The impact of financial leverage sharp increase on earnings management on the accepted firms in Tehran Stock Exchange (original) (raw)
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Effect of Firm Size and Leverage on Earning Management
Financial reports provide all the information needed for stakeholders, especially investors, and what investors pay attention to is profit as a proxy for management performance and performance. The more professional the company management is, the more investors' perception is that the more profit is generated. Investors rarely analyze the issuer's condition more fundamentally. Because profit is often the center of attention of investors, thus encouraging management to do things that are not appropriate, namely making the entity look good financially or known as Earnings Management. This study aims to analyze the effect of firm size and leverage on earnings management. The samples of this study were companies in the food and beverage sub-sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that published their financial reports in 2014-2018. Data were analyzed using the multiple regression method with the SPSS 23.00 analysis tool. The results showed that firm size and leverage had no signi...
Influence of Profitability, Liquidity, Leverage and Company Size on Earnings Management
Jurnal Ekobistek
This study aims to analyze and estimate the effect of Profitability, Liquidity, Leverage and Company Size on Earnings Management in Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2018. The sample selection technique used purposive sampling and obtained as many as 48 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis technique used panel regression analysis using Eviews 10.0. Based on the results of the first hypothesis test, the partial regression results explain that profitability has a significant effect on Earnings Management. The second hypothesis from the regression results partially explains that Liquidity has no effect on Earnings Management. The third hypothesis from the regression results partially explains that Leverage has a significant effect on Earnings Management. The fourth hypothesis from the regression results partially explains that firm size has a significant effect on earnings management. And the fifth hypoth...
The Influence of Leverage and Its Size on the Earnings Management
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2015
This study aimed to determine the effect of leverage and firm size on earnings management. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method with the criteria listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and has a complete set of financial statements. The study sample consisted of 30 manufacturing companies, used multiple regression analysis techniques and to test the research hypothesis, F test and t test.From the results of calculations using SPSS for Windows version 20, showed that: 1) The value of operating leverage coefficient of 0.215, significant operating leverage affect earnings management by 21.5%; 2) financial leverage coefficient of 0.505, meaning financial leverage affect earnings management by 50.5%; 3) The size of the company coefficient of 0.417, meaning the size of the company affect earnings management of 41.7%.Rated R square (R2) of 0.603, illustrates that earnings management (Y), can be explained by the operating leverage, financial leverage, and the size of the company amounted to 60.3%, while the remaining 39.7%, can be explained by other factors, which are not included in this study.From the results of hypothesis testing F, obtained value of F (2,082) <F table (2.769), this means that there is no effect of operating leverage, financial leverage, and the size of the companies jointly to earnings management. While the results of hypothesis testing t, obtained the following results: 1) tcount (-0.537) <t table (1.672) which means that there is no effect of operating leverage on earnings management; 2) tcount (-0.153) <t table (1.672) which means that there is no financial leverage effect on earnings management; 3) tcount (0.686) <t table (1.672) which means that there is no effect of firm size on earnings management.
Effect of Company Age, Audit Quality, Leverage and Profitability on Earnings Management
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
This research aims to test the impact of Company Age, Audit Quality, Leverage and Profitability on Earnings management on Indonesian Stock Exchange-listed Retail and Wholesale Trading Companies for the years 2016-2020. The study used data obtained from financial statements. The trade sector, which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, is the focus population for this study. The sample selection technique used is purposive sampling with several criteria that have been determined, the sample data obtained by 18 companies with the period 2016-2020. SPSS version 25 was utilized for data analysis, and the traditional assumption test of heteroskedasticity multicollinierity, normality test, correlation and determination coefficient test, simultaneous test, and partial test were used. This research showed that company age had a significant positive impact on earnings management, audit quality had a significant negative impact on earnings management, leverage had no significant impact o...
The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, and Managerial Ownership on Earnings Management
International Journal of Application on Economics and Business
This study aims to determine the effect of profitability, leverage, and managerial ownership on earnings management in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. This study used 30 manufacturing companies as a sample with the purposive sampling method. In this research, Microsoft Excel and EViews 12 was used to assist in data processing. The results of this study show that profitability has positive and significant effect on earnings management, leverage and managerial ownership has no effect on earnings management. This research can be useful for company management, investors, and creditors in dealing with factors that affect earnings management.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Advance And Scientific Innovation, ICASI 2019, 18 July, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 2019
This study investigates the relationship between leverages, earning per share (EPS) and earning management. Using discretionary accrual as a proxy for earning management. For measuring Accrual Earning Management (AEM), revenue discretionary model and revenue model (model stubben) are used in the study. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and a regression method for panel data, namely fixed effect based on the Hausman test result. Panel data regression models are applied for the period from 2016-2018 on a sample size of 31 companies listed on Indonesia stock exchange, taking LQ 45 index as a benchmark. The data analysis testing employed Eviews (Econometric View). The result showed leverage affect on the earning management negatively and earning per share (EPS) affect on the earning management positively.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2022
This article presents to find out the motivate managers in managing earnings, including profitability, leverage, and company size. This studies is still a hot topic of discussion among researchers, so much research has been conducted since 2018. This study aims to discuss the effect of profitability, leverage, company size on earnings management in LQ 45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2020 period. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis using secondary data with descriptive statistical tests. Followed by the classical assumption test using the multiple regression model hypothesis testing method. Several conclusions can be drawn that there is profitability that has no effect on earnings management, the leverage variable has a negative effect on earnings management, the firm size variable has no negative effect on earnings management. It is recommended for further research to increase the number of years tested, so that the research results can be more accurate.
Implication of good corporate governance and leverage on earnings management
International Journal of Social Science and Business
Company management (agent) is the party most concerned to practice earnings management to deceive the users of financial statements so that management gain private gain (obtaining privat gains). In addition, firms with high leverage ratios are influential in performing earnings management practices because the company is in default. The existence of the principle of good corporate governance is expected to minimize earnings management resulting in financial statements do not describe the fundamental value of the company actually.The study aims at stating wheader is proves significant influence between the institutional ownership, the composition of independent commissioners, the size of the board of directors, the size of the company and the leverage on earnings management.The results of research on non-bank companies listed in LQ 45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2013-2016 show that partially the composition of independent commissioners, firm size and leverage have a positive eff...
Earning Management Leverage and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
European Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Using the regression analysis by taking year and industry impact, we conducted the study to see how debt can be used to mitigate the negative impact of earning management on the performance of the company. We take the sample of non-financial firms from Pakistan between year 2009 to 2015. Our results conclude that firms which are engage in earning management activities by AEM or REM both impacts negatively on the performance of the company. The role of debt has a positive impact on the performance of the company and it can be used by the shareholders to monitor the activities of managers and attenuate the negative impact of earning management activities. We emphasis that company managers are involve in earning management activities in the context of Pakistan and role of debt is important to mitigate its negative impact on firm performance. Keywords: Profitability, Leverage, Earning Management, Pakistan