Trzynastowieczna zabudowa murowana w Grodzisku koło Skały w świetle wyników najnowszych badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych / The 13th-century masonry architecture at Grodzisko in the light of the newest archaeological research and architectural survey (original) (raw)

2019, Konwent Klarysek skalskich a dziedzictwo kulturowe i religijne bł. Salomei

Th is paper is based on the results of recent archaeological excavations and architectural survey carried out at Grodzisko near Skała in 2016-2018. Th e results led to the reconstruction of the large part of medieval masonry architecture, situated in the eastern wing of the main part of the site. It consisted of four limestone buildings set in clay-lime mortar. Th ree of them were preserved in the level of cellars (buildings 1-3), while the fourth (building 4) survived via a shallow basement part, likely supporting an undefi ned light construction – maybe wooden or wattle and daub. Building 1 was the largest part of architectural remains. It measured at least 16 × barely 3,5 m. Th e stratigraphic sequence around the area of the unearthed architectural remains made it possible to determine the chronology of buildings, as well as to reconstruct the progress of settlement process in the studied part of the site. In the light of the archaeological evidence, the medieval architecture at Grodzisko shall be dated from mid-13th c. to the turn of the 14th c. Th e function of this place in the Middle Ages is still far from clear, although most of data speaks in favour of linking the site with the monastery of the Poor Clares, founded in 1257 by by the sister of duke Bolesław V the Chaste – \ Salomea (died in 1268). Th e convent was dedicated to a Virgin Mary, as is indicated by written sources (Monasterium sancte Marie de Lapide or Cenobium de Lapide sancte Marie). At the turn of the 14th c. the site might have been abandoned, mainly due to the political turbulences.

Masoneria polska XX wieku. Losy, loże, ludzie", Ludwik Hass, Warszawa 1996 : [recenzja] , "Notatki Płockie", 1996, nr 4/169, s. 51-53


Norbert Wójtowicz, [recenzja ksiażki] Ludwik Hass, Masoneria polska XX wieku. Losy, loże, ludzie", Warszawa 1996, "Notatki Płockie", 1996, nr 4/169, s. 51-53

Medieval architecture of the Church of St. Hedwig of Silesia in Zielona Góra and transformations to the church between the 14th and 20th centuries

Architectus, 2019

The article presents the history of the creation and transformation of the parish church (now a co-cathedral) in Zielona Góra from the 2 14th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The introduction presents the source and chronicle information as well as the current modest litera- ture. Based on the architectural studies and the analysis of the details, the most important phases of the church’s transformation were separated. The beginnings of the existing building were erected in the 1370s, when a two-span presbytery was built. Presumably, at the beginning of the 15th century, a three-bay, four-nave, aisle body was built. The temple was probably damaged by a fire in 1419. After reconstruction, probably in the 2nd half of the 15th century, on the south side, was erected a Gethsemane Chapel with a gallery, a porch and at the turn of the 15th and 16th century – the Baptist Chapel. After the fire in 1546, the western porch was established, and after another in 1582 – the corps’ vault completed in 1590. The 2nd half of the 17th century brought new windows, and a high Baroque helmet. It fell down in 1776. A Baroque tower with a classicist helmet was rebuilt in stages up to 1832. At the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, renovation works were carried out, and at the beginning of the 21st century, renovation works were also carried out, the last stage of which was to preserve the interior of the Gethsemane Chapel.

D. Koutecký a Kol., ARCHEOLOGICKÉ VÝZKUMY V SEVEROZÁPADNÍCH CECHÁCH V LETECH 1953-1972, [w:] ARCHEOLOGICKÉ STUDIJNÍ MATERIÁLY, t. 13/1, 2, 1980, red. Z. Krumphanzlová, ss. 201 (z. 1), 17 map (z. 2), streszczenie w języku niemieckim [recenzja]

Archeologia Polski, 1984

‘Unknown’ Stronghold at Dzięcioły, Łosice County. Research Perspectives

Wiadomości Archeologiczne, 2019

A non-invasive exploration of the stronghold at Dzięcioły, Łosice County, in NE Poland began in 2018 (Fig. 1, 2). Based on the results of test excavations from 1968, the stronghold was dated to the 12 th century. Its three-line defence system consists of fortifications on the outside of the suburbium, the stronghold proper, and the small

Z badań nad budownictwem ludowym Kotliny Rabczańskiej

Prace Etnograficzne, 2017

Research on folk Architecture in the Rabka Valley Th e aim of the article is to briefl y describe the changes in the form of village buildings in the area of the Rabka Valley from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century (including layouts of villages, plans of farms and houses, constructions of foundations, walls, roofs, fl oors, ceilings, doors, windows, stoves and decorative elements) and to answer the question whether it is a common heritage of the inhabitants of this area.

Podlaskie cmentarzyska z grobami w obstawach kamiennych w świetle wyników badań interdyscyplinarnych

Archeologia Polski, 2023

W artykule prezentowane są wybrane wyniki badań projektu pt. "Początki chrześcijaństwa na pograniczu mazowiecko-ruskim", realizowanego w latach 2013-2016 w Instytucie Archeologii i Etnologii PAN pod kierownictwem prof. dr. hab. Andrzeja Buko. Przedmiotem tych badań były wczesnośredniowieczne cmentarzyska szkieletowe na Podlasiu. Analizy aDNA wykazały, że ludność pochowana w kurhanach genetycznie różniła się od użytkującej tamtejsze cmentarze płaskie-zarówno te z konstrukcjami kamiennymi, jak i bez nich. Antropologiczna analiza porównawcza populacji z cmentarzysk w Surażu i Czarnej Wielkiej wskazuje także na różnice biostrukturalne pomiędzy użytkownikami obydwu typów nekropoli płaskich. Wyniki badań wspierają koncepcję o obcym pochodzeniu ludności pochowanej na podlaskich cmentarzyskach z grobami w obstawach kamiennych oraz co najmniej częściowo tej użytkującej nekropole płaskie założone przy głównych tamtejszych grodach.


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