Call for Papers: Die Ästhetiken des deutschen Idealismus und die gesellschaftliche Rolle von Kunst - Aktualisierungen eines deutsch-italienischen Dialogs (original) (raw)

SYMPHILOSOPHIE 1 (2019) - Philosophical Romanticism and German Idealism

SYMPHILOSOPHIE: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism

The inaugural 2019 issue of "Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism" is now published. The journal is completely open access, and the first issue is devoted to the intersection of philosophical romanticism and German Idealism. It contains articles, translations, book reviews and notices in English, French, Italian and German. Table of Contents: Editorial (Laure Cahen-Maurel & Giulia Valpione) Research Articles MANFRED FRANK. L'”ironie romantique” comme procédé musical. L’exemple de Tieck, Brahms, Wagner et Weber (Partie I) [“Romantic Irony” as Musical Process. The Examples of Tieck, Brahms, Wagner and Weber – Part I] MILDRED GALLAND-SZYMKOWIAK. Between Romanticism and Idealism: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, Philosophy as the Thought of Revelation (Part I) ALEXANDER J. B. HAMPTON. Romantic Religion. Dissolution and Transcendence in the Poetics of Hölderlin CHRISTOPH HAFFTER. Grenzen der Reflexion: Pragmatismus, Idealismus und Frühromantik als Formen unendlicher Philosophie [The Limits of Reflection. Pragmatism, Idealism and Early German Romanticism as Forms of Infinite Philosophy] RYLIE JOHNSON. From Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre to Novalis’ Poetic Historicity LAURE CAHEN-MAUREL. Novalis’s Magical Idealism: A Threefold Philosophy of the Imagination, Love and Medicine Translations Twelve Letters From the Romantic Circle (1798-1799), Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, Caroline Schlegel, August Wilhelm Schlegel (Translated from the German by David W. Wood) Book Reviews Romantik und Recht. Recht und Sprache, Rechtsfälle und Gerechtigkeit, a cura di Antje Arnold e Walter Pape, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018 (Recensione di Giulia Valpione) Brill’s Companion to German Romantic Philosophy, a cura di Elizabeth Millán Brusslan e Judith Norman, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2019 (Recensione di Giulia Valpione) Idealismus und Romantik in Jena. Figuren und Konzepte zwischen 1794 und 1807, ed. by Michael Forster, Johannes Korngiebel and Klaus Vieweg, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2018 (Reviewed by David W. Wood) Notices New Publications, Conferences, and Calls for Papers The full issue is available at: