JURNAL PKN MUHAMMAD HAIDZIR ISMAIL A2.1900113 TI 1C (original) (raw)
2020, Muhammad Haidzir Ismail
Pancasila is the basis of the state and outlook of the nation Indonesia. As the foundation of the State, Pancasila used as the basis to build the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. As an ideology of nation and state of Indonesia, Pancasila is the crystallization of the customs value, the value of cultural and religious values contained in the view of life in Indonesia. Pancasila is the official philosophical foundation and nation's view of life. As the foundation of thr State, Pancasila is used as the basis to build the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. As an ideology of nation and state of Indonesia, Pancasila is the crystalization of the custom value, cultural and religious values in the view of lifr in Indonesia The value in Pancasila has a set of values, namely divinity,ŕ humanity, unity, democracy, and justice. The condition of Indonesia today can be identified by looking at the behavior and personality of Indonesian society, as reflected in daily behavior. Globalization is not inevitable. Globalization makes all countries seemed limitless. For that we need Pancasila as the filter of globalization. The necessity of civilizing values of Pancasila is not just understanding, but must be lived and embodied in experiences by each individual and the whole society that foster awareness and the need to implement social, civic, and state based on Pancasila PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Berdasarkan falsafa h Pancasila, manusia Indonesia adalah makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang mempunyai naluri, akhlak, daya piker, dan sadar akan keberadaannya yang serba terhubung dengan sesamanya, lingkungannya, alam