Понятие «древний Восток» в отечественной историографии конца XIX-XX вв. / The Concept of the “Ancient Orient” in Russian and Soviet Scholarship of the Twentieth Century (original) (raw)
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"Між Сходом і Заходом": Нотатки про взаємини Русі і Степу в російській та українській історіографії
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Вестник древней истории / Journal of Ancient History, 2023
The article discusses the experience of establishing the periods of ancient history and developing its general scheme in Russian and Soviet research of the twentieth century till the 1980s. The development of such schemes was not considered as a specific task in the pre-revolutionary scholarship. In the 1930s–1950s there was an intention to tie the periods established traditionally in scholarship with the stages of the development of slavery; the formation of state at the beginning of antiquity was seen as a result of splitting the society into antagonistic classes, and the end of antiquity was ascribed the nature of a revolution. In the 1950s–1960s the evolution of ancient communities in their various forms was taken as a determining factor for the flow of ancient history and defining its stages; the influence of the ‘revolution of the slaves’ theory was eliminated. In the Late Soviet period the views of Igor Diakonoff on the development and the periodisation of ancient history, which matched well with the schemes developed by historians of ancient Greece and Rome, became particularly important.
Проблема собственного Востока в культуре России советского и новейшего периодов
Проблема собственного Востока в культуре России советского и новейшего периодов, 2017
Статья посвящена советской культурной политике по отношению к мусульманским территориям, а также трансформации отношения к данным регионам в Новейший период. Рассматривается проблематика Своего и Чужого в контексте отголосков Кавказской войны и локальных конфликтов Северного Кавказа постсоветского времени. Анализируется влияние культурной политики на процесс формироваия наций и национального самосознания. Рассматриваются факторы построения наднациональной идентичности на государственном уровне. Ключевые слова: культурная политика; этническая идентичность; Восток; Свой и Чужой; Кавказ. The problem of the East in Russian culture of the Soviet and contemporary periods The article deals with Soviet cultural policy towards the Muslim territories, as well as transformation relations to these regions in the modern period. Addresses the problems of mine and others in the context of the echoes of the Caucasian war and local conflicts in the North Caucasus post-Soviet period. Examines the impact of cultural policy on the process of the formation of Nations and national identity. Discuss factors of building a supranational identity at the state level. Keywords: cultural policy, ethnic identity, East, His and others', the Caucasus.