Riva del Garda via Brione (Trento). Abitato neolitico della Cultura dei vasi a bocca quadrata - Notiziario (original) (raw)
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Vasi a bocca quadrata. Evoluzione delle conoscenze nuovi approcci interpretativi, 2021
Over the last two decades, our picture of the Neolithic in the Adige Valley in Trentino has been enriched with new data in relation to cultural, chronological and economic aspects. This newly acquired information, and reviewing of documentation from old contexts, has allowed us to suggest new hypotheses regarding the Square Mouthed Pottery Culture and to supplement the previously known framework. The beginning of the SMP Culture overlapped with more recent manifestations of the Gaban Group in the first quarter of the 5th millennium cal BC, and was accompanied by the transfer of elements of Balkan origin to the local substratum. With the stabilisation of the SMP Culture, which would appear to begin towards the end of the 1st style and which was consolidated at the beginning of the spiral meander period, there was an ideological and technological transformation, along with full achievement of a productive economy, starting from the second quarter of the 5th millennium cal BC. Around the middle of the 5th millennium cal BC there was a rapid evolution of the SMP Culture, which led to early diffusion of the incised and impressed style, driven by cultural influences coming from the area north of the Alps and the Isolino facies. The cultural experience of SMP, which came to an end in the first few centuries of the 4th millennium cal BC, was not substituted by an equally significant cultural phenomenon. On the contrary, it is possible to observe an impoverishment of the material culture that is common to both sides of the Alps, demonstrated by the scarcity of elements contributing to assignment of identifying characteristics to archaeological material.
AdA Archeologia delle Alpi 2021-2022, 2022
The archaeological site of La Vela is located in the north-western outskirts of the city of Trento and covers part of the large alluvial cone formed by the stream of the same name, close to its confluence with the River Adige The palaeo-economic data available for the Vela VIII sector, which was investigated by the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento in 2003, demonstrate that the occupation referable to the II phase of the SMP Culture is markedly oriented towards mobile practices of animal husbandry, in particular of goats and sheep, that undergo a significant increase between the initial and the late phase of the spiral meander style. These data were confirmed by the functional study of the lithic industries which highlighted a propensity of the site towards the exploitation of animal resources and a lower investment in agricolture.
Le revisioni sistematiche dei materiali provenienti da vecchi scavi effettuati in alcune delle principali grotte del Carso triestino, condotte negli anni 1990Carso triestino, condotte negli anni -inizi 2000 in evidenza alcune delle criticità dell'aspetto cronologico-culturale noto come Neolitico dei vasi a coppa o Gruppo Vlaška (Neolitico antico-medio). In particolare, proprio il vaso a coppa, l'elemento più comune, che presenta una relativa variabilità tipologica e dimensionale che può corrispondere a variazioni di funzionalità ma anche di codici di comunicazione simbolica o di inquadramento cronologico, non era mai stato analizzato a fondo. In questo contributo si presentano i risultati preliminari di uno studio recente che ha esaminato questa problematica usando un approccio prima tipologico-comparativo, poi matematicostatistico all'analisi dalla variabilità dei vasi a coppa.
Recenti indagini nel sito neolitico de La Vela di Trento
N. DEGASPERI, E. MOTTES, M. ROTTOLI 2006, Recenti indagini nel sito neolitico de La Vela di Trento, in A. PESSINA, P. VISENTINI (a cura di), Preistoria dell'Italia settentrionale. Studi in ricordo di Bernardino Bagolini, Atti del Convegno, Udine 23-24 settembre 2005, Edizioni del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, pp. 143-168.