The Narrating Self and the Narrated Self (original) (raw)

Between artifice and competence: the composition of the medical consul- tations of Antonio Vallisneri

Medicina Storia, 2005

Le médecin et savant italien Antonio Vallisneri (1661-1730), fut professeur de médecine pratique (1700-1710) et de médecine théorique (1710-1730) à luniversité de Padoue. Nous avons un témoignage direct de sa méthodologie thérapeutique dans les Consulti Medici (Consultations Médicales) sous forme de lettres, dont un choix a été publié de manière posthume en 1733 (au nombre de 40) dans les Opera Omnia publiés à Venise par son fils A. Vallisneri Jr.

A mixed methods approach to examining factors related to time to attainment of the doctorate in education

Over the years, the time that students take to attain the doctorate, particularly in Education, has been increasing. Given the cost incurred in preparing students, the decrease in years of productivity in the chosen professions, and other opportunity costs, this trend is of great concern to students, the university, and society at large. This dissertation examined the timing of doctorate attainment and the factors related to this timing. Using secondary data (N=1,028 students), discrete-time multilevel hazard analysis was employed to determine the relationship between various factors and the timing of doctorate attainment in a College of Education. Complementary to the quantitative analyses, four student and two faculty focus groups and four follow-up student interviews were conducted to identify factors perceived to influence time to attainment of the doctorate (TTD) in one College of Education at a state university. Discrete-time multilevel hazard analysis revealed that the median...

Ragimbau Embo J 2003.pdf

The four mammalian Jak tyrosine kinases are non-covalently associated with cell surface receptors binding helical bundled cytokines. In the type I interferon receptor, Tyk2 associates with the IFNAR1 receptor subunit and positively in¯uences ligand binding to the receptor complex. Here, we report that Tyk2 is essential for stable cell surface expression of IFNAR1. In the absence of Tyk2, mature IFNAR1 is weakly expressed on the cell surface. Rather, it is localized into a perinuclear endosomal compartment which overlaps with that of recycling transferrin receptors and with early endosomal antigen-1 (EEA1) positive vesicles. Conversely, co-expressed Tyk2 greatly enhances surface IFNAR1 expression. Importantly, we demonstrate that Tyk2 slows down IFNAR1 degradation and that this is due, at least in part, to inhibition of IFNAR1 endocytosis. In addition, Tyk2 induces plasma membrane relocalization of the R2 subunit of the interleukin-10 receptor. These results reveal a novel function of a Jak protein on internalization of a correctly processed cytokine receptor. This function is distinct from the previously reported effect of other Jak proteins on receptor exit from the endoplasmic reticulum.

Social Software Supported Technology Monitoring for Custom-Built Products

Industries with a focus on custom-built products are facing constantly changing requirements for product and process specifications with regard to the development and production of each single product. These changing requirements influence the development, integration and application of technologies. Due to the growing level of technological complexity of custom-built products in particular, the importance of a structured method to help evaluate, store and communicate information on technologies for their development, application and integration is becoming more and more important for industries with a focus on custom-built products. In this context, the growing importance of the Internet as an information source in technology monitoring, and the increasing use of social software on the Internet, provide new approaches for the collaborative evaluation, storage and communication of information. However, no industry-specific solutions are available in technology monitoring that respond to the specific requirements of industries with a focus on custom-built products or that take into consideration the new collaborative approaches provided by the Internet and the application of social software. This paper aims to develop an integrated method for social software-supported technology monitoring that responds to the specific requirements of industries with a focus on custom-built products. Based on this objective, the key questions that are answered in the context of this paper can be formulated as follows: What are the key factors that distinguish technology monitoring for industries with a focus on custom-built products from other industries with a focus on mass production? What are the specific requirements for technology monitoring in industries with a focus on custom-built products and what methods of technology monitoring are currently used? How do existing instruments of technology monitoring comply with the specific requirements of these industries and how do they have to be complemented, further developed, or integrated? How can the mechanisms of social software support technology monitoring for industries with a focus on custom-built products? To answer these questions, this paper is split into four major steps: The first step is the scientific classification of the topic in which relevant areas are described and further defined. The second step involves analysing the state-of-the-art and identifying requirements for technology monitoring for custom-built products in literature and through qualitative analysis. The third step focuses on developing the integrated method which is then tested and validated in three industrial companies in the fourth step.In the context of this paper, the construction industry is considered a sample industry with a focus on custom-built products. Therefore the qualitative analysis of the requirements for technology monitoring for custom-built products, and the development activity, concentrate on this industry. To highlight how the method developed can be transferred to other industries, a company from the field of industrial automation is involved in testing and validating the method.



Arabic Place Names in Spain 2: Arabic and Berber Proper Names in Andalusi Place Names This paper —the continuation of “Toponimia árabe en España: Lexemas toponímicos andalusíes I” (Alhadra, 2, 233-320)— brings together around 570 Arab and Berber proper names, the use of which is documented in the toponymy of the Iberian Pen-insula. They are transcribed in Latin characters and listed in European al-phabetical order to facilitate access to non-Arabists. Each name is given in the form in which it appears in Arabic and Andalusi sources, together with its meaning (when appropriate), the pronunciation according to medieval romance texts and Pedro de Alcalá, examples of its use in Spanish and Por-tuguese Place Names and the corresponding bibliographical references. A considerable number of new etymologies are included. Kew words: Proper Names, Arabic, Berber, Place Names, Spain, Portugal, al-Andalus, Anthroponymy. Este artículo —continuación de “Toponimia árabe en España: Lexemas toponímicos andalusíes I” (Alhadra, 2, 233-320)— reúne unos 570 nombres propios árabes y bereberes cuyo empleo está atestiguado en la toponimia peninsular. Estos se presentan en transcripción latina y por orden alfabético europeo para facilitar su ma-nejo por el investigador no arabista. Para cada nombre se indica la forma que presenta en las fuentes árabes y andalusíes, el significado (en su caso), su pronunciación según fuentes romances y Pedro de Alcalá, ejemplos de su uso en la toponimia de España y Portugal y las pertinentes referencias bi-bliográficas. El conjunto incluye un buen número de etimologías nuevas. Palabras clave: nombres propios, árabe, bereber, toponimia, España, Por-tugal, al-Andalus, antroponimia.