Renewable Energy Sources and their Prospects in India: An overview

International Journal of Enhanced Research In Science Technology & Engineering, 2020

India has more than 1.35 billion people out of which around 70% lives in rural areas. Population is increasing on a daily basis and with the progressive increase in population the demand for energy is also increasing. Today the need of the hour is to rely more on the renewable energy sources instead of the conventional energy sources. It has long been debated that the continuous use of the conventional energy sources is detrimental to the environment in the sense that it is resulting in global climate change and also these energy sources can easily get exhausted in the near future. Although a lot of developments and progress have been made in this sector but in order to reach the zenith, the concept of utilisation and development should be undertaken in such a manner that the entire country becomes a hub for renewable energy mantra. The opportunities in the field of renewable power are immense and with proper initiative a lot of groundbreaking and transformational changes can be manifested.A more firm basis needs to be provided on wind and solar energy because of their efficient production in the country. Important renewable energy sources and their prospects in India are mainly overviewed in this paper.

Potential and Achievement of Renewable Energy sources in India


Pure and environmentally friendly energy is of significant interest these days. It is one of the key enablements in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), accelerating social progress, and raising the standard of living. This work seeks broad insights into the Indian renewable energy framework, policy, approach, and socioeconomic challenges. These include grid-independent and specific activities such as 'Utility-Scale Power Generation, Potential Multiple Geographies in India' and the Government of India's current achievements in advancing renewable energy production. Although much progress and progress has been made in the last decade of alternative energy maturation and expansion, improvements can be sought to increase the use of solar energy for conventional energy sources in India.

Review on Present Status and Future Potential of Renewable Energy in India

The Sun has been worshiped as a life-giver to our planet since ancient times. The industrial ages gave us the understanding of sunlight as an energy source. India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over India's land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. Solar photovoltaics power can effectively be harnessed providing huge scalability in India. The primary objective for deploying renewable energy in India is to advance economic development, improve energy security, improve access to energy, and mitigate climate change. Sustainable development is possible by use of sustainable energy and by ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for citizens. Strong government support and the increasingly opportune economic situation have pushed India to be one of the top leaders in the world's most attractive renewable energy markets. Presently, most of India's energy demands are fulfilled by fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. Due to such high demand for fossil fuels, these fossil fuels will soon get depleted. India is increasingly adopting responsible renewable energy techniques and taking positive steps towards carbon emissions, cleaning the air and ensuring a more sustainable future. Recently, India achieved 5 th global position in solar power deployment by surpassing Italy. Solar power capacity has increased by more than 11 times in the last five years from 2.6 GW in March,2014 to 30 GW in July, 2019. Presently, solar tariff in India is very competitive and has achieved grid parity.

Renewable Energy in India: Historical Developments and Prospects

Promoting renewable energy in India has assumed great importance in recent years in view of high growth rate of energy consumption, high share of coal in domestic energy demand, heavy dependence on imports for meeting demands for petroleum fuels and volatility of world oil market. A number of renewable energy technologies (RETs) are now well established in the country. The technology that has achieved the most dramatic growth rate and success is wind energy; India ranks fourth in the world in terms of total installed capacity. India hosts the world’s largest small gasifier programme and second largest biogas programme. After many years of slow growth, demand for solar water heaters appears to be gaining momentum. Small hydro has been growing in India at a slow but steady pace. Installation of some of the technologies appears to have slowed down in recent years; these include improved cooking stoves (ICSs) and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. In spite of many successes, the overall growth of renewable energy in India has remained rather slow. A number of factors are likely to boost the future prospects of renewable energy in the country; these include global pressure and voluntary targets for greenhouse gas emission reduction, a possible future oil crisis, intensification of rural electrification program, and import of hydropower from neighbouring countries.

Growth of Renewable Energy in India


Economic and sustainable development is necessary for any nation and energy is the major sources of it. Developing countries like India where most of the energy is supplied by the coal or other conventional sources is suffered by environment population and there is a worry about depletion of its conventional sources. Climate change is major concern after the Paris climate conference. In this we have only renewable energy option to fulfill the gap between demand and supply. This paper discuss about Growth of renewable energy in India. It highlights the renewable energy scenario and discusses the financial and technical institute of renewable energy and the efforts made by the government of India to promote renewable energy.

Renewable energy generation in india: Present scenario and future prospects

2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2009

The development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is necessary for the sustainable development of any country due to depleting fossil fuel level, climbing fossil fuel prices across the world and more recently pressure for reduction emission level. In India, several schemes and policies are launched by the government to support the use of RES to achieve energy security and self-sufficiency. This paper discusses the present scenario and future prospects of RES in India. Various schemes such as financial assistance, tax holiday etc for promoting RESs development and utilization are also discussed. The present situation is seen to be very promising and favorable for RES in India.

Present scenario and future prospects of Renewable energy Resources in India

IJCRT, 2022

The development of renewable energy sources is compulsory for the sustainable development of any country due to depleting fossil fuel level, climbing fossil fuel prices across the India and more recently pressure for truncation emission level. The potential for renewable energy resources is enormous by virtue of they can exponentially exceed the India energy demand; consequently, these types of resources will have a consequential share in the future ecumenical energy portfolio. In such a scenario, availability of secure, reliable and efficient power is crucial for sustaining current development and economic magnification trends. India is struggling to meet electric power authoritative ordinances of the expeditious expanding economy. In the Paris agreement, India has committed to an intended national determined contributions target of achieving 40% of its total electricity generation from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030. The country is aiming for even more zealous target of 57% of the total electricity capacity from renewable sources by 2027 in central electricity authority’s strategy blueprint. According to 2027 blueprint, India aims to have 275 GW from renewable energy, 72 GW of hydroelectricity, 15 GW of nuclear energy and proximately 100 GW from “other zero emission” sources. This paper presents how renewable energy resources are currently being utilized, scientific developments to amend their utilization, their future prospects, and their deployment KEYWORDS: Conventional Energy, Non – Conventional Energy, Environment, Solar, Fossil