The recent demand for healthy food products is increasing, the solution is utilizing functional ingredients such as dietary fiber. This study aims to: extract and assess proximate composition, fiber morphology, physical and chemical properties of guava dietary fiber, evaluate its effect in sensory properties of cookies, determine the optimum concentration, analyze the proximate and microbial properties of cookies, and investigate significant difference of control, cookies with highest acceptability and highest concentration in terms of sensory, proximate and microbial properties. Guava Dietary Fiber was obtained by Alkali-Alcoholic Extraction yielding 6.85% Total Dietary Fiber. Proximate Analysis results of: %moisture, %ash, %crude protein, %crude fiber, %crude fat, and nitrogen free extract were found to be 5.89±0.06%, 1.16±0.05%, 5.04±0.25%, 62.69±0.43%, 3.74±0.51%, 21.48% respectively.Fiber morphology shows rough and pitted surface with a particle size of 50-250 microns. Physical and Chemical Properties results for water absorption, oil retention, emulsifying activity, water activity, total dietary fiber, insoluble, and soluble results to 5.26 g w/w, 4.05 g w/w, 26.57 v/v, 0.532, 81.5 w/w, 79.17 w/w, 2.33 w/w, respectively.Sensory evaluations showed highest rating for appearance, aroma, taste, mouthfeel and overall acceptability as 7.30(Control), 7.62, 7.66, 7.44, and 7.40 (15% Concentration), respectively. Optimum concentration of fiber in cookies was found to be 15%. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) between cookie samples with highest acceptability, highest concentration and control presented -values for: appearance (0.688), aroma (0.043), taste (0.006), mouthfeel (0.014), overall acceptability (0.044), %Moisture (0.002), %Ash (0.155), %Crude Protein (0.005), and %Crude Fiber (0.001), %Crude Fat (0.800). There was no significant difference on the Appearance, %ash, %crude fat and microbial analysis of cookie samples. However, there was a significant difference in aroma, mouthfeel, taste, overall acceptability, %moisture, %crude protein, and %crude fiber. The study can be used as basis for further product development using Guava Dietary Fiber.