Morphometric Analysis of Maun Watershed in Tehri-Garhwal District of Uttarakhand Using GIS (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2018
Understanding the behavior of surface drainage network is one of the important prerequisite condition for effective planning and management of water resources within the watershed. Morphometric analysis of a watershed is a crucial step in watershed development and management to understand and interpret the dynamics of drainage system of the watershed and is useful for interpretation of silent features of drainage network. A morphometric analysis was carried out to evaluate the drainage characteristics of Mohalkhad watershed which covers an area about 54 km2 in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). Geospatial technique/tool such as Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS was used to evaluate the linear, areal and relief aspects of morphometric parameters. RS and GIS technique is very helpful over the conventional methods that are too laborious and cumbersome. To carry out this study, Survey of India (SOI) toposheet of 1:50,000 scale and ASTER DEM (30 m resolution) data were used and analysis was carried out in ArcGIS 10.5 software. Total 21 morphometric parameters of Mohalkhad watershed were evaluated considering the linear, areal and relief aspects. The significance of each morphometric parameter with the hydrological behavior of the watershed is discussed in this study. This exercise provide detailed insight into drainage system of the Mohalkhad watershed, which is useful for the development and management of water conservation measures in the area.
The quantitative analysis of the watershedis vital to understand the hydrological setup of any terrain. The present study deals with quantitative evaluation of Swarnrekha Watershed, Madhya Pradesh, India based on IRS satellite data and SRTM DEM. Morphometric parameters of the watershed were evaluated by computations of linear and areal aspect using standard methodology in GIS environment. ARC GIS software was utilized for morphometric component analysis and delineation of the watershed using SRTM digital elevation model (DEM). The watershed is drained by a fifth-order river and shown a dendritic drainage pattern, which is a sign of the homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control. The drainage density in the area has been found to be low which indicates that the area possesses highly permeable soils and low relief. The bifurcation ratio varies from 3.00 to 5.60 and elongation ratio is 0.518 which reveals that the basin belongs to the elongated shape basin and has the potential for water management. The main objective of the paper is to extract the morphometric parameters of the watershed and their relevance in water resource evaluation management. The results observed from this work would be useful in categorization of watershed for future water management and selection recharge structure in the area.
Morphometric analysis of four sub-watersheds namely Pidhaura, Batesar, Balapur and Pariar forming parts of Yamuna River around Bah Tahsil of Agra district have been carried out using Geo-coded FCC of bands 2, 3 and 4 of IRS 1D, LISS-III, SOI toposheets number 54 J/5 and 54 J/9 and GIS softwares-ArcGIS, Arcview and 3Dem software for preparation of DEM. The present study shows terrain exhibits dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern, stream order ranges from third to fourth order; drainage density varies slightly and has very coarse to coarse texture in Pidhaura and Balarpur sub-watersheds and fine drainage texture in Batesar and Pariar sub-watersheds. The other parameters determined and discussed include bifurcation ratio, elongation ratio, stream frequency, number, length of overland flow and relief aspects of the watersheds. The mean bifurcation ratio depicts that the basin falls under normal basin category. The elongation ratio shows that Balarpur sub-watershed mark elongation pattern whereas Pidhaura, Batesar and Pariar sub watersheds possess circular shape. The present study concludes that remote sensing techniques proved to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis of drainage basin and channel network. watersheds namely Pidhaura, Batesar, Balapur and Pariar forming parts of of Agra district have been coded FCC of bands 2, 3 and 4 of IRS-III, SOI toposheets number 54 J/5 and 54 J/9 and ArcGIS, Arcview and 3Dem software for preparation of DEM. The present study shows that the dendritic drainage pattern, stream order ranges from third to fourth order; drainage density varies slightly and has very coarse to coarse texture watersheds and fine drainage watersheds. The other parameters determined and discussed include bifurcation gation ratio, stream frequency, infiltration number, length of overland flow and relief aspects of the o depicts that the basin falls under normal basin category. The elongation watershed mark elongation pattern whereas Pidhaura, Batesar and Pariar sub-watersheds possess circular shape. The present study ensing techniques proved to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis of drainage basin
A GIS-based morphometric analysis of Kandaihimmat watershed, Hoshangabad district, M.P. India
A GIS based morphometric analysis of Kandaihimmat Watershed, which is a part of Tawa river basin of Hoshangabad district, Madhya Pradesh India, was carried out in the study. Drainage map of the watershed was prepared from Survey of India Toposheets (SOI) No.55 F/14 on scale 1: 50,000. Drainage pattern of watershed exhibits dendritic to the sub-dendritic pattern. The stream order range from I to Vth order. Morphometric parameters viz; number and length of streams, drainage density, drainage frequency, bifurcation and texture ratio were calculated. The shape parameters also determined include form factor, circularity and elongation ratio and basin relief. High drainage density (2.67 km/km2) of the watershed is the signature of impermeable subsoil material, sparse vegetation and high relief. High texture ratio indicates high runoff and high erosion potential of the watershed. Bifurcation, elongation, circularity ratio and form factor indicate shape of the basin as elongated to nearly c...
Journal of Waste Water Treatment & Analysis, 2013
The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and channel network play an important role in understanding the geo-hydrological behavior of drainage basin and expresses the prevailing climate, geology, geomorphology, structural antecedents of the catchment. Morphometric analysis of a drainage basin expresses fully the state of dynamic balance that has been attained due to dealings between matter and energy. In the present study, morphometric analysis has been carried out using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to assess the geo-hydrological characteristics of Vishav drainage basin and an attempt has been made to identify the ground water potential zones through geo-morphometric specs. The morphometric parameters are discussed about linear, areal and relief aspects. The basin is characterized by dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. The development of stream segments in the basin area is affected by rainfall, groundwater discharge and snow melt over. The analysis has revealed that the total number and length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. The bifurcation ratio (R b) between different successive orders varies revealing the geostructural control. The shape parameters (R c =0.52, R e =0.15 and R f =0.22) indicate the elongated shape of the basin and in association with some areal (D d , D t etc.) and relief (H, S b , etc.) parameters show that it has low discharge of runoff, generally permeable subsoil condition, moderate to high infiltration capacity and good groundwater resource and a flatter peak of flow of longer duration that is easier to manage that of the circular basins. The study reveals that morphometric analysis based on GIS technique is a competent tool for geo-hydrological studies. These studies are very useful for identifying and planning the ground water potential zones and watershed management (including the whole gamut of natural resources connected with the basin).
Geomorphometric analysis of a hilly watershed in north east India
Morphometric analysis of a hilly watershed was carried out using GIS. The drainage map generated from the Survey of India toposheets was used for morphometric analysis of the watershed in terms of stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, relief ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, drainage texture, form factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio, infiltration number and ruggedness number. The Um Shipra watershed is a fifth order watershed having dendritic drainage pattern with high drainage density (6.22 The logarithmic plot of the stream length versus stream order showed a linear relationship indicating the watershed has developed over a homogeneous rock material. The mean bifurcation ratio of 1.71 indicated absence of strong structural control on the drainage pattern and that the watershed was structurally less disturbed. The number of streams belonging to the order I, II, III, IV and V were found to be 327, 147, 78, 45 and 46 respectively. Lower values of form factor (0.19), circularity ratio (0.29) and elongation ratio (0.49) suggested that the watershed has elongated shape with lower peak flows for longer duration. The ruggedness number having relatively higher value implied that the area has rugged topography which is prone to soil erosion. Higher values of stream frequency and drainage density indicated that the watershed has high runoff potential despite having lower peak flow creating a good scope for surface water resource development. The results obtained can serve as a useful input for developing soil and water resources conservation and management plan on a watershed basis.
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT The quantitative analysis of drainage system is an important aspect of characterization of watersheds. Using watershed as a basic unit in morphometric analysis is the most logical choice because all hydrologic and geomorphic processes occur within the watershed. Dudhganga catchment comprises of five watersheds with a total area of 660 km² has been selected for the present study. In this paper an attempt is made to evaluate the various linear parameters (Stream order, Stream number, Stream length, stream length ratio, Bifurcation ratio, Drainage density, Texture ratio, Stream frequency) and shape factors (Compactness coefficient, Circularity ratio, Elongation ratio, Form factor) of the catchment were computed at watershed level. This was achieved using GIS to provide digital data that can be used for different calculations Copy Right, IJCR, 2012, Academic Journals. All rights reserved.
Quantitative Geomorphological Analysis of a Watershed of Ravi River Basin, H.P. India
In the present paper, an attempt has been made to study the quantitative geomorphological analysis of a watershed of Ravi river basin in Himachal Pradesh, India. Authors have evaluated the morphometric characteristics on the basis of Survey of India toposheets at 1:50,000 scale, and CartoSAT-1 DEM data with 2.5m spatial resolutions. For this detailed study, CartoSAT-1 based DEM, and GIS were used in evaluation of linear, areal and relief aspects of morphometric parameters. Watershed boundary, flow accumulation, flow direction, flow length, stream ordering have been prepared using ArcHydro Tool; and contour, slope-aspect, hillshade have been prepared using Surface Tool in ArcGIS-10 software, and DEM. Authors have computed more than 53 morphometric parameter of all aspects. Based on all morphometric parameters analysis; that the erosional development of the area by the streams has progressed well beyond maturity and that lithology has had an influence in the drainage development. This study is very useful for planning rainwater harvesting and watershed management.
Morphometric Analysis of Dachigam Drainage Basin Using Geo-Spatial Technology (GST)
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2024
The examination of morphometric parameters through quantitative analysis proves highly valuable in assessing river basins, prioritizing watersheds for soil and water conservation, and natural resources management. In this study, an in-depth analysis of the Dachigam Catchment has been conducted, focusing on the quantification of various morphometric parameters. The research employs Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to assess morphometric parameters in the micro-watersheds of the Dachigam Catchment. Linear and areal morphometric parameters were systematically derived and tabulated based on linear and shape characteristics of drainage channels, utilizing GIS and topographical maps (scale 1:50,000). The morphometric analysis conducted in the Dachigam catchment indicates that the basin has an elongated shape, suggesting that peak discharges would generally exhibit a flat profile and take time to rise. The drainage network within the basin is predominantly of the dendritic type, signifying a degree of homogeneity Original Research Article