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Metal knives is one of the most striking categories of artefacts in the materials of the Black Sea cultures of the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age. In addition to introducing new archaeological evidences to scientific community, the paper aims to analyze the place of a representative series of knives (8 items) from the vicinity of Kamyana Mohyla (Zaporizhzhya region) in the cultural and chronological coordinate system of the southern part of Eastern Europe Bronze Age.
The article investigates the problem of the formation of a hoard composed from early bronze “Scythian-type” cauldrons with ring-shape handles and Eastren Zhou ritual tripods "ding", found on the river Buduun-gol in the Khuder sum of the Selenge aimag of Mongolia, not far from the border of the Republic of Buryatia (Fig. 1, 2). Previously, tripods "ding" together with a "Scythian-type" cauldrons were found in the "metallurgist's hoard" from Xibozi (Beijing City), which was also left by the some non-Chinese tribe (Fig. 3). As shown in the article, the tripods "ding" from both hoards come from the territory of the states of Jin, Qin or from Central Plain (Fig. 4-6). The cauldrons with ring-shape handles with with groove and vertical protrusion found at Buduun-gol most likely also come from a remote area - from Xinjiang (Fig. 4, 8, 9). Ritual vessels in Zhou China could not be traded or exchanged due to their sacred significance, and, according to finds of "Scythian-type" cauldrons in China, the tribes that raided the Zhou did not use cauldrons with ring-shaped handles, but cauldrons with arched handles like had been found in Xibozi (Fig. 7). Thus, “ding” tripods from both hoards and cauldrons from Buduun-gol were trofy of war captured as secondary metallurgical raw materials. The assumption is confirmed that the robbery of bronze scrap was one of the main goals of the raids of barbarian tribes that shook Zhou China in the 9th–7th centuries BC. The presence of a large amount of lead as a feature of the composition of ancient Chinese bronze makes it possible to preliminarily trace the distribution of trophy scrap metal. An anomalously high lead content was recorded in some Early Iron Age bronze artifacts from Transbaikalia, as well as in a set of bronze horse equipment of the Arzhan-Mayemir period from the Elekmonar II-1 mound (Altai Republic). The future study of the nature of the secondary use of bronzes in the Northern Eurasia has great prospects in the light of the development of new scientific approaches provided knowledge of the chemical composition of ore sources (see Bray et al., 2015). В статье предпринято исследование проблемы формирования клада бронзовых котлов раннескифского времени и китайских ритуальных треножников «дин», обнаруженного на реке Будун-гол в Худэр сомоне Сэлэнгэ аймака Монголии, недалеко от границы Республики Бурятия. Ранее треножники «дин» вместе с котлом «скифского типа» были найдены в составе «клада металлурга» из Сибоцзы (Пекин), который также был оставлен некитайским населением. Как показано в статье, треножники «дин» из обоих кладов происходят с территорий владений Цзинь, Цинь или с Центральной равнины. Найденные на Будун-гол котлы «скифского» типа с кольцевыми ручками, имеющими центральный желобок и вертикальный выступ, скорее всего происходят из Синьцзяна. Ритуальные сосуды в чжоуском Китае не могли быть предметом торговли или обмена вследствие своей сакральной значимости, а, судя по находкам «скифских» котлов в Китае, племена, совершавшие набеги на Чжоу, использовали котлы с арочными ручками типа найденного в Сибоцзы. Таким образом, треножники «дин» из обоих кладов и котлы с кольцевыми ручками с Будун-Гол были военными трофеями, захваченными как вторичное металлургическое сырье. Добыча бронзового лома была одной из главных целей набегов варварских племен, потрясавших чжоуский Китай в IX-VII вв. до н.э. Наличие большого количества свинца как особенность состава древнекитайской бронзы позволяет предварительно проследить пути распространения трофейного металлолома. Аномально высокое содержание свинца зафиксировано в некоторых бронзовых предметах из Забайкалья, а также в комплекте конского снаряжения аржано-майемирского времени из кургана Элекмонар II-1 (Республика Алтай). Изучение характера вторичного использования бронз в культурах раннего железного века Северной Евразии имеет большие перспективы в свете развития новых научных подходов при условии привлечения данных о химическом составе источников руды (см. Bray et al., 2015).
Археологія, № 2, 2022
The focus of the study is pottery together with its archaeological context from the excavations of Bilhorod (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine), led by S. D. Kryzhytskyi in 1969 and 1971. These are 17 items, 15 of which are stored in the Scientific Repository of the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine. They were found in a section of the medieval site northeast of the fortress walls in the area of one of the pottery workshops, set up on the ruins of a round antique tower. The previous researchers of medieval Bilhorod (S. Kryzhytskyi, A. Kravchenko, H. Bohuslavskyi, and others) associated a thick medieval horizon outside the fortress, as well as on the area investigated in 1969 and 1971, with the “Golden Horde” stage in the history of the city, dating back to the turn of the 13th–14th – the 1370s. They identified three construction periods in its structure, correlated the earliest one with the functioning of the pottery kilns, and dated back not later than the beginning of the 14th century. However, a careful study of the excavated material allowed us to determine stove tiles of Central European morphological types by the second half of the 15th century, among the main products of this pottery workshop. Therefore, firstly, the activities of the workshop cannot be dated earlier than the middle or second half of the 15th century. Secondly, this type of pottery was not inherent in the “Golden Horde” cultural tradition at all, and therefore cannot be associated with it. The dwellings and other objects on the ruins of the kilns were built even later. Thus, the remains of ceramic production, as well as subsequent construction, can be correlated only with the late stages of the “Moldavian” period of Bilhorod’s history, which lasted in general from the end of the 1370s to 1485, but not with the Golden Horde. Related ceramic finds, studied in the Scientific Funds of the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine, also refer mainly to the 15th century or to the last quarter of the 15th–16th centuries. The latter most likely marks the time of the destruction of buildings. At the same time, several finds from excavations in 1969 and 1971 (Dzhuchid coins, fragments of amphorae, and glazed pottery) indicate some anthropogenic activity at the site in the 14th century as well. However, they mostly do not have a clear context. Therefore, it is quite difficult to localize the stratified archaeological objects of this time through the data from the reports.
Археологія , 2023
The focus of the study is Byzantine pottery together with its archaeological context from the excavations of Bilhorod (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine), led by L. D. Dmitrov in 1945, 1947, 1949, 1950, and A. I. Furmanska in 1953, which is kept in the Scientific Repository of the Institute of Archaeology of the NAS of Ukraine. First of all, the authors concentrated on the analysis of the stratigraphic data at the excavation site and the chronology of its cultural layers and building horizons, from which the ceramic material originates. An analysis of the numismatic finds showed the existence of residential buildings in the studied area from the end of the 13th century until about the middle of the 15th century. The latest date is particularly interesting because it was previously thought that the quarter ceased to exist at the beginning of the 15th century. Then, based on the visually detectable features of the raw materials, there were identified five technological groups of earthenware pottery in the Byzantine imported ceramics from these excavations and their chronological position, area of distribution, and possible localisation of their workshops were specified. The first of them is similar to the Novy Svet (NS) group (fig. 3). It belongs to the heterogenous SCC (Sgraffito with Concentric Circles) stylistic family. The peak of the spread of such pottery in the Northern Black Sea region was between the last third of the 13th — the beginning of the 14th century. Such ceramics were produced in many workshops of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, but the origin of the NS group has not been clarified yet. The second group of tableware morphologically and stylistically quite varied (fig. 4; 5: 5—9; 6: 1—8, 11; 7; 8: 1—3). It probably originated from the pottery centers that functioned for a long time, at least from the late 13th to the mid-15th century. Some decorative series (SCC, with 8-shaped figures, monograms, thin strips of dark green painting, and others) can be used as chronological indicators for different periods of time between the late 13th to the mid-15th centuries. The results of archaeometrical study are introduced at least for some of the stylistic series that allowed associating its origin, with the ceramic workshops of Constantinople the remains of which were found in the Sirkeci neighborhood in the Eminönü quarter of the Fatih district in Istanbul, Turkey. All the mentioned above was the most interesting because it provided data for clarifying both the chronology of the activity of these workshops and the different types of its wares in future perspectives. The ceramics of the third (the EIW stylistic family), and the fifth (kitchen glazed ware) groups (fig. 5: 1—4 and 8: 5) had also a precise chronology and so could be used as indicators for dating the archaeological contexts within the second half of the 14th — the beginning of the 15th century and the end of the 13th — the second third of the 14th century respectively. The origin of both groups is yet to be explicated.
The results of a morphological and typological study, spectral, atomic emission spectrometric and metal-lographic analyzes of 20 items from the burial grounds and the settlement of the Abashevo culture from the territory of Voronezh Oblast are presented. The metal is represented by tools, adornments and other categories of items typical of the cultures of the fi rst phase of the West Asian (Eurasian) metallurgical province. Slightly more than half of the items from the collection (56.3%) are made of pure copper (including oxidized copper), 25% of the tools are made of low-alloyed As-bronze, and 18.7% of the items are made of antimony-arsenic bronze. Based on the similar chemical composition of the metal of the Abashevo tribes from the Don and the Urals, it was concluded that copper and bronze came to the Middle Don from the Abashevo metallurgists of the Southern Urals. Part of the products came in the form of imports from the Sintashta or Seima-Turbino communities. The diff erence in the specifi cs of the technological aspects of the settlement and burial complexes is as-sociated either with the time diff erence between the complexes or with a special selection of ritual grave goods.
Коллективная монография является обобщенным исследованием антропологических материалов некрополей Красноярского городища золотоордынского времени Вакуровский бугор и Маячный бугор. Авторами проведен демографический анализ структуры населения городища. Исследованы особенности антропологического облика по данным краниологии. Дается характеристика скелетной конституции и физического облика населения, населявшего Красноярское городище. На основе палеопатологического анализа проведена оценка состояния здоровья городского средневекового населения, а также реконст- рукция его хозяйственной деятельности. Издание рассчитано на антропологов, археологов, историков и всех интересующихся эпохой Золотой Орды. Collective monograph is a publication of generalized reseach of anthropological materials of burial mounds «Vakurovsky Bugor» and «Mayachniy Bugor» of ancient settlement of Krasnoyarskiy Gorodische of the Golden Horde Epoch. The arthors have made demographic analysis of the settlement, studied the peculiarities of anthropological image on the basis of craniological data. In the monograph they represent the skeletal description and physiognomy of the population of Krasnoyarskiy Gorodische. On the basis of paleo-pathological analysis they assessed the state of health of the urban medieval population as well as reconstructed its economic activity. The edition is designed for anthropologists, archeologists, historians and for everybody interested in the Golden Horde Epoch.