Questionnaire-Based Cross-Sectional Study A B S T R A C T (original) (raw)
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International journal of health sciences
Background: A worldwide halitosis frequency of 10% - 30% is a common oral health complaint. Bad breath is described as a persistent condition in which a person's oral emissions are unpleasant or disagreeable. It not only hinders the person's ability to go about their routine activities, but also causes them shame and lowers their self-esteem, which in turn lowers their overall quality of life. Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate how students majoring in dentistry and medicine see their own halitosis. Methodology: The students inducted in Bachelors in Medicine & Bachelors in Surgery (MBBS), and Bachelors in Dental Surgery (BDS) programs at various Teaching Institutes in Rawalpindi participated in this descriptive cross-sectional analytical epidemiological study. Around 500 undergraduates were given a self-administered questionnaire. Results: In our study, 96 (22.54%) were male students and 330 (77.46%) were female students respectively. 62 (64.6%) male and...
Awareness of Halitosis and Oral Hygiene Among Undergraduate Dental Students
Journal of The Pakistan Dental Association
BACKGROUND: Halitosis or oral malodor is characterized by unpleasant odor arising from the oral cavity. The prevalence of halitosis however is not studied extensively. METHODOLOGY: A structured questionnaire consisting of 15 questions was administered to 220 undergraduate students of Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore. RESULTS: Out of them 212(96.36%) students participated in the study. Among them 90(42.45%) were males and 122(57.55%) were females. Mean age of the students was 20.48±1.63 years. Average age of male was 21.41±1.66 years and of female was19.79±1.22 years. 89(42.0%) reported halitosis (95% C.I 35.3% to 48.9%), 90(42.5%) have no halitosis and 33(15.6%) did not know about It. Halitosis was reported among 30(33.3%) male and 59(48.4%) female. Present study showed that females have more awareness of malodor than the male students. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate higher prevalence and awareness of halitosis among this population consisting of dental students. The awareness of halitosis as an individual entity should be promoted to the general population and the therapeutic measures should be made available to all.
Level of Knowledge and Awareness of Halitosis in the Dental Medicine Students
Medico-Legal Update, 2020
Background: Halitosis is a general term that means bad odor in the oral cavity that is difficult to treat due to poor oral health and is a problem affecting 50% of the adult population The impact of halitosis is closely related to the psychological and social effects of a person. Purpose: To find out the level of knowledge and awareness of Dental Medicine Students of Universitas Airlangga about halitosis and the benefits of the perception and level of awareness of halitosis as a reference in carrying out health promotion.
Oral Hygiene Practices and Self - Perceived Halitosis among Dental Students
Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry, 2014
Background: Halitosis represents a common dental condition, although sufferers are often not conscious of it. It is common among humans around the world and is usually caused by an accumulation of bacteria in the mouth as a result of gum disease, food, or plaque. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of oral hygiene practices, smoking habits and halitosis among undergraduate dental students and correlate the oral hygiene practices, oral health conditions to the prevalence of self perceived oral malodor. Materials and Methods: Clinical examination of 250 dental students and a self-administered questionnaire were included in this study. A questionnaire was developed to assess the self-reported perception of oral breath, awareness of bad breath, timing of bad breath, oral hygiene practices, caries and bleeding gums, dryness of the mouth, smoking and tongue coating. Results: The results indicated that female students had better oral hygiene practices. Significantly less self-reported oral bad breath (P = 0.000) was found in female dental students (40%) as compared to male (70%). It was found that smoking had statistically highly significant correlation with halitosis (P = 0.000). Presence of other oral conditions such as dental caries and filled carious lesions also showed higher prevalence of halitosis in dental students. Conclusion Oral hygiene practices and oral health conditions are very important factors in halitosis. Females exhibited better oral hygiene practices and less prevalence of halitosis as compared to male students.
Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, 2014
Objective: The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of oral hygiene practices, smoking habits and halitosis among undergraduate dental students and correlating the oral hygiene practices, oral health conditions to the prevalence of self perceived oral malodour. Materials and Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among 277 male and female students. A questionnaire was developed to assess the self-reported perception of oral breath, awareness of bad breath, timing of bad breath, oral hygiene practices, caries and bleeding gums, dryness of the mouth, smoking and tongue coating. Results: The results indicate female students had better oral hygiene practices. Signifi cantly less self-reported oral bad breath (P = 0.007) was found in female dental students (40%) as compared to their male counterparts (58%). It was found that smoking and dryness of mouth had statistically signifi cant correlation with halitosis (P = 0.026, P = 0.001). Presence of other oral conditions such as tongue coating and dental caries and bleeding gums also showed higher prevalence of halitosis in dental students. Conclusion: A direct correlation exists between oral hygiene practices and oral health conditions with halitosis. Females exhibited better oral hygiene practices and less prevalence of halitosis as compared to male students.
Perception towards Halitosis among Dental Students in Panchkula District , Haryana
Halitosis (Latin "halitus": breath, haze)is an unpleasant and offensive odour emanating from one's breath. Besides halitosis, other terms used for this condition are: bad breath, foul breath, oral malodour and fetor ex-ore 1. Halitosis should not be confused with the generally temporary oral odour caused by intake of certain foods, tobacco, or medications. Halitosis can be classified into categories of genuine halitosis, pseudohalitosis and halitophobia. Genuine halitosis is diagnosed if obvious malodour with intensity beyond socially acceptable level is perceived. If obvious halitosis is not perceived by others, although the patient stubbornly complains of its existence, it is diagnosed as pseudo-halitosis. If the patient still believes that he or she has halitosis, after treating both genuine and pseudo halitosis resulting in no objectively noticeable foul odour, then it may be termed as halitophobia 2. Halitosis is multifactorial andsignifies bad odor in the exhaled air that may involve both oral and nonoral conditions which is a common complain in the adult population. 3,4 More than 75% of all cases have oral origin. The most frequent are poor hygiene, tongue coating, periodontal disease and decreased salivary flow rate. Non oral etiology of halitosis includes disturbances of upper and lower respiratory tract, disorders of gastrointestinal tract, some systemic diseases, metabolic disorders, medication and food ingestion 1,5,6. The basic process is microbial degradation of organic substrates.The main compounds that lead to bad breath emanating from the oral cavity are the volatile sulfide compounds (VSC), especially hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), methyl mercaptan (CH 3 SH), and dimethylsulfide [(CH 3) 2 S]. 7 These compounds are produced by the anaerobic Gram-negative microorganisms such as Treponemadenticola, Porphyromonasgingivalis, Porphyromonasendodontalis, Prevotellaintermedia, Bacteroidesloescheii, Enterobacteriaceae,Tannerellaforsythe nsis, Centipedaperiodontii, Eikenellacorrodens, andFusobacteriumnucleatum that inhabit the oral cavity. 8 The microorganisms interact with the sulfur-containing substances that are present in saliva, gingival crevicular fluid, blood, and cells leading to the production of odiferous products. 9 Dentists are often asked about bad breath, and they often don't know what to say. This is probably because dental school curricula either do not include the subject in their curriculum altogether, or cover it only in brief. Dentists should know how to treat oral malodor. It is evident that halitosis is something that people in general are concerned about. Although halitosis has been recognized in the past; but it has become a very important social problem in modern societies. 10-13 This situation requires health professionals to have a considerable commitment and training in managing the referred condition, hence an attempt was made to know the perception and ability of dental students to tackle this challenge. II. Aim The purpose of this paper is to evaluate, in a school of dentistry, students' level of knowledge, attitude towards halitosis and education received about it. III. Material And Methods: Study design, study setting and study population: The present study was a cross sectional questionnaire study which was conducted in the month of June 2014. The study population comprised of all the dental students (final year and interns) of a Dental college in Panchkula district. The questionnaires were distributed to the students at their work place during the break time and were given sufficient time to complete. Ethical clearance and Informed consent: Ethical clearance was taken from the concerned authorities prior to the commencement of the study. The questionnaires were administered to the students who gave written informed consent and volunteered to participate in the study. Before administering the questionnaire students were briefed about the objectives of the study. The surveys reports were kept anonymous.
Acta stomatologica Croatica, 2013
Sažetak Svrha: U ovom se istraživanju željelo među dodiplomskim studentima Sveučilišta Sains Malaysia procijeniti broj oboljelih (prevalencija) od samoopažene halitoze i s njom povezanih čimbenika. Ispitanici i postupci: U ovom presječnom istraživanju rabio se upitnik kojim se procjenjivala samoopažena halitoza i s njom povezani čimbenici. Sudjelovalo je 300 studenata dodiplomske nastave, i to po 100 sa studija medicine, dentalne medicine i medicinskih znanosti. Rezultati: Srednja dob studenata bila je 21,7 godina (SD 1, 75), a među njima su bile i 202 (67,3 %) studentice. Kod 13 posto studenata samoopažena halitoza otkrivena je tehnikom ruka na usta te je njih 9,3 posto izjavilo da zadah utječe na njihove socijalne kontakte. Većina studenata (79,7 %) osjetila je neugodan vonj iz usta odmah nakon buđenja. Studenti dentalne medicine rjeđe su prijavljivali halitozu negoli oni medicine i medicinskih znanosti (OR=0,34 ; CI=0,12, 0,95), Studenti koji se redovito koriste vodicom za ispiranje usta i četkaju jezik također su rjeđe opažali halitozu. Prevalencija halitoze bila je veća među studentima s gingivnim krvarenjem i naslagama na jeziku. Zaključak: Halitoza je češća među nedentalnim studentima. Čimbenici povezani s tom tegobom jesu gingivno krvarenje i naslage na jeziku. Redovito korištenje vodica za ispiranje usta i četkanje jezika itekako su korisni u prevenciji halitoze. Studentima se preporučuju profesionalna njega i korištenje sredstava za oralnu higijenu.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: This study was conducted to investigate the self-perception of mouth odor and its correlation with different variables. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 260 individuals who were asked about their perception of personal mouth odor. Factors such as age, gender, oral hygiene, periodontal and dental status, tongue coating, and medical history were recorded on a checklist. Halitosis was evaluated using an etiquette checker. The variables were analyzed using the independent samples t-test and multiple logistic regressions. RESULTS: Of 260 individuals, 101 persons claimed to have halitosis. The prevalence of pseudo-halitosis was 13.5%. Female gender, spontaneous bleeding and bleeding during dental brushing, periodontal index (PI), and tongue coating had a significant association with genuine halitosis according to logistic regression. The decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index had a significant association with pseudoand genuine halitosis....
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Introduction: Halitosis is the source of nuisance and can affect person’s own health. This can also create social issues and may decrease self-confidence. The main cause of large number of populations effected by this condition is lack of awareness, knowledge or non-accessibility to health care facility. Objectives: The aim of this study is to access the knowledge, practices and self-reported problems of halitosis among the students of Sharif Medical & Dental College, Sharif College of Engineering and Technology and Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College Multan. Duration of Study: This cross-sectional study was conducted among students of Sharif Medical & Dental College Sharif College of Engineering and Technology and Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College Multan from 1st July 2019 to 01st January 2022. Material and Methods: The data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of 13 questions includes three components i.e. knowledge, practices and self- reported problems. P...