Eric-Intro to Multimedia Technology in MultiLingual Classrooms Oct 3 vers

Research and various studies have showed that using multimedia in the classroom increases creativity, innovation problem solving and improves communication between people. Technology addresses equity and access issues for learners. Technology allows educators to refine teaching strategies and learning processes, and to be more inclusive of all types of learning styles regardless of native language. Technology effectively shrinks the world by sharing knowledge and experiences. This is easily observed in the multicultural and multilingual classroom represented today.

Multiplatform Visual Novel for Culture Education in a Part of Using ICT for Developing a Lifelong Learning

Over the past decade, ICT (Information Communication Technology) have enabled changes in the way people live, work, interact and acquire knowledge. In Indonesia, the progress of using ICT for education and training has growing rapidly, it called E-learning. However, until this time, they still have limitations in a term of system, platform, and usage. E-learning system that we are using until now, one of these, they are usually only available in web-based system take a small part of supporting the whole basic education such as Science and IT only. Teaching social and culture is very important especially when the students still at elementary school. There is a good point for developing software that could teach these students about Indonesia's social and culture that can be accessed whenever and wherever they are available. Therefore we create the application in a form of visual novel that can be used in multiple platforms. Here, we will present the Visual Novel that used for mor...

Visual Culture in Educational Environment and Innovative Teaching Technologies

Modern social environment is characterized by dramatic growth of information flows that are required to be processed to keep pace with the development of science and education. The information flows increase so rapidly that they are getting harder and harder to process using traditional methods. Visual thinking is a new way to deal with " the image of the world " not divided into separate ideas, but with holistic visual images created via visual thinking and visual operations. The goal of visualization in education is to transform huge volumes of data into graphic images easy for perception and memorizing. Visual images can range from detail graphic representations to abstract schemes and mind maps. Visual reality is presented as information constructs subject to " reading " and interpretation as much as any verbal text. Visual reality is not considered as of secondary importance in culture and education; it combines thinking and imagination thus creating semantic images unique in their cognitive potentials and in quality of multilevel information coded in them. After different teaching technologies are compared, it is concluded that visual ways of information representation are more effective because of their structured and systematized form that makes it easy to teach and learn. Such structures are kept in long-term memory and easily reached if necessary, thus contributing to memorizing a lot of information.

Learning Language with Multimedia Technologies


Rapid social, economic and technological development of our society creates new challenges for the system of higher education in Ukraine. It’s not sufficient to give a student certain knowledge, which can be put into standards, books, textbooks and etc. It is necessary to develop independent, flexible, critical thinking of students. Examining the system of higher education in such a way, the role of multimedia technologies becomes obvious. They are the most powerful source of


is paper aims to analyze the use of technology to English language teaching in the non-native speaking countries and to bring out the problems faced by both teachers and learners of English. ! e rapid development of science and technology such as multimedia technology has o" ered a better tool to explore the new teaching method. In fact, multimedia technology has played an important role in English language teaching, especially, in the non-native speaking of English situations. It also aims to make nonnative speakers of English as language teachers aware of the strategies to use it in an e" ective manner. KEYWORDS: English language teaching, multimedia technology, communicative competence, interaction INTRODUCTION In Nepal and elsewhere in the non-native speaking countries, English is used as a second or third language and for some people the ! rst language. With the spread and development of English around the world, it has become an important means of communication among the people of di" erent cultures and languages. At present, the role and status of English in Nepal is higher than ever as it is a medium of instruction and curriculum in educational institutions. As a number of English learners are growing up, di" erent teaching methods have been experimented to see the e" ectiveness of English language teaching. # e use of technology in the form of ! lms, radio, TV and tape recording has been there for a long time. As for Prajesh SJB Rana, "Technology has turned into one essential aspect of society that helps students to understand the bigger picture of the world and not just stay con! ned to what schools and teachers teach them within their classrooms" (12). Of course, the technology has proved to be successful in replacing the traditional language teaching. # e modern language teachers have new challenges and duties given by the new era. # e tradition of English teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable development of newer technologies such as multimedia technology. Technology provides so many options as it makes teaching interesting and productive because it has capability to attract the language learners. David Graddol states that "technology lies at the heart of the globalization process; a" ecting education work and culture" (16). # us, technology is one of the most signi! cant drivers of both social and linguistic change. Since there are more and more English learners in Nepal, the language teachers use a variety of teaching methods for e" ectiveness of their experiment. One method involves the use of technology in English language teaching in order to create English contexts. Rana argues, "Technology isn't something that students need to be separated from; rather Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies ISSN 2350-8752(P) Volume 1; Number 1; 15 December 2013 ISSN 2350-8922 (O) Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 30 it's something that students need to embrace" (12). So it helps the students to get involved and learn according to their interests. It has been tested e ective and has been widely accepted as a tool for English language teaching around the world. In particular, it has been utilized for the upli ment of modern techniques of language teaching. THE USE OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING As the popularity of English is expanding day by day and worldwide, the teachers of English feel the need of change in their language teaching methods. ! ere are teachers who use the "leading edge of technological and scienti# c development" (Young and Bush 2), but the majority of teachers still teach in the traditional manner. However, this paper does not claim that none of these traditional manners are bad or damaging the students. In principle, they are proving to be useful even today. ! ere are many opportunities for students to gain con# dence in learning English who learn the language for more than just fun. For them, to keep pace with English language teaching and gain more con# dence, they have to stride into the world of multimedia technology. Here, multimedia technology refers to computer-based interactive applications that use both the hardware and so ware, allowing people to share their ideas and information. It is a combination of text, graphics, animation, video and sound. ! e twenty-# rst century is the age of globalization and information technology as Harry Samuels argues, "Much more recent developments in social media and information technology are taking foreign-language education in new directions" (19). English is one of the important mediums of communication in the world, so it is important to learn the language. As a result, English language teaching has been one of the important subjects in education. In fact, there are more non-native than native speakers of the language. ! ere is also the diversity of context in terms of learner's age, nationality, and learning background that has become an important feature of English language teaching today. With the rapid growth of science and technology, the use of multimedia technology in language teaching has created a favorable context for reforming and exploring English language teaching models in the new age. This trend features the use of audio, visual, and animation effects in the English language teaching classrooms. Multimedia technology plays a positive role in improving activities and initiatives of students and teaching effect in the classrooms. Elaborating on the scope of technology, Rana argues, "Educational institutions all across the globe have already started implementing technology in education, and Nepal also needs to understand that there's no way to stop the evolution of technology; and rather than working on ways to separate technology from education, we rather need ways to combine them" (12). Thus, technological innovations should go hand in hand with the growth of English and change the way in which we communicate. In fact, the growth of the Internet has facilitated the growth of the English language. In this sense, computers are no longer the exclusive domains of a few individuals, but rather they are available to many. As the English language teaching models change rapidly, there has been a signi# -cant growth of literature regarding the use of technology in English language teaching. ! ese literatures unequivocally accept technology as the most essential part in teaching. Such a tendency has emphasized on an essential role of technology in pedagogy in which technology has been dominant over the teachers. As a result, if we ig-31 nore technological developments, the teachers will never be able to catch up with the new trend, irrespective of our discipline or branch. Here, Rana says, "Teachers need to stop following the same old ways of teaching and experiment and acknowledge that the world is changing and we need education that augments that change" (12). For this reason, it is important for language teachers to be aware of the latest and best equipments and to have all information of what is available in any given situations. Teachers can use multimedia technology to create more colorful and stimulating language classes. ere are many techniques applicable in various forms to English language teaching situations that now threaten "to undermine the classroom completely as a place of study" (Motteram 2). Some are useful for testing and distance education; some for teaching business English, spoken English, reading, listening or interpreting. e principle of teaching should be to appreciate new technologies without taking over the role of the teacher and without limiting the functions of traditional teaching methods. ere are various reasons why all language teachers and learners must know how to make use of the new technology. Most

Multimedia technologies in teaching a foreign language


At the present stage of development of education, Kazakhstan higher school faces the task of improving the quality of training, which with the introduction of new state educational standards (both for undergraduate and graduate) is associated with the prospect of implementing a technological approach to learning, science-based new pedagogical and information technologies. In this regard, the aim of the research is to highlight the problem of finding the optimal didactic capabilities of modern information technologies used for improving the system of training specialists in the field of foreign languages teaching. The article reveals the main components of the system of modern technologies use in foreign languages teaching at Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages Department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The article presents training and monitoring online programmes, their approbation in real conditions of pedagogical activity, which proves the effectiveness of usi...

Multimedia in Foreign Language Learning

Computer technology and Internet are inevitable new media in education methodology. Still, the central role in teaching belongs to humans. The power of Internet lies in offering authentic materials, software, education plans, list of exams, literature, etc. to schools, universities, and institutions all over the world but under the same conditions. Next to its commercial importance, it is seen as pedagogical tool for either the independent research or teamwork. The paper brings out positive and negative effects of new technology and its implementation in foreign language learning. Besides for the lessons learning, the idea of information literacy maintains crucial position in education. The new technology demands investment of time, effort, money, and self-education, so that the principal question remains: Are we ready for new type of education in order to offer better teaching, more interesting lessons and more importantly, to prepare new generations for future challenges?

Role of Digital Technologies in the Foreign Language Classroom

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Digitalization of Education: History, Trends and Prospects” (DETP 2020), 2020

This paper aims to investigate the use of digital technologies in foreign language teaching. The importance and role of technologies is analysed in the educational process with a focus on their pros and cons, but also on the ways they are implemented in a foreign language classroom. The significant role of visualisation is also stressed, as it points at individual personality variables that need to be considered in order to prevent the emerging feelings of exhaustion and fatigue in the foreign language classroom. The particular research interest is placed around presentations as one of the crucial visual devices in the foreign language learning process. Videoconferencing is also investigated as a popular alternative in respect of their peculiarities and benefits.