Ad suburbanum Tarraconis. Del área portuaria al conjunto eclesiástico del Francolí (original) (raw)
2019, López, Jordi (ed.) Tarraco Biennal. Actes del 4t Congrés Internacional d'Arqueologia i Món Antic. VII Reunió d'Arqueologia Cristiana Hispànica. El cristianisme en l'Antiguitat Tardana: noves perspectives. Tarragona, 21-24 novembre de 2018. Universitat Rovira i Virgili – Institut d'Estudis Catalans
The discovery of the so-called "Necropolis Paleocristiana" in the 1930s opened a new line of research on the late antique suburban areas of Tarraco. The further finding of another Christian basilica in the 1990s completed the picture of the "Francolí early-Christian complex" just as it is known today. However, the many archaeological excavations carried out also in the 1990s within the framework of the urbanisation of the southern area of the current city, led to the finding of a great suburban sector of the Roman city next to the early-Christian complex. This suburban sector – which was linked to the port and extended more than 2ha – was hitherto only partially known and lacked a joint study. The thorough study of the late antique phase of this suburban sector allows us now to note the clear correlation between the urban growth of the suburb from the early fifth century onwards and the development of the early-Christian complex at the very same moment. Thus, despite the religious element, it appears evident that the choice of location of the early-Christian complex cannot be detached from the fact that, as the port suburb of the city, this sector was the economic hub of Tarraco, even during the late antique period.
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in: Revista de Historiografía 25, pp. 317-341. Dossier: Las ciudades del poder en Hispania, 2016
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El ambiente epigráfico del foro "colonial" de Tarraco durante las épocas augustea y julio-claudia
Lucentum, 2019
Resumen La reciente actualización del corpus epigráfico de Tarraco por Géza Alföldy es un excelente punto de partida para desarrollar planteamientos como el que aquí se presenta. Este estudio se basa en un análisis de las inscripciones, poniendo especial atención a sus contextos topográficos originales y a la manufactura de sus soportes monumentales, siguiendo la hipótesis original de G. C. Susini. Por lo tanto, se presenta una perspectiva de los monumentos epigráficos erigidos en el foro de la colonia Tarraco en la época augustea y julio-claudia, un período trascendental en la configuración de la imagen pública de la ciudad. Los principales objetivos de esta contribución son determinar las tipologías, los comitentes y los usuarios de la epigrafía forense en la ciudad a comienzos del siglo I d. C. Palabras clave. Ambiente epigráfico; culto imperial; estatuas; monumentos honoríficos. Abstract The recent update of the epigraphic corpus of Tarraco by Géza Alföldy is an excellent starting point for developing this proposal. It is based on an analysis of the inscriptions, paying special attention to their original topographic contexts and the manufacture of their monumental supports, following G. C. Susini’s original hypothesis. Thus, we aim to present a perspective of the epigraphic monuments erected in the forum of the colonia Tarraco in the Augustan era, a transcendental period in the configuration of the town’s public image. The main objectives of this contribution are to determine the typologies, who was responsible for commissioning the pieces, and who were the users of forum epigraphy in the town at the beginning of the 1st century AD. Key words. Epigraphic environment; imperial cult; statues; honorific monuments.
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