In this essay we propose to investigate the nature of the two non-elementary particles, the proton and the neutron, which are the only ones, stable, enclosed in a gluonic field. Before starting it is necessary to remember that, as already said, the protoni is a kind of "bubble" inside which is present the material coming from the continuum, called C2, from which the Big Bang originated, for this reason the proton must be treated in a particular way. The points that are reasonably certain to proceed are: 1. Quarks and gluons are C2 particles; 2. The electric charges behave in the opposite way to ours: those of equal sign attract each other and the ones repel each other; 3. To the electron only, being the only quark with full charge, it is allowed to pass from C2 to C1; 4. These behaviors are reversed when the interface between the proton's internal and our continuum is passed. Starting from these points, which are not certain data but only hypotheses , even if reasonably reliable,let us examine a proton isolated. THE PROTON Based on the previously exposed theory (see the essay A NEW MODEL OF BIG BANG etc), the quark +lq collects matter untili t reaches the know mass of the proton; this mass is the one necessary for the proton to be protected from degradation. The growth process is interrupted by the fact that the proton, progressively collapsing due to the increase in mass, reaches the point where a part of the accumulated mass comes out due to the internal pressure, forming a film on the surface of the proton itself; (it should be noted that this could be composed of particles accumulated in the growth process: but, in that case, they would be arranged randomly, exerting an irregular effect); the formation of the film causes not only the arrest of the process, but also implies the fact that this is endowed with negative charge, a binding necessity for the continuum to "accept" its presence, being allowed only to particles with negative charge to exist permanently. Immediately after the quark +lq decomposes itself in th three quarks present inside the particle, two u and one d. What is this film made of? Probably from outside gluons emerging from the gluonic field of the proton and becoming something else. Again, not to invent new particles, since the simplest solution is always the best, the most likely candidate is the neutrino. It follows that on the internal surface of the proton must be present an equivalent layer positively charged with the same value as the outer one to cancel the overall effects of the total charge close to the interface between proton and the continuum. This layer is certainly composed of gluons, wich implies that they too have an electric charge both positive and negative, presumably of the same value as that of the neutrino also because, based on the fourth point, in passing through the interface the gluons from positive becomes a negative neutrino thus maintaining the logic of reasoning. It is not surprising that the proton is