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Vo.10 Issue 1 February 2021. Education India Journal (1)
In the post-73 rd Constitutional Amendment 1992 phase, Panchayats were given the responsibility to ensure transparency and accountability in the functioning of the primary schools. Moreover, The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act, 2012 that defines the duties of the local authority also underlined the implications of village panchayat.Therefore, to lead any substantial change in school governance or functioning, it is essential that the Gram Panchayats are active, well informed and able to take decisions. Why village panchayats should enthusiastically participatein government primary schools? As many research studies emphasized that marginalized section (SC, ST and BC) isoverrepresented in rural government schools. In such a case, therole of panchayats became more crucial in governance of primary schools.Thispaper attempts to explorehow gram panchayats contribute the implementation of State policies and the community participation at every level of school education, i.e. within the school and beyond. An exploratory study, conducted in four villages of a district in Punjab state ofIndia to identify the gaps between State priorities (in the context of duties of gram panchayat) in primary education as specified in major policies and programmes, and the ground reality, primarily in rural schools. The study found thatthe community participation lacunae were found at every level of school education, i.e. within the school and beyond, significantly contributes to the poor implementation of State policies.
Education and Nation Building-Dr.Prakash Upadhyay.docx
Education and Nation Building: Issues and Challenges of Higher Education in Nepal Today, more than ever before in human history, those with a larger inventory of skills and a greater capacity for the learning can look forward to economic prosperity and a stronger nation. The creation of knowledge-based quality education, economies and democratic inclusive societies are the prerequisites for nation building. But, Nepal is confronted with the task of overcoming the existing problems related to quality, equity, inclusion, politicization etc. that has besieged its education systems while responding to new challenges posed by globalization and the information revolution of 21st century. Quantitative expansion of education without giving proper consideration to quality of teaching, learning, resources, issues of accessibility and equity, has deteriorated and stained the quality of higher education in Nepal. A more resolute effort in higher education policy is requisite before Nepal can begin to witness the equalizing effects of quality education for nation building. (Keywords: credential-oriented, equity, policies discrepancy, exclusion, social capital, meritocracy)
Funding and Acknowledgements On behalf of all partners in the Educating for Gross National Happiness (GNH) initiativeď‚ľand particularly the Royal Government of Bhutan and Ministry of Education which launched and are implementing the initiativeď‚ľGPI Atlantic wishes to express its deep appreciation to UNICEF Bhutan and the International Development Research Centre in Canada for providing funding to make the Bhutan Principals' Survey and its analysis possible. Without the support of these two bodies, this vital step in collecting baseline data just prior to implementation of Educating for GNH in schools would not have been possible. From a global perspective, the importance of this support cannot be overemphasized. Proper documentation and monitoring may not be particularly crucial for Bhutan itself, where on-the-ground experience will produce its own natural adaptations, changes, and evolution in the Educating for GNH initiative according to what is working best and what is not. However, the seminal international Educating for GNH workshop, held in Thimphu in December 2009, made clear that an initiative like this is also urgently needed globally, where current, conventional educational systems have failed to impart values, principles, and practices urgently needed for ecosystem and cultural survival and diversity. Only by properly documenting, monitoring, and evaluating Bhutan's groundbreaking initiative can its value and lessons be demonstrated to other nations, educators, and organizations worldwide. Such documentation and monitoring will be the key communication tool for this initiative beyond the borders of Bhutan. From that perspective, appreciation and gratitude for the funding provided by UNICEF and IDRC should be expressed on behalf of all those internationally who will benefit from Bhutan's bold initiative once progress measures based on these initial results are disseminated beyond Bhutan's borders. The report authors also wish to extend their appreciation to the many players whose hard work, and sage advice and recommendations were essential prerequisites to the production of this report on the results of the Bhutan Principals' Survey. Thus, we are deeply grateful to all the Bhutanese educators and officials who provided such important input into the survey design and construction, and to all Bhutan's school principals who so patiently and diligently took the considerable time required to complete this very long survey.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
Since 1914 education in Bhutan has progressed by leaps and bounds, however, the quality of education system has alwaysbeen a matter of inquiry and onfrequent question. Hence, there havebeen numerous efforts to help improvethequality of education in the last decade. Also deriving inspiration from the His Majesty the King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck on the efforts to revamping education system in the country, the study was undertaken to understand the quality of education and educational services in the country through a case study in Wangduephodrang District. The study is an empirical quantitative analysis. It used the SERVQUAL instrument. The data was collected through randomly distributed questionnaires through a convenience sampling method. Sample size of 334 was determined using an online survey monkey tool.The data was analysedusing excel to obtain descriptive statistics and individual value data plot. Paired two sample t-test was also performed to compare means and to see t...