47th Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Basel, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, 2019, Programme (original) (raw)

Medieval and Renaissance International Music Conference (Med&Ren 2017) (Prague, Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, 4-8 July 2017) [Final program]

Participation in the Session "Research Surrounding the 'Books of Hispanic Polyphony' Online Database", chaired by Emilio Ros-Fábregas. The five participants will present new research related, in different ways, to the online Books of Hispanic Polyphony database (http://hispanicpolyphony.eu, Jan Koláček, webmaster) in which they have been working as part of a team for the past four years (R+D Project “Libros de polifonía hispana 1450-1650: catálogo sistemático y contexto histórico-cultural” —HAR2012-33604; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, 2012-2016). This Session will mark the beginning of the open access to this comprehensive online database that contains a considerable amount of information about sources of Hispanic polyphony (manuscript and printed) from the 15th through the 19th centuries, composers, institutions, locations, works and related documents. Work on the Books of Hispanic Polyphony database continues under the current R+D Project “Polifonía hispana y música de tradición oral en la era de las humanidades digitales” (HAR2016-75371-P; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity, 2017-2020).

Conference "Collecting Music in Europe in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century," Faculté des Lettres, Université de Fribourg, SNSF project "L’opera italiana oltre le Alpi: la collezione di partiture e libretti di Leopoldo I a Vienna (1640-1705) (2021-2023, n. 100016_197560)

Collecting Music in Europe in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century, 2023

Andrea Garavaglia and Nicola Usula, curators for the conference "Collecting Music in Europe in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century," Faculté des Lettres, Université de Fribourg, October 20-21 2023, SNSF project "L’opera italiana oltre le Alpi: la collezione di partiture e libretti di Leopoldo I a Vienna (1640-1705)" (2021-2023, n. 100016_197560) The Department of Musicology at the University of Fribourg is pleased to present the two-day international conference "Collecting Music in Europe in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century" on October 20 and 21, 2023. Different practices of 17th-century European music collecting are at the core of this international conference, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as an outcome of the research project launched in 2021 in the Department of Musicology at the University of Fribourg: "L'opera italiana oltre le Alpi: la collezione di partiture e libretti di Leopoldo I a Vienna (1640-1705)." In their papers fifteen speakers address various aspects of music collecting in the seventeenth century, in Italy, France, Scandinavia and the Holy Roman Empire, focusing on this phenomenon as a symptom (and trigger) of a wide process of dissemination, exchange and hybridisation of different European musical traditions. At the link is the two-day program and booklet with abstracts.

A Performer's Guide to Medieval Music. edited by


Note first that this book is a 'performer's guide to', not a 'guide to the performance of' medieval music. We expect it to tell performers something of what they need to know to perform medieval music in an informed and convincing way. There needs to be information about the cultural and historical contexts for repertories as well as a hands-on, 'how-to' approach. It should have something to offer for those who are experienced performers and cater for those who know nothing. It should review all the available evidence for our current state of knowledge about medieval music and make us reflect on what the performance of medieval music represents.

A performer's guide to medieval music


Note first that this book is a 'performer's guide to', not a 'guide to the performance of' medieval music. We expect it to tell performers something of what they need to know to perform medieval music in an informed and convincing way. There needs to be information about the cultural and historical contexts for repertories as well as a hands-on, 'how-to' approach. It should have something to offer for those who are experienced performers and cater for those who know nothing. It should review all the available evidence for our current state of knowledge about medieval music and make us reflect on what the performance of medieval music represents.