"El nostre ambient se modernisa" / "Our environment is modernising" (original) (raw)
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The degrading environment is one of the major discussions of our time. The environmental challenges include acid rains, air pollution, global warming, hazardous waste disposal, ozone depletion, smog, water pollution, overpopulation, rainforest destruction, poverty, and soil erosion. The most affected areas include land, forests, water, the ozone layer, people and the biodiversity. It is because of these challenges that climate change is one of the famous discourses of our time. The main argument in this paper is that the degrading environment, as we know it today, is a consequence of the discourse of modernity. The study, however, creates optimism in the environmental rehabilitating processes because as discourses are constructs, instead of constructing destructively, we can construct constructively.
Modernity: Are Modern Times Different?
“Modernity” has recently been the subject of considerable discussion among historians. This article reviews some of the debates and argues that modernity is a problematic concept because it implies a complete rupture with “traditional” ways of life. Studies of key terms are undertaken with the aid of Google Ngrams. These show that “modernity,” “modern times,” and “traditional” —in English and other languages— have a history of their own. A brief analysis of the shift from a self oriented toward equilibrium to a self oriented toward stimulation demonstrates that modernity is not necessary to historical analysis. * En años recientes, la “modernidad” ha sido objeto de considerable debate entre los historiadores. Este artículo evalúa algunos de esos debates y argumenta que la modernidad es un concepto problemático porque implica una completa ruptura con los modos de vida “tradicionales”. El artículo realiza un estudio de términos clave apoyado en Ngrams de Google, que indican que los términos “modernidad,” “tiempos modernos” y “tradicional” —en inglés y otros idiomas— tienen una historia propia. Un breve análisis de la transición desde la auto-orientación al equilibrio hacia la auto-orientación a la estimulación demuestra que la modernidad no es necesaria para el análisis histórico.
Since always sociology disclaimed about the role of science and technique. First, it used to analyse the firms, making some critics, during their period of the highest expansion and industrialisation, and later focussing on their unpredictability and uncontrollability. Science and technique follow the fate of modernity. The human activities through science and technique modify the society and, as it's happening any time more, they create risks even more uncontrollable. From the risk hypothesis we pass into the threat until arriving to a real crisis. From the different crisis of the post-modernity era, the most severe seems to be the environmental one. This work analysis how, through the risks linked to the unpredictability of human actions we arrive to the modernity and post-modernity crisis. Attention is put on the consequences of this crisis, driving men to solve the existing problems, creating from the beginning the base principles of the society itself, in a sustainable path.
La Tercera Generación, o algunos de los cantos de cisne del Movimiento Moderno
ZARCH, 2018
Los arquitectos del año 1918, tienen concomitancias importantes, pero hay también entre ellos notables diferencias. Utzon ejerció siempre el organicismo, en distintas versiones del mismo. Fue referencia de Zevi en el organicismo exacerbado de la Ópera de Sídney. Sáenz de Oíza caminó desde la recuperación racionalista como “vanguardia”, hacia alguna arquitectura próxima al Team 10, y acabó en el organicismo de “Torres Blancas” y el Banco de Bilbao. Rudolph fue personal y ecléctico. Recibió una atención extraordinaria de Zevi en relación a su obra más celebrada, la Escuela de Arquitectura de Yale. Van Eyck, figura básica del Team 10, criticó las secuelas de los maestros del Movimiento Moderno y trató de llevar a la arquitectura a la historia, la ciudad y la antropología. Pero su brillante obra alcanzó valores más independientes. Todos, Zevi incluido, representaron lo mejor de la arquitectura de su tiempo, aunque también el final del Movimiento Moderno y no caminos para el futuro.
Foretelling Metamodernity 2006.pdf
De-Constructions of Identity, Adrian Radu (ed), Cluj-Napoca: Napoca Star,, pp. 151-168. , 2006
Instead of Abstract: The concept of metamodernism suggests a step forward, or rather beyond modernism and postmodernism, surpassing both of them. It designates the attempts to outrun the ideological and cultural tendencies of post-capitalist and post-communist societies and paradigms. It can be safely said that its integrated outlook has been heralded by Ortega y Gasset's protests against the barbarism of extreme specialization, by several encyclopedic minds of the mid-20th century and by the pluralism of interdisciplinary investigation. As a global phenomenon, metamodernism represents the result of cultural mechanisms of self-defense and self- adjustment that bring about an age of globalization and holistic approaches after an age of excessive specialization. As opposed to postmodernism, which has been equated with the cult of artificiality (Calinescu, 1987) and the loss of innocence (Eco, 1984), metamodernism represents the worship of the natural, the innocent and simple. Moreover, contrary to modernist (Huysmans, 1928) and postmodernist belief in determining nature to deviate from its norms (Calinescu, 1987), metamodernism stands for an attempt to investigate (and appropriate) the laws of nature, society etc., to understand them and to act in agreement with the coordinates of inner and outer nature. Rejecting the aberrant, metamodernism seeks the beauty of the unsophisticated, and repels the kitsch satisfactions provided by the means of mechanical reproduction (Calinescu, 1987; McHale, 1992). Postmodern mediated lives (by TV, computers or cyberspace; McHale, 1992) are being gradually replaced by the metamodern search for unmediated experience, as hinted at by Andrei Codrescu in Messi@h, The Dog with the Chip in His Neck (1996) and Zombification (1994). Metamodernism brings about several changes in the postmodern outlook: The modern concept of time as a line stretching from a beginning towards the future (pictured as ‘the arrow of time’) and bound to reach some final stage, allegedly following a certain progressive course of development, is being gradually replaced by a concept of time seen as a spiral. Thus, the end of history (Fukuyama, 1992), a postulate of postmodernism, may be contrasted with the metamodern postulation of an open world (Prigogine, 1991).