Simultaneous determination of cadmium and lead in medicinal plants by anodic stripping voltammetry (original) (raw)
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El cadmio es un metal pesado no esencial y poco abundante en la corteza terrestre, sin embargo en las últimas décadas ha aumentado considerablemente su acumulación, como consecuencia de la actividad industrial. La contaminación por cadmio puede causar serios problemas a todos los organismos vivos, resultando altamente tóxico para el ser humano. Una posible fuente de contaminación por cadmio en humanos es la ingesta de plantas contaminadas por el metal. Por este motivo, es importante conocer cuales son los mecanismos de toxicidad del metal en la planta, así como los mecanismos de defensa de la misma. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una revisión de las principales fuentes de contaminación por cadmio, de la toxicidad del metal y de los mecanismos de hiperacumulación y fitoextracción de cadmio.Cadmium is a non essential and relative rare heavy metal in the earth, although in recent decades its accumulation increased considerably as a consequence of the industrial activity. Cadmium cont...
Archivos de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia, 2017
The aim of this work was to determine cadmium and lead contents in injectable ampoules of diclofenac sodium of 75mg / 3mL using the analytical techniques of atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal vaporization. Calibration lines were constructed between 10 and 100 μg.L-1 for Pb and between 1 and 5 μg.L-1 for Cd, obtaining very good linearity (r = 0.9985 and r = 0.9951 respectively). The quantification limit for lead was13 μg.L-1 and the detection limit was 4 μg.L-1 , while the quantification limit for Cd was 0,8 μg.L-1 and the limit of detection 0.2 μg.L-1. The analyte recoveries were between 92 and 106 % while precision, expressed as coefficient of variation, was in the order of 5,5%.The procedure was carried out on samples of different brands of diclofenac ampoules which were treated with HNO3 and H2O2 and then analyzed. Lead levels between 0,0165 a 2,64 g and cadmium levels between 0,00430 a 0,0354 g for each ampoule were obtained. The limit established by USP for the daily incorporation of lead is 5 μg while for cadmium is 2 μg per day. The found results do not exceed the allowed limit for a dose of a daily ampoule. The method developed is proposed as an alternative to those cited by the United States Pharmacopoeia. However, the procedure requires more thorough validation for a future stage.
Evidence of pollution by heavy metals have been detected in the city of Guayaquil, province of Guayas, coastal Ecuador. The water and sediment in the mangrove environs of Puente Portete in Estero Salado were tested for concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), as well as the following organisms: gastropods, including Littorina varia and Cerithidea mazatlanica, and the leaves of Rhizophora racemosa, Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans, and Conocarpus erectus. The samples were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The values of Cd and Pb in water and sediment exceeded the permissible limits established by Ecuadorian and Canadian standards. The gastropod species L. varia and C. mazatlanica were the best indicator organisms for detecting pollution by accumulating 2.45 ± 0.49 ppm Pb and 1.49 ± 0.67 ppm Cd, respectively. Because of the low bioavailability of heavy metals in sediments, mangrove plants did not accumulate Cd and Pb in leaves.
El uso de plantas medicinales, y por lo tanto de productos fitoterapeuticos es un fenomeno que ha adquirido gran popularidad en las ultimas decadas a nivel mundial debido a la busqueda por parte de la poblacion de alternativas para el tratamiento de diversas afectaciones a la salud, lo que se suma al hecho de que se tiene una sensacion de falsa seguridad sobre todos los productos considerados como naturales. Asimismo, se cuenta con informacion limitada sobre su seguridad en lo que se refiere a la presencia de contaminantes quimicos de alto impacto como son los metales pesados, hecho del que no escapa el pais. Debido a dicho panorama, esta investigacion se enfoco en la determinacion de niveles de plomo y cadmio, dos metales de interes en salud publica por su toxicidad, en productos fitoterapeuticos a base de ajo y alcachofa, dos de las plantas mas empleadas con fines medicinales en Colombia. Lo anterior requirio la validacion de la metodologia analitica para el fin propuesto mediante...
infoANALÍTICA, 2018
Mediante la generación electroquímica de yodo se evalúa la acumulación de Cd(II) por células de tomate de árbol (Solanum Betaceum) a través de la detección de péptidos ricos en cisteína, compuestos sintetizados por la planta cuando está contaminada con metales. La curva de calibración obtenida indica un intervalo lineal de 0 a 250 µmol L-1, con un límite de detección de 4,82 µmol L-1 (3,3s/m). La concentración de péptidos en las suspensiones celulares incrementa conforme aumenta la concentración de CdSO4 y el tiempo de exposición. Los resultados indican que las células de tomate de árbol acumulan cadmio. Durante 5 días de exposición a 100 µmol L-1 CdSO4 las células en suspensión aun no sufren la apoptosis. El método propuesto muestra características útiles para su implementación en el monitoreo de contaminación por metales pesados en plantas en crecimiento.
Simultaneous biosorption of lead and cadmium from aqueos solution by fungal biomass Penicillium sp.
Temas Agrarios, 2014
The discharge of metals in the environment generates significant impacts on human health and the life cycles of living organisms. Some microorganisms are known for their high adsorption capacity for metals, including fungi. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remotion capacity of Pb (II) and Cd (II) in aqueous solutions with Penicillium sp. fungi, isolating the soil fungal strain of the Alacrán Mine (Cordoba-Colombia) and determining the influence of the removal on the variables pH, metal concentration and temperature, analyzing the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, verifying the functional groups involved in the adsorption by infrared analysis (IR)., to potential their use in wastewater treatment. Analyses were conducted using Thermo Scientific equipment, atomic absorption ICE model 3000 Series and FT- IR Nicolet IS5 spectrophotometer. Quality control was performed for metal analysis with reference material SRM 1643e. The results indicate that to the concentration of 51.5 mg L-1 showed higher removal percentages for 0.5 g of biomass. The maximum adsorption occurred at acidic pH (4-5), 60 °C and 2g of biomass, achieving removals of 92.4 % for Pb and 80% for Cd. Isotherm analyzes best fit the model Langmuir. IR analysis shows -OH, -NH, C-N, C-H, N-H, C=O, amide I and amide II and polysaccharides, attributing this attraction in metals and fungal biomass.