In this modern era, santri-like modern society in general-cannot turn away from two realities of life: actual reality and virtual reality. santri are demanded to be able to adapt in order to face these two realities. The first reality requires students to have the competence to read and understand the book well for later to be applied to real life, in religion and society. The second reality requires students to be 'literate' in technology. It means being able to package and present their religious knowledge in digital form. These two competencies are important possessed by students to be able to convey the message of religion which is s} a> lih} li kulli zama> m wa maka> m (Eligible for all times and places). Associated with efforts to answer the needs of the community in virtual reality, a variety of innovations and creativity of the students has emerged in the form of digitizing pesantren books. Through this paper, some of the digitization patterns will be described descriptively and reviewed using content analysis methods. From the results of the study conducted, it can be concluded that there are several patterns of digitizing the pesantren books that have been carried out: some are presented through social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Youtube; some are presented through website-based media, such as the yellow book gallery; some are presented in the Smartphone application, such as the Salaf book application or the Kitab Kuning application. The design of the presentation is also varied: some are in the form of text, audio, video, images and pdf. Some are also presented in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format. Each of these patterns has made a valuable contribution to the virtual preaching of pesantren in the modern era. More attention is needed from several related parties for its massive development and dissemination, so that the knowledge of pesantren can be accessed more widely by the community, not only on actual reality, but also on virtual reality.