six letters to the scientist fromthe just-mentioned colleague from 1940–1941, 1949, 1952 and 1968. The first three, sent by O. Pritsak during his service in the Soviet army, are now in his own archive (they were given to Yevhen Zavalynskyi during their meeting during the Nazi occupation of Lviv). Three more are now included in the Australian archive of Yevhen Zavalynskyi. The absence of other correspondence indi cates that the early archive of the scholar apparently remained in Stryi, where he lived permanently until the beginning of 1940, or in Lviv, from where he left permanently in February 1944. From preserved correspondence, Yevhen Zavalynskyi maintained written contacts with such well-known Orientalists as: Franz Babinger, Jan Rypka, Georg Graf, and others whose correspondence may have been lost. All 38 surviving letters are published for the first time and represent a valuable resource for learning about the life and academic journey of Yevhen Zavalynskyi. These sources offer an insight into his social environment of many outstanding figures, including those from the circle of famous Orientalists. The third section gives biographical materials about Yevhen Zavalynskyi’s studies and his research during 1929–1981. These 30 documents are presented in chronological order.


Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1998

Habent sua fata libelli - books have fates of their own, as the Roman grammarian Terentianus Maurus stated in the 3rd century A. D. His intention was to say that texts were read differently in different times. In the age of printing and of large numbers of copies circulating the dissemination of texts and textual iıiformation tends to be conceived as an abstract phenomenon, because usually a direct connection between one of several hundreds or thousands of identical copies cannot be established. Another example of this conception is found in cartography when the interdepence of maps and charts is discussed. But in the age of manuscript books the course of reception has a very material aspect, too, since it is closely linked with the fate of individual m:anuscripts. Ottoman intellectual history prior to the 18th century is at the same time a history of libraries and individual bibliophiles collecting, selling, and exchanging books. Unfortunately history has rarely preserved traces of private libraries or has allowed us to trace individual manuscripts through the hands of several owners. The following paper will demonstrate the connection between Katib Çelebi's Cihannüma and the anonymus Tarfh-i Hind-i Garbf both of them books with fates of their own. It will show the complicated textual history of the former and the changing appreciation of the latter and it will for a considerable time follow the manuscripts concemed (together with some others) through the hands of their subsequent o~nersl

CLASSICAL TEXTS OF THE GEOPOLITICS AND THE “HEART OF EURASIA" / Jeopolitiğin Klasik Metinleri ve “Avrasya’nın Kalbi”

In the first part of the article, dehumanizing character of Western-centric approaches is discussed by focusing on the relations between the emergence period of geopolitics and the Central Asia. Beginning from Mackinder, the Western "subject" is described as based on a highly vivid design of identity; on the otherhand, the societies living in the studied region are transformed into shadows under the decisiveness of geography. In the second part of the article, the factors which has forced this false image to change is showed by making references to cultural/historiographic debates on Turkestan. Also, an alternative approach to geopolitics which underlines the region’s rich historical and cultural heritage is offered through the analysis of Orkhon Inscriptions. Bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde Batı-merkezli yaklaşımların ‘insanisizleştirici’ karakteri, jeopolitiğin ortaya çıkışı ile Orta Asya arasındaki ilişkilere odaklanarak tartışılmaktadır. Batı ‘öznesi’, Mackinder’den başlayarak son derece canlı bir kimlik tasarımına dayalı olarak tanımlanmakta; öte yandan çalışmaya konu olan bölgede yaşayan toplumlar coğrafyanın belirleyiciliği altında birer gölgeye dönüştürülmektedir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde bu yanlış resmi değişime zorlayan faktörler, Türkistan üzerine kültürel/tarihsel tartışmalara referanslar yaparak gösterilmektedir. Ayrıca bölgenin zengin tarihsel ve kültürel mirasına vurgu yapan jeopolitiğe, Orhun Âbideleri’nin analizi vasıtasıyla alternatif bir yaklaşım sunulmaktadır..