Hacia la posibilidad de una teología política ecofeminista (original) (raw)

Crítica a la teología de la diosa en el ecofeminismo

Utopía y, 1996

The Theology of the Goddess and Ecofeminism neither set the male and female principies against each other, ñor demonize the other gender (which in our psyche is the animus)which would exacérbate internal conflict and cali for further demonizing. Harmonizing the opposites by realizing their common essence, as well as their complementariness, is the way to improve the human condition-including its female aspect. However, this need not involve a Theology, for the gods aróse from the Biblical "Fall", when the world was de-sacralized and the earliest seeds of ecological crisis were sown. However, the goddess may be the object of visualization practices (as in Tibetan Buddhism) aimed at achieving the reintegration of all that we have projected outside ourselves and attaining wholeness, wholesomeness and holiness. Caring for the world as one's own body depends on realizing that one is not inherently sepárate from it.

La Pertinencia De La Teología Ecofeminista y Su Incidencia Política Ante El Feminicidio y El Ecocidio Actual

Revista iberoamericana de teología, 2020

This article aims to place ecofeminist theological reflection as a proposal for epistemic analysis in the face of the pressing reality of feminicide and ecocide in the context of the emergency of humanity, especially Latin America and Mexico. It critically analyzes and points out the patriarchal systems as responsible for these two catastrophes, for which we are ethically responsible in an active or passive manner. Furthermore, it proposes the recovery of erotics from the heuristic gender tool as a possible alternative to understand liberating theology for abject bodies: women and ecology.

¿Es posible una ecología cosmo-política?


Ponemos en diálogo distintas corrientes de la ecología política, destacando tanto sus tensiones como sus complementariedades. Consideramos que las versiones anglosajonas, francófonas y latinoamericanas además de haberse configurado como entidades más o menos autónomas, aisladas e incomunicadas, han generado abordajes epistemológicos, ontológicos y prácticas científicas distintas. En base a estos planteamientos nos interrogamos sobre la posibilidad, pertinencia y/o necesidad de abogar por una ecología cosmo-política. Para prefigurar esta propuesta defendemos la necesidad de desregionalizar, desnaturalizar, transescalarizar y resituar estas distintas ecologías políticas.We propose a dialogue between different trends of political ecology highlighting both their tensions as their complementarities. We consider that the anglo-saxon, french-speaking and latin american versions have been developed as autonomous, isolated and uncommunicated entities and have generated different epistemologi...

Espiritualidad ecofeminista en América Latina


Without a doubt, we are living in a time of crisis. One answer to this crisis is ecofeminism, whose core insight is that the oppression of women and the destruction of the planet are a result of the same patriarchal sysem. Interest in ecofeminism began in Latin America in the 1990s. Two of Latin America's most well-known feminist theologians -Ivone Gebara and Elsa Tamez- name ecofeminism as the third phase of Latin American feminist theology. Indeed, there is a growing number of women who, in the 1970s and 1980s were political and social activists and identified with liberation theology and its practice, but who today define themselves as “ecofeminists”. This is evident in the way in which they perceive themselves in relation to the earth and to the cosmos; in the way they are re-naming or re-imaging God: in their beliefs about death and resurrection: and in the changes in their ethical postures and spiritual practices.

Una cartografía ecofeminista para la esperanza

“Una cartografía ecofeminista para la esperanza”, Atlántica. Revista de Arte y Pensamiento, Nº 4 (2022), Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, pp. 43-49. , 2022

Ecofeminismo para otro mundo posible

Revista De Hispanismo Filosofico, 2014

Ecofeminismo para otro mundo posible representa una aportación fundamental para los feminismos hispanoamericanos, donde la reflexión sobre el vínculo entre las mujeres y el medio ambiente tiene una historia bastante reciente. En el ámbito específico de la filosofía ecofeminista, Alicia Puleo es una pionera en el mundo latino. Su libro constituye un puente que posibilita el encuentro y la comunicación entre las diversas voces del ecofeminismo y la ética ecológica. Es también una ventana que nos permite acceder a miradas múltiples y plurales sobre la realidad en los tiempos del cambio climático. Además, reivindica las contribuciones de las voces olvidadas del pensamiento ilustrado como fundamentos para un ecofeminismo crítico que rechaza los límites de la razón instrumental, pero discierne cuidadosamente entre los diversos aspectos del legado de la modernidad. La filósofa se distancia de planteamientos esencialistas que consideran que las mujeres son más cercanas a la naturaleza por s...