Suplacu de Barcău - Corău, campania 2012 (original) (raw)
2013, Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice
The Neolithic site from “Corău”, Suplacu de Bracău is located in an overflowing area on the right side of the Barcău river. The preventive archaeological research took place in the framework of a dam construction on the Barcău river. During the 2012 campaign, archaeological research took place from the 22.08.2012-to the 22. 10. 2012 and we have partially modified the research strategy. Both non-intrusive methods (surface research, surveying and geomagnetic scanning) and archaeological excavation (sections, surfaces) have been employed. The first grid of 40 m x 40 m for which magneto-metric scans were provided, is situated in the east-south-eastern side of the area which is assumed to be investigated. In this area we investigated seven archaeological features, most of them represented by small pits. Magneto-metry provided us in a short time with amazing results. The magneto-metric maps revealed the spatial distribution of the archaeological features and materials. Moreover, geomagnetic prospects seized the site limits and one of the ancient Barcău flows. Evidence pointed out that the rectangular structures of the inside settlement could be dwellings clearly discernible as they have a fired inventory. In the same time, we extended one of Doina’s Ignat sections (SVII) to the north-west in order to obtain a clear view on the site stratigraphy, cultural and chronological framing and eventual successive deposition layers. Therefore, in the next couple of weeks the archaeological researches were carried out on the right side of the ancient flow of the Barcău river (grids I 08, I 09, J 08, J 09, K 08, K 09) and we focused on excavating as much as we can in order to obtain certain scientific results. In the first surface SI/2012 (13 m x 50 m) there have been identified 60 archaeological features (most of them small pits and deepened dwellings), but only 53 have been investigated (one of these features is represented by an inhumation grave-M1). All in all, four surfaces were excavated, roughly 3000 m2, and we indentified almost 160 archaeological different features. The main purpose of the next archaeological campaign will be to assign all the archaeological features which are to be investigated to a certain cultural and chronological frame as well as a general view on the evolution of this site in the first half of the fifth millennium B.C. is to be obtained.