Who is the Pedagogist and how he practices on couple and family problems (original) (raw)
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How the Pedagogist Practices His Profession on Couple and Family Problems
Research and reviews on healthcare, 2020
Pedagogy is a social science whose origins refer to classical Greece, and it is also for its own nature a social profession, with neighboring foundations in the nineteenth century Mitteleuropa, whose apical professional is called "Pedagogist", properly. Italy has given recently legal recognition to the professional Pedagogist (law 205/2017, art. 1 594-601). In this essay we take in synthetic examination the profile of this social professional and of some important examples of the rich and diversified "toolbox" that he can use in its practice, in a composite culture and relevant for its differentiated inputs and their integration, with particular regard to the professional practising for couple and family problems. We can understand also the reasons why the historical dimension is so important, necessary, to the training of the Pedagogist like to every pedagogy student
Pedagogist as Social Professional: Sozialpädagogik and Professional Pedagogy
The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and relational reality have added a new emphasis on pedagogy even though the emerging need for the profession of "pedagogist," a new intellectual and social profession in common consideration, but which boasts over 2500 years of history and tradition as its reference science. This profession is at the top of pedagogical and education professions. Its conceptual and operational framework, its methodologies and procedures, its technical vocabulary and everything constituting an advanced professional knowledge were born and developed in the ancient times, beginning with its origins in classical Greece. The recent re-foundations can be found in the Sozialpädagogik, in the same Mittleuropean cultural environment where other social professions of recent birth have their ground. Re-founders of this science and profession were Mager, Diesterweg, Natorp and Durkheim Pedagogist. In this paper, we summarized the essential features of this profession, its methodology, its principles, its practical procedures, with special attention to the problems of couple and family, and those belonging to its initial education and its recognition by law which in Italy have been solved only at the end of the year 2017. The branch of General Pedagogy that includes this subject is called Professional Pedagogy.
Research and reviews on healthcare, 2019
The family that fulfils a paradigm defined "conjugal" or "nuclear" is a cultural construction resulting in the Enlightenment, the bourgeois revolutions at the end of XVIII century and in the end of the Age historiographic ally called "Modern". In the following brief historical age, characterized by a particular Bürgergeist, the family formed the nucleus of society, along with a product and a status of the system and its integrity, as well as a homologating pattern for education. The next epochal transitions began in the second half of the twentieth century and raised the issue of new paradigms of couple and family, thus requiring a renewed aid as essential to the Pedagogy as a social science and a profession. This paper bears witness to the contribution that pedagogy as a social profession takes and must be called to make to the family problems of the difficult and interminable epochal transition.
Pedagogist: His Profession, His Practice and His Toolbox
The Essence of Academic Performance [Working Title]
Pedagogy, as a human and social science and as a profession, has a history that has its roots in classical Greece. It has had a particularly significant evolution as Sozialpädagogik in the eighteenth-century Mitteleuropa, as was the case for other social or psychological sciences and related professions. Today, it presents itself as an autonomous science, which is also a field of transposition and integration of inputs from other sciences and other forms of knowledge, to turn everything into specifically educational purposes. The profession, in turn, takes place at the level of the intermediate applicability between theory and practice and is highly compatible with other social and health professions and open to dialogue and teamwork. With these assumptions, it is able to respond positively to the specific and new educational problems that contemporary complexity urgently poses by calling this profession into question. The chapter offers an essential, rigorous, and organic presentation of one of the new branches of General Pedagogy: Professional Pedagogy. The pedagogist carries out a higher intellectual profession whose focus is education in all social domains, and in all ages of life. A solid theoretical and methodological basis allows the pedagogist to treat individual cases using lexicon, techniques, procedures, and conceptual and operational tools of a strictly specific nature.
Per una pedagogia del soggetto: la centralità della persona negli interventi educativi
Ricerca psicoanalitica, 2022
This article proposes and expounds a professional point of view on contemporary pedagogical knowledge and practices, focusing in particular on the centrality of the subjects in education. Pedagogical knowledge is in a state of 'uncertainty and precariousness', leaving open a number of core issues concerning educational, cultural and social models. The clarification of the 'precariousness' of educational work deserves to be acknowledged: uncertainty becomes a healthy weakness, as Sergio Tramma points out in 'L'educatore imperfetto', the 'unstable constitution' of the educational area is its intrinsic strength because it represents the constant openness to transformation, to possibility, to the reading of change. What tension should accompany the educational mission of professionals working in the field of social sciences, which values should accompany educational action, and, finally, which proposals can be activated to create a fertile pedagogical terrain harbinger of ideas? The paradigm of complexity that runs through 'social knowledge' should not only concern itself with the problems inherent to readings of the contemporary world, but also activate unexpected energies and resources, promoting a rethinking of the role of the competences of all the functions having an educational-social value (teacher, territorial educator, social worker, community animator, psychologist, mentor). The challenge is to generate theories and transformative experiences that can restore a leading role to the subjects in education, both in their individual as well as in their collective roles.
The Professional Pedagogy Helping Adults in the Couple, Family and Parenthood Situations
The pedagogical interlocution is a specific technique of professional-pedagogical practice in the form of dialogue that we used to support couples and families. This paper is an overview of the broader and more comprehensive case studies, we dealt with, providing an account that we think significant for the professional pedagogist's role and function.
espanolEl presente articulo examina algunos enfoques teoricos contemporaneos en el ambito de la etica del Trabajo Social, en los cuales se enmarcan los principales valores que, en la actualidad, se considera que competen a la intervencion social. El objetivo es proponer a las eticas del cuidado y no paternalista como modelos eticos para la intervencion social. Para ello se revisa brevemente el recorrido historico de la etica del Trabajo Social, se determinan y analizan los principios basicos que suelen orientar la intervencion social y los valores que ellos engloban, y finalmente se analizan los principales modelos eticos propuestos, en los cuales se podrian ubicar tales principios de cara a hilvanar una etica para la intervencion social. EnglishThis article examines some contemporary theoretical approaches in the field of social work ethics in which are framed the core values that, nowadays, are considered that concerns to the social intervention. The goal is to suggest the ethics ...
Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica
Nonostante stia emergendo un consenso sempre maggiore, nel dibattito internazio-nale, sul fatto che servizi educativi per l'infanzia accessibili e di qualità elevata con-tribuiscano in modo cruciale a ridurre le disuguaglianze sociali e culturali, le condi-zioni di contesto entro le quali tali servizi operano-che risultano essere determi-nanti nel promuovere il successo, o al contrario nel decretare l'insuccesso, di tali iniziative-sono raramente prese in esame. Lo studio di caso sul sistema integrato dei servizi educativi per la prima infanzia della Regione Emilia-Romagna, condotto nell'ambito del progetto Europeo INNOSI 1 , intende colmare questa lacuna analiz-zando in prospettiva sistemica le sperimentazioni e le pratiche innovative elaborate da tali servizi per rispondere in modo proattivo ai nuovi bisogni di bambini e fami-glie all'interno delle comunità locali. La discussione dei risultati presentata in questo articolo esaminerà le principali sfide e i fattori ...
Decision in the pedagogical professional practice and the abduction’s function
The aim of this short contribution is to present a summary of the decision problem within the profession of the pedagogist, and the fundamental role of the abduction (’απαγωγή, retroduction) process in its proper context, in professional practice of the pedagogist, as in all professional practice involving the social and professional pedagogy. Pedagogy is a field for reflection, application and commitment or engagement to education. Moreover, pedagogy is establishing itself as a profession, the profession of the pedagogist (not of the educator, who is a different figure), in the socio-health, intellectual, cultural and aid profession field, even in spite of heavy delays and failures of the Italian laws and the resistance of professional groups related but already recognized both by law and by society. The so-called “ pedagogical interlocution ” is a paradigmatic form of the professional pedagogical practice. Decision in professional pedagogy, properly speaking, must be reached by t...
Constantin PASCARIU Role of Family in Educating Children
The family is one of the important elements in society and education; of course, because it is about it. The importance of the family is to guide or to orientation the people who are part of it in order to obtain or guide a more efficient and useful life path. Beyond guiding the individual in society, the family has an exemplary role in educating the student. That is why, nowadays, there is no emphasis only on the educational unit regarding the education of the child, but the family has an extraordinary contribution in this way. In this partnership (family-school), we encounter topics debated and debated, such as "the gifted child", "the child alone in parents", or "the child with special needs who presents a medical problem or who comes from a socially or single parent defamed family, etc. " In cooperation between families, schools or other institutions that aim to educate and model the student, it is important to have this complimentarily report. Because what ends in an institution going on in the other and where an institution fails to make its full contribution, the other comes and completes crowns. Of course, here, I want to tell my family and her role in shaping and incorporating laurels sent home by the student. Therefore, the contemporary challenges represent a real diagnosis. The medicine is owned by the family, and in this sense she has to make an exemplary contribution to modelling the student.