The Theoretical, Methodological and Technical Issues of Digital Folklore Databases and Computational Folkloristics (LAST DRAFT VERSION)

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica , 2018

The study examines the problems and possibilities presented by the digitization of national folklore archives and collections in the wider context of folklore archiving and digital humanities. The primary goal of the study is to present a problem-oriented and critical overview of the available digital databases containing folklore texts (WossiDiA, Sagragrunnur, ETKSpace, Danish Folklore Nexus, Nederlandse VolksverhalenBank, The Schools’ Collection, etc.), and of the analyses conducted on these using computational methods. The paper first presents a historical overview of the conceptualization that went into the creation of folklore databases (genre-centered, collector, and collection-centered approaches), followed by a discussion of the practical, technical, and theoretical aspects of digital content creation (crowdsourcing, markup languages, TEI, digital critical editions, etc.). The study then takes a look at the new digital tools and methods applied in the analysis of digitized folklore texts (text-mining, network theory methods, data visualization), and finally places databases and computational folkloristics within a larger theoretical framework.

The theoretical, methodological and technical issues of digital folklore databases and computational folkloristics

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 2018

The study examines the problems and possibilities presented by the digitization of national folklore archives and collections in the wider context of folklore archiving and digital humanities. The primary goal of the study is to present a problem-oriented and critical overview of the available digital databases containing folklore texts (WossiDiA, Sagragrunnur, ETKSpace, Danish Folklore Nexus, Nederlandse VolksverhalenBank, The Schools' Collection, etc.), and of the analyses conducted on these using computational methods. The paper fi rst presents a historical overview of the conceptualization that went into the creation of folklore databases (genre-centered, collector, and collection-centered approaches), followed by a discussion of the practical, technical, and theoretical aspects of digital content creation (crowdsourcing, markup languages, TEI, digital critical editions, etc.). The study then takes a look at the new digital tools and methods applied in the analysis of digitized folklore texts (text-mining, network theory methods, data visualization), and fi nally places databases and computational folkloristics within a larger theoretical framework.

Folkmedia: A Modern Approach on Preservation of Romanian Folklore Archive


The present paper presents the results of a national project - Folkmedia - focused on a new form of a modern archive according to a strict risk assessment plan, in order to assure the collection's viability and increase its visibility. Significant part of the archive recordings has been successfully assessed and the digitization process is running at full speed. The digitized collection are subjected to decontamination using anoxia before their relocation to the dedicated storage facility, following a one-way route. Two multifaceted databases have been elaborated in order to serve the needs of the archive researchers and also to grant access via the internet to various categories of users. The data bases contain, besides the basic archive information, complex documentation obtained using advanced photonic techniques.

Living Folklore: Unlimited Creativity

ICEL 2019, March 23-24, Malang, Indonesia, 2019

This paper describes the form of folklore transformation. Folklore, which is identic with orality, transformed in several forms of modern media so that it is more accessible and familiar with the current generation. In its new form, folklore is considered to be able to surpass its era. On the other hand, there have been many theories and studies on folklore. Aesthetics, literature, textual, contextual, historical, geographic, and anthropological are fields of science commonly used for folklore studies. However, all has not yet been able to answer the question, is there a novelty in folklore and folkloristics as a scientific discipline? Folklore has shown astounding growth involving digital devices. Under the folkloristic computation, geographical and historical methods seem to be reliable navigation technology in the folklore development. Folklore in the digital age is a complex and sometimes confusing arrangement of expressions. However, in this digital era, several varieties of folklore

Computational folkloristics

Communications of the ACM, 2012

A searchable meta-graph can connect even troublesome house elves and other supernatural beings to scholarly folk categories.

Folklore Archives and the Methodological Reconfigurations of Romanian Ethnology.pdf

Revista de etnografie și folclor/ Journal of Ethnography and Folklore, 2017

This study proposes a rereading of the folklore archives in Romania, starting from an analysis of the documentary fund preserved in the Archive of the Folklore Society from the Faculty of Letters, “Babes-Bolyai” University, in Cluj. The study shows that, in addition to being realms of memory (Pierre Nora ) or collections of traditions (in the terms of classical folklore studies), these archives actually document the research methodology, serving as witnesses to the history of the discipline – ethnology, in this case. Keywords: folklore archive, methodology, fieldwork, archiving, history of Romanian ethnology.

[with Ana Vukmanović] Digitising Serbian Folklore: What has Been Done and What is to Be Done

Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2020

This paper first provides a brief overview of the main and best-known South Slavic digital folklore and ethnographic databases, libraries, archives and repositories. Its main part is focused on Serbia. First of all, we describe the specialised folklore databases and editions designed by the folklore scholar Mirjana Detelić and a group of authors, which we are confident, can serve as a model beyond Serbia. Then, we present the digitisation of folklore and ethnographic studies carried out by the main state libraries, scientific, educational and cultural institutions, regional libraries and museums. We also offer a brief description of the most important volunteer initiatives in folklore digitisation, and provide information on the digitisation of South Slavic folklore which is taking place outside the region. Finally, we put forward some suggestions as to what needs to be done in the digitisation of Serbian folklore.