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A GIS-based approach in drainage morphometric analysis of Kanhar River Basin, India
Applied Water Science, 2014
The study indicates that analysis of morphometric parameters with the help of geographic information system (GIS) would prove a viable method of characterizing the hydrological response behaviour of the watershed. It is also well observed that remote sensing satellite data is emerging as the most effective, time saving and accurate technique for morphometric analysis of a basin. This technique is found relevant for the extraction of river basin and its stream networks through ASTER (DEM) in conjunction with remote sensing satellite data (Landsat etm?, 2013 and georeferenced survey of Indian toposheet, 1972). In this study, Kanhar basin a tributaries of Son River has been selected for detailed morphometric analysis. Seven sub-watersheds are also delineated within this basin to calculate the selected morphometric parameters. Morphometric parameters viz; stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, form factor, circulatory ratio, etc., are calculated. The drainage area of the basin is 5,654 km 2 and shows sub-dendritic to dendritic drainage pattern. The stream order of the basin is mainly controlled by physiographic and lithological conditions of the area. The study area is designated as seventhorder basin with the drainage density value being as 1.72 km/km 2 . The increase in stream length ratio from lower to higher order shows that the study area has reached a mature geomorphic stage.
An attempt has been made to study drainage morphometry and its relationship to terrain properties of Baen river basin which is located in Berasia tehsil of Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh state. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques were used to update drainage to evaluate linear, relief and aerial morphometric parameters of the Baen river basin. Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the configuration of the earth's surface, shape, dimension of its landforms (Clarke, 1966).Different Morphometric parameters were calculated by spatial and non-spatial analysis of drainage basin with the help of Arc GIS software. IRS LISS III satellite imagery is used for this purpose. The topographic analysis of the area had done with the help of attribute information of different stream order of the basin. Result shows a close relation between drainage morphometric parameters and the terrain properties. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Morphometric analysis of drainage basins provides not only an elegant description of the landscape, but also serve as a powerful means of comparing the form and process of drainage basins that maybe widely separated in space and time(Easterbrook, 1993). A drainage area or basin can be defined as an area which contributes water to a particular channel or a set of channels. Surface runoff of any drainage basin provide information about potential of that river basin for irrigation, drinking water etc. surface runoff is calculated by basin properties like stream length, bifurcation ratio, basin area, drainage density etc. higher the drainage density high is the surface runoff which indicate high soil erosion. Terrain topography has been greatly affected by drainage system of an area and reveals much topographic information about that area. Terrain elevation of an area is indirectly proportional to the stream order of drainage system of that area; first order streams show most elevated part and last order stream show deepest part of a Basin. As well as drainage pattern is also greatly controlled by terrain properties like landforms, slope etc. In this paper the role of Remote Sensing and GIS is highlighted as a powerful technique for morphometric analysis of any drainage basin. GIS software can be used for digitizing and statistical calculations of basin area parameters like stream length, basin area etc. while remote sensing can be used for terrain analysis like slope, digital elevation model, Aspect etc. using drainage properties.
Remote Sensing(RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) has become an effective tool in delineation of drainage pattern and water resources management and its planning.In the present study, morphometric analysis of the Vrishabhavathi river basin has been carried by using earth observation data and GIS techniques. The morphometric analysis was performed using ArcGIS to understand the nature, landscape development and hydrologic responses of Vrishabhavathi watershed. The drainage network shows that the terrain exhibits dendritic drainage pattern.The CARTOSAT and LISS(III) (SRTM) data is used for the morphometric analysis of the watershed to derive linear, relief, and aerial aspects.Spatial analysis is performed using ENVI for change detection studies in the basin to understand the effect of urbanization. Strahler's stream ordering techniques and analysis were followed for advanced analysis.From the analysis, it can be concluded that remote sensing techniques and GIS tools prove to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis. These studies are very useful for sustainable urban planning and also for land, water, and soil resource management in the watershed area.
Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing, have proved to be efficient tools in delineation of drainage pattern and different geometric methodology of geomorphologic, watershed management even GIS has been widely used in several flood management, and environmental applications. However, Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to geomorphologic research have been increasing with the increasing complex morph metric evolution of large and restricted area .Increasing availability of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) at various resolutions has facilitated this trend. The study indicates that analysis of morph metric parameters with the help of geographic information system (GIS) would prove a viable method of characterizing the hydrological response behavior of the watershed. It is also well observed that remote sensing satellite data is emerging as the most effective, time saving and accurate technique for morph metric analysis of a basin. This technique is found relevant for the extraction of river basin and its stream networks through ASTER (DEM) in conjunction with remote sensing satellite data (Land sat), In this study, The Chambal River is a tributary of the Yamuna River in central India. The river flows north-northeast through Madhya Pradesh, running for a time through Rajasthan, then forming the boundary between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh before turning southeast to join the Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh state has been selected for detailed morph metric analysis. sub-watersheds are also delineated within this basin to calculate the selected morph metric parameters
Int J Geogr Geol Environ 2020;2(2):131-135., 2020
Remote Sensing technique is a method for basin study as the satellite images provide a synoptic view over a large area. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in the field of GIS provides the three-dimension assessment of the earth surface. Morphometric analysis provides a quantitative description of drainage system. Morphometric analysis such as linear aspects in part of Tapi river basin covering Madhya Pradesh and some part of Maharashtra was carried out by using geoprocessing techniques. These techniques were used for extraction of river basin and its drainage network. Carto DEM data and ArcGIS software were used for the extraction of drainage and the Morphometric parameters and classified based on the formula suggested by Strahler (1964) [19]. The analysis of linear aspects of drainage basin reveals that the basin has mostly dendritic to sub dendritic drainage pattern with 7 th order stream while 1 st order streams are mostly controlling the basin. The Carto DEM was utilized to automatically identify and extract drainage network. Five types of drainage patterns were identified: dendritic, parallel, rectangular, trellis, and modified dendritic/trellis. Study conclude that remote sensing data (Carto DEM of 30 m spatial resolution) along with geoprocessing techniques proven to be a tool used for morphometric analysis and evolution of linear aspects of morphometric parameters. Bifurcation ratio of basin (1.54 to 5.32) showing that geologic structures moderately controlled the drainage pattern. Length of overland flow of the basin (0.209 Km) usually low and indicates that basin is showing high relief and slope.
Geographical information system (GIS) has emerged as a professional tool in demarcation of drainage pattern and ground water potential and its planning. GIS and image processing techniques can be utilized for the identification of morphological characteristics and investigating properties of basin. The morphometric parameters of basin can deal with linear, areal and relief features. The present study deals mainly with the geometry, more importance being given on the evaluation of morphometric parameters such as stream order (Nu), stream length (Lu), bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (D), stream frequency (Fs), texture ratio (T), elongation ratio (Re), circularity ratio (Rc), and form factor ratio (Rf) etc. Study area is Phulambri river basin located in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state in India. The GIS based Morphometric analysis of this drainage basin revealed that the Girja-Purna is 6th order drainage basin and drainage pattern mainly in dendritic type thereby indicates homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control. Total number of streams is 1616, in which 895 are first order, 391 are second order, 196 are third order and 97 are fourth order streams and 36 of the fifth order and 1 of the sixth order. The length of stream segment is maximum for first order stream and decreases as the stream order increases. The drainage density (Dd) of study area is 0.030 km/km 2 .
The term morphometric analysis is used in several disciplines to mean the measurement and analysis in the form of characteristics. Remote Sensing and GIS techniques have been used for the identification of morphological characteristics and analyzing the properties of the Krishni River Watershed in Hindon river basin, which itself is part of the mega Yamuna River in Uttar Pradesh, India. In this present study, the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used for measurement of morphometric characteristics like areal, linear and relief aspects with the help of ArcGIS software which is an automatic extraction tool was developed by ArcGIS environment to delineate the basin morphometric components. Different thematic maps viz; drainage density, slope, relief, aspect etc and morphometric parameters viz; stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, stream frequency, form factor, circulatory ratio etc. have been prepared by using ArcGIS 10.4.1 software. Land use map of the watershed was generated from latest available Landsat satellite data and whole watershed covers under barren land, urban, dense vegetation, crop land and water body. The watershed possesses the dendritic drainage pattern with maximum 3rd order of stream which is mainly controlled by physiographic and lithological conditions of the area. The form factor ratio is 0.22 and the elongation ratio is 0.53 which reveals that basin shape is elongated. Present study may be useful to identify for rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and watershed management using remote sensing and GIS techniques.
Management of natural resources and to promote overall economic conditions are the major approach of watershed management. The main aspects of river basin management are to higher agricultural productivity and conserving natural resources and to improve rural livelihood. Morphometric analysis of a river catchment or basin provides a quantitative description of drainage system and relief characteristics. In the present study, morphometric parameters like basin geometry, drainage network, drainage texture have been analyzed through Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS techniques in Gandheswari river basin of Bankura district. Different types of thematic maps have been prepared through GIS techniques. The river basin covers an area of 364.9 The basin is in elongated in shape and is structurally controlled. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been prepared for the analysis of slope of the river basin.
IRJET, 2022
Geographical information system (GIS) and Remote sensing has become an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and water resource management. GIS and image processing techniques can be employed for the identification of morphological features and analyzing properties of basin. The morphometric parameters of basin can address linear, areal and relief aspects. The present study deals mainly with the geometry, more emphasis being placed on the evaluation of morphometric parameters such as stream order(Nu), stream length(Lu), bifurcation ratio(Rb), drainage density(Dd), stream frequency (Fs), texture ratio (T), elongation ratio (Re), circularity ratio (Rc) and form factor ratio (Rf) etc.. study area is Indrayani River, geographically located between 18°57' to 18°35' N latitudes and 73°25' to 74°0' E longitudes located in Pune district of Maharashtra state of India. The GIS based morphometric analysis revealed the 7 th order drainage basin and drainage pattern mainly. The total numbers of streams of whole river basin area is 14842 in which 9611 are first order, 4539 are second order, 541 are third order, 122 are fourth order, 25 are fifth order, 3 are sixth order and 1 are seventh order streams. The length of stream segment is maximum for first order stream and decreases as the stream order increases. This study would help the local people for the management of the soil and water conservation practices and created structures of CCT, SCT, Terreces and Bunds for the reduces the soil erosion and recharge the ground water potential.