Fisheries the rural population of the Kostroma Volga region (on archaeological materials of the settlements of the Vyozhi). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №1. 2017 (original) (raw)

The Population of Kostroma in XVI–XVIII Centuries (anthropological research). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (26). 2018.


This paper presents the results of human remains study from the necropolis on Tekstilschiki street (Kostroma city, Russia), dated back to XVI–XVIII centuries. The authors provide data on the craniology, postcranial skeleton, describe the pathologies on the teeth and bones. The study was conducted according to standard protocols of Russian anthropology. Studied sample comprises human remains of 77 individuals, including 41 belonged to women. This ratio can be explained by the fact that there was a nunnery necropolis on this territory in the late Middle Ages. Presented study revealed a number of features of the male part of the sample, associated with mesocrania and sharp horizontal facial profile. A comparative analysis of craniological data showed the proximity of the studied population to the medieval population of the Old Ryazan city (Russia). The female part of the sample differs from the male one in its tendency to brachicrania. A morphological analysis of the postcranial skeleton revealed the relative shortening of the shin and forearm of women. The reconstructed height for men turned out to be above average, for women, on the contrary, it is below average. Most often pathologies of the studied population are dentition pathologies and bruises of the bones of the limbs, which most likely had a civilian character.

Settlements of the Early Iron Age in the Kostroma Volga Region: (Concerning to areal of the Ananyino Cultural and Historical Region). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №4. 2017


The paper considers settlements of the Early Iron Age located in the Kostroma Volga region and focuses on settlements with comb-cord and cord ceramics of the Ananyino type. It identifies the time of penetration of the representatives of the Ananyino traditions of comb-cord ceramics into the Kostroma Volga region, which corresponds to the 6th century B.C. Changes in the cultural situation began in this period within a region previously dominated by settlements with textile ceramics, and settlements developed which were characterized by a combination of Ananyino and textile tradition. In the mid-1st Millennium B.C. the Kostroma Volga region was an area of active cultural genesis. Settlements with comb-cord and cord ceramics of the Early Iron Age located in the Kostroma Volga region occupy an important place in the system of monuments corresponding to the Ananyino cultural and historical region, determining the western vector of its distribution.

Lychagina E.L. The role of the R. Gabyzshev to stady Neolitic Volga-Kama region. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. № 1 (3). 2013.

The article analyzes the work of R.S. Gabyashev dedicated to characteristic of Neolithic cultures of the Volga-Kama region. The analysis showed that modern researchers confirmed many of the ideas of R.S. Gabyashev. They confirmed the validity of two phases of a selection of sites of pricked ceramics, and also the thesis, based upon radiocarbon dating, that the existence of sites with pricked and comb ceramics in the Lower Kama – the Middle Volga was synchronous. Researchers have confirmed the existence of synchronicity of southern Chalcolithic cultures with the Neolithic cultures of the forest belt.

Traditions and Innovations’ in Housebuilding of the Later Volosovo Population of the Mari Volga Region.Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (39).2022


Since the Stone Age, the Mari Volga region, occupying the south of the Vetluga – Vyatka interfluve and adjacent areas of the Volga right bank to the east of the mouth of the Sura River, attracted the population of various archaeological cultures. Having appeared on the territory of the Mari Volga region in the IV millennium BC, the Volosovo population existed in the territory under consideration until the middle of the II millennium BC. During this long period of residence on the territory of the Mari Volga region, the population of the Volosovo culture not only preserved traditions in the organization of the settlements, construction of residential structures, but also as a result of contacts with other tribes, brought certain innovations to house-building. Active archaeological research of the Volosovo sites on the territory of the Mari Volga region allows the author to analyze house-building techniques. The author examines the traditions and innovations of the organization of living space among the Volosovo population of the Mari Volga region at the end of the III – first quarter of the II millennium BC.

The Issue of the Types of Settlements of the Mari Volga Region Population in the Early Iron Age. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (35). 2021


The settlements of the Iron Age in the territory of the Volga Region have always been particularly interesting in terms of historical science. This is justified not only by the uniqueness of this territory, but also by the formation of a substantial collection of archaeological materials. A significant number of archaeological sites of the early Iron Age have been discovered and investigated over more than half a century of archaeological research and scientific studies in the territory of the Mari Volga region. This paper introduces the main types of settlements widely spread across the territory of the Mari Volga region during the Early Iron Age. The authors discuss the causes for such innovations as the appearance of settlements in the territory of the Mari Volga region. They provide characteristics of the settlement fortifications of the Mari Volga region population of the early Iron Age. The paper addresses the issues of space organization of both fortified and unfortified settlements of the Mari Volga Region in the early Iron Age. The authors suggest that the causes for the appearance of fortified settlements are associated with both internal and external factors. This in turn influenced the construction innovations of the settlements belonging to the population of the Mari Volga region.

Peculiarities of Firing Vessels of the Beloyar and Kalinkina Cultures on the Barsova Gora in the Surgut Ob River Region (according to termal analysis). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №1 (47) 2024


The article presents the results of a of the features of firing hand-made pottery of the Beloyar and Kalinkinа cultures, collected during excavations from eight settlements of the first half of the Early Iron Age in the Barsova Gora tract near the western outskirts of the city of Surgut. In the course of production, the vessels of both cultures were subjected to heat treatment of a low degree of intensity. With the exception of a few containers, they were fired under approximately the same conditions. Among the Beloyar ceramics, the complex from the fortified settlement Barsov gorodok I/3 stands out. It presents three groups of pots and jars, differing in the degree of firing intensity: intensive, medium and least. It was established that the difference in the intensity of firing ceramics was due not to temperature fluctuations in the fires and hearths, but to differences in the skills of the craftsmen. These differences could manifest themselves in the temperature and / or duration of firing, the time spent by containers in fires and hearths, the design features of heat engineering devices, etc. In terms of the intensity of firing, a group of vessels from the settlement Barsova Gora III/20, made of highly sanded clays, stands out in the collection of dishes from the Kalinkina culture. On the clay component preservation diagram, the values for such samples are located closer to its center. This is especially characteristic of vessel 32, which was fired more intensively than all the other items of this group. The corresponding characteristics of the three vessels from the settlement Barsova Gora III/12 on the same diagram are at the maximum distance from the origin of coordinates. This also distinguishes them from the rest of the pottery from this site and testifies to less intense firing. It is not yet possible to reconstruct specific types and design features of devices for firing ceramics used by potters of the Beloyar and Kalinkina cultures. One can only assume that the dishes were fired in bonfires and hearths.

Persova S.G. Activities of society of archaeology, history and ethnography in Bolgar settlement in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (12). 2015.

The Society has laid the foundation for professional research of the settlement, collected exhibits displayed in SAHE museum, compiled plans of the settlement and individual buildings, performed measurements and topographic surveying, revealed the purpose of the majority of architectural monuments and provided partially accurate determination of their construction periods. Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography (SAHE) attached to Kazan Imperial University is analyzed according to the documents on its activity on the study and preservation the settlement of Bolgar. The first excavations at the Bulgar settlement were produced in 1887 at the ruins of the “White Chamber” fiduciaries by I.I. Vashchuk and V.V. Glinski – the trustees of Moscow merchant N.S. Rasteryaev I. Participation of the SAHE members was limited in this case by the participation of the observer researcher V.A. Kazarinov. The Period of occurrence the “White Chamber” has been dated to the middle of the XIV century. The Society started the professional studies of the Bulgar town. The collections for the Museum of SAHE were gathered, the plans of the settlement and individual buildings were fulfilled as well as the measurements and topographic surveys. The locality of the most of the constructions and their and true the time of part of the constructions were revealed. In 1916 the last pre-revolutionary season of the investigation of the Bulgar settlement was held. The researcher V.F. Smolin studied the ruins of the “Hellenic Chamber”. Archaeological Reconnaissance in 1916 was aimed at finding Christian burials in the area of this building. During the period of excavation SAHE only a small part of the area of the Bulgarian settlement was opened. Scientific activity of the Society was slowed down by a lack of money, and then the war (2014–2017). Despite all the shortcomings during the pre-revolutionary period the researchers of SAHE had some experience and created a framework methodology of historical and archaeological investigations. В статье на основе источников анализируется деятельность Общества археологии, истории и этнографии (ОАИЭ) Казанского Императорского университета по изучению и сохранности Болгарского городища. Первые раскопки в Болгарах при ОАИЭ были произведены в 1887 г. на развалинах «Белой палаты» доверенными лицами московского купца 1 гильдии Н.С. Растеряева И.И. Ващуком и В.В. Глинским. Участие ОАИЭ в данном случае ограничилось участием наблюдателя исследователя В.А. Казаринова. Было датировано время возникновения «Белой палаты» – середина XIV века. Обществом было положено начало профессиональному исследованию Болгарского городища, собраны коллекции в музее ОАИЭ, составлены планы городища и отдельных зданий, произведены обмеры и топографические съемки, выявлено назначение большей части архитектурных памятников и частично верно установлены времена их постройки. В 1916 г. состоялся последний дореволюционный сезон на Болгарском городище. Исследователь В.Ф. Смолин изучал развалины «Греческой Палаты». Археологическая разведка 1916 г. ставила своей целью нахождение христианских погребений в районе этого здания. За период раскопок ОАИЭ была вскрыта лишь малая часть площади Болгарского городища. Весь период деятельности Общества работы тормозились сначала отсутствием денег, затем первой мировой войной. Несмотря на все недостатки, в до революционный период исследователями Общества был накоплен определенный опыт и созданы основы методологии историко-археологических исследований.