Homages for guitar (composer Alessandro Spazzoli. Editor Piero Bonaguri) (original) (raw)
2019, Homages
Preface Alessandro Spazzoli is proving to be one of today’s composers who is not a guitarist but who is most interested in the guitar – and also one of the most versatile... and sensitive to my requests! These tributes to various composers, whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2019, arise as an answer to my suggestions to the Composer: Sinfonia (Homage to Haydn) was written in 2017 starting from the possibility of my performing the piece, planned (and then put into practice) in 2019 in Eisenstadt, a city where Haydn lived and worked for many years in the castle belonging to the Esterhazy family. The year of composition of the piece inspired Alessandro also to remember Prokofiev and his Classical Symphony (written 100 years before). A more recent composition is Elegía (Homage to Villa-Lobos) where the Composer plunges us into the romantic mood saturated in saudade which is so typical of the vast production of this brilliant Brasilian musician, a Composer – like Rodrigo – to whom not only guitarists owe so much. Even more recent is another short tribute by Spazzoli (after other pieces already published in this series) to Joaquín Rodrigo: in this case the Composer has complied with my marked preference for a piece contained in the Album for Cecilia by Rodrigo, which became the thematic idea for this new piece. I am grateful and delighted to have been the intermediary for these new compositional engagements by Alessandro Spazzoli, which make up as many ample possibilities to enrich the guitar repertoire (and also for his most useful anchorage in a universally famous musical production), and I wish these pieces all the luck they deserve. Piero Bonaguri
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