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Indian Journal of Animal Research, 2020
Background: The testicular biometry such as scrotal circumference (SC) and scrotal volume, affect semen quality hence bull fertility and thus testicular biometry can be used for breeding soundness of bulls. Methods: The present study was carried out to study the testicular parameters of 77 Sahiwal males of different ages and to establish its importance for selection of breeding bulls during 2015-2016 at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal. The testicular biometry of each male was done at monthly intervals using Vernier calliper, cloth tap and ultrasonography. Result: The semen quality parameters were significantly (P less than 0.05) more in the group having higher scrotal circumference. The scrotal circumference follows the curvilinear manner of growth from 12 months to greater than 72 months (correlation value of 0.92 and R2 0.84). The paired testicular volume (PTV) differed significantly (P less than 0.05) between different age group males. Scrotal circumference and paired testicular volume are dir...
Protocol was developed to evaluate the best performing breed in the local conditions of tribal areas which are slightly different from other parts of the country; moreover the conventional method was used to evaluate its effect on the semen quality during processing. Four different breeds (Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Sahiwal, and Holstein-Friesian Sahiwal Cross) in four different time intervals (pre-dilution, post-dilution, post-equilibration and post-freezing) were evaluated to see their effect on the semen quality such as individual motility, sperm membrane integrity, sperm morphology and live percentage. The breed effected individual motility of semen significantly (p<0.05), while the effect on volume, sperm abnormalities and membrane integrity was highly significant (p<0.01). Highest individual motility observed for FSC was 74.0%, as compare to Jersey, Holstein Friesian and Sahiwal, i.e. 72.9%, 70.95% and 68.9 %, respectively. However, the primary abnormalities observed were highest in FSC (15.39%) and least in Jersey (11.70%). Membrane integrity damage was found in FSC, Sahiwal, Jersey and HF as 24.06%, 22.66%, 20.60% and 18.90% respectively. The effect of different time intervals on the sperm motility, live percentage and secondary abnormities was highly significant (p<0.01). The individual sperm motility during different time interval i. e. predilution, post-dilution, post-equilibration and post-freezing was (93.34%, 80.31%, 79.30% and 49.92%) respectively. The live sperm percentage was highest at pre-dilution (92.72%) and least observed at post freezing (53.60%), showing 42.19 percent change. Secondary abnormalities observed were 8.19%, 18.23%, 21.35% and 29.96% respectively, during different time intervals. The overall results suggest that jersey breed performance was good in hilly area of the region and should be continued to breed the local breed Achai. Moreover highest sperm abnormalities and other damage to sperm cell were occurred postfreezing by using conventional way of freezing.
Sexual behavior and its relationship with semen quality parameters in Sahiwal breeding bulls
Veterinary World, 2015
The study was conducted at Artificial Breeding Research Centre, NDRI, Karnal, to determine the sexual behavior and its relationship with semen quality parameters in Sahiwal breeding bulls. Materials and Methods: A total of 63 ejaculates were collected from six adult Sahiwal bulls (age ~47 mo and bwt ~466 kg), to study the relationship of sexual behavior and semen quality. The degree of association between different variables was estimated by Pearson's correlation coefficient method. Results: The results depicted that, sexual aggressiveness showed significantly high positive correlation with libido score (LS) and sexual behavior score (SBS). Reaction time (RT) and total time taken in mounts (TTTM) had a significant negative correlation with LS and SBS. Penile erection score and penile protrusion score (PPS) both had a significant positive correlation with ejaculatory thrust score, mating ability score, and SBS. Results of correlation among seminal attributes and with sexual behavior depicted that ejaculate volume had positive significant correlation with initial progressive motility (IPM), sperm concentration (SCON), head abnormality, total abnormality, hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST), acrosomal integrity (AI) whereas, mass activity had positive significant correlation with IPM, SCON, non-eosinophilic spermatozoa count (NESC), HOST, AI, RT and TTTM and IPM had positive significant correlation with SCON, NESC, HOST, AI, and TTTM, whereas and HOST had positive significant correlation with AI. Among seminal attributes, SCON had a positive significant correlation with PPS where as head abnormalities had a positive significant correlation with RT and TTTM. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the relationship of sexual behavior and semen quality parameters are reflecting that the sexual behavior of individual bulls is important to harvest good quality and quantity of semen as desired type of sexual preparation can be provided.
Season Induced Changes in Seminal Characteristics of Sahiwal Breeding Bulls
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2020
T he Sahiwal breed of cattle is native breed of Pakistan. Sahiwal breed is reputed to be known for its high tolerance against harsh climate, tropical disease resistance and having high production potential in least resource availability, making it one of the best cattle breeds of tropical regions (Ilatsia et al., 2011). Originating from Pakistan, the breed has now spread to almost 29 other countries including 12 African countries (McSweeney and Mackie, 2012). The breed is also a part of many breeding plans to develop new breeds where tropical climate dominates e.g. Australian Friesian Sahiwal in Australia. Therefore, there has been ever increasing demand for the semen of Sahi-wal cattle in Pakistan in general and globally in particular (Singh et al., 2015). Health and management of donor bulls is empirical for production of semen having good quality and quantity. Quality of semen is a function of various factors and season is most important among those. Season affects the reproductive performance of bulls through its major meteorological components like temperature, humidity, daylength and rainfall (Bhakat et al., 2009). A recent study conducted on Friesian bulls in Libya (Alragubi, 2015) indicated that higher atmospheric temperature in summer season adversely affect different biological and physical characteristics of semen.
Inter-Relationship among and between Sexual behaviour and Seminal Attributes of Young Sahiwal bulls
Indian journal of dairy science, 2015
Relationship among various sexual behavior traits as well as with seminal attributes found to be helpful for predicting reproductive performance of breeding bulls. 88 Ejaculates were collected from eight young Sahiwal bulls, have body weight of 170 kg to 280 kg and age group of 17 month to 36 month to study the relationship of sexual behaviour and semen quality. The degree of association between different variables was estimated by calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results of the study revealed that, SA and DT showed significantly (P<0.01) high positive correlation with PES, PPS, PES, LS, MAS and SBS as well as RT had positive significant (P<0.01) correlation with TTTM and PES. PPS, ETS, LS, MAS and SBS showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with each other. RT had significant (P<0.01) negative correlation with LS and SBS. Regarding seminal attributes the result depicted that ejaculate volume had positive significant (P<0.01) correlation wi...
Relationship between sexual behaviour and seminal attributes of young Sahiwal bulls
Relationship among various sexual behaviour traits as well as with seminal attributes found to be helpful for predicting reproductive performance of breeding bulls. Eighty eight ejaculates were collected from eight young Sahiwal bulls, having body weight of 170 to 280 kgs and age group of 17 to 36 months to study the relationship of various sexual behaviour traits and semen quality variables. The degree of association between different variables was estimated by calculating Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of the study revealed that, sexual aggressiveness (SA) and dismounting time (DT) showed significantly (P<0.01) high positive correlation with penile erection score (PES), penile protrusion score (PPS), libido score (LS), mating ability score (MAS), Sexual behavior score (SBS) as well as reaction time (RT) had significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with total time taken in mounts (TTTM) and PES. RT had significant (P<0.01) negative correlation with LS ...
Reproductive performance of crossbred and
This study was conducted among 120 mixed breed cows at selected sites of Sirajgonj district, Bangladesh to compare the reproductive performance of crossbred and Desi cows from March to July 2010. The climatic conditions of the study area are varied according to the seasonal alterations in Bangladesh. The primary data was collected via a questionnaire from farm levels and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. The results had shown that, the average daily milk yield of Desi, Sahiwal × Desi, Friesian × Desi and Jersey × Desi cows were 2.3 ± 0.2, 4.9 ± 0.9, 6.0 ± 1.0 and 5.7 ± 0.9 liters, respectively. The overall milk production in crossbreds (5.5 ± 0.6 liters/day) were significantly (P<0.01) higher rather than Desi (2.3 ± 0.2 liters/day). However, The average age at puberty of Sahiwal × Desi, Friesian × Desi and Jersey × Desi was significantly (P<0.01) lower than the Desi breed where as the crossbred cows showed significantly (P<0.01) lesser pubertal age (20.4 ± 1.2) than Desi (25.9 ± 1.1). Furthermore, age at first calving in Desi cows were significantly (P<0.01) higher (37.6 ± 1.1 month) compared to crossbred cows (31.2 ± 1.3 month). It was also demonstrated that average gestation length of Desi, Sahiwal × Desi, Friesian × Desi and Jersey × Desi were 289.9 ± 1.4, 285.0 ± 0.0, 285.0 ± 4.2, and 282.1 ± 2.4 days, respectively. In conclusion, Friesian × Desi and Sahiwal × Desi cows enhanced the overall reproductive performance than that of Desi cows.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, 2022
This work was conducted to study the breeding soundness of semen producing bulls, their semen quality to functional tests and the inter relationship of these functional tests with spermatozoa motility percentage for the semen produced at National Animal Genetic Improvement Institute (NAGII). A total of 14 breeding bulls (Boran = 4, Crosses of 75% Holstein Frisian × 25% Boran = 4 and Holstein Frisian = 6) with respective ejaculates of 35, 33 and 57 for semen quality evaluations were considered. After physical examination of bulls for breeding soundness, semen samples were tested for functional and structural (spermatozoa acrosome integrity, viability and hypo osmotic swelling reactivity) tests and spermatozoa motility percentage using subjective and objective (computer assisted semen analysis; CASA) evaluation methods, to see the correlation of functional tests with spermatozoa motility percentage. And in the study, nevertheless, significant differences between Cross and HF breeds were not recorded for the breeding soundness evaluation parameters and for most of the semen quality parametric test values; significantly (P < 0.05) minimal and highest parametric values of the breeding soundness evaluation and semen quality were recorded in Boran and HF breeds, respectively. All the functional semen quality evaluation tests (HOST, acrosome integrity, sperm morphological defect and viability) were related in one or the other to the objective CASA individual spermatozoa motility evaluation; which were not true with subjective individual spermatozoa motility estimation. Therefore, conducting stringent breeding soundness evaluation for these breeds and evaluating their individual spermatozoa motility percentage using CASA system instead of subjective motility estimation can screen good quality semen and subsequently make possible to predict their fertility potential.
Evaluation of postthaw sperm parameters and fertility of Cholistani service bulls
The present study was conducted with the objective of evaluating Cholistani service bulls on the basis of their postthaw sperm parameters and fertilizing potential through artificial insemination under the prevailing local climate. Semen from each experimental bull (n = 6) was collected at weekly intervals over a 12-month period, frozen, thawed, and evaluated for postthaw sperm parameters. Fertility rate of postthaw samples was determined by inseminating 1200 Cholistani cows in 2 trials: Trial 1 had 600 cows with 100 inseminations per bull to assess the effect of individual bulls and Trial 2 had 600 inseminations with 150 insemination doses frozen per season to assess effect of seasons. The results revealed a significant effect (P < 0.05) of bulls and seasons on all the postthaw semen parameters studied. The overall fertility rate recorded in the present study was 69.7% (837/1200), being 68.5% (411/600) and 71.0% (426/600) in the first and second trials, respectively. The highest fertility rate of 75.3% (113/600) was noticed in the hot dry summer and the lowest of 67.3% (101/600) in the hot wet summer (67.3%). However, differences in fertility rate within bulls and within seasons were statistically nonsignificant (P > 0.05).
The investigation was aimed to evaluate the bulls for breeding soundness by assessing their fresh semen. The study was performed in District AI center, Mymensingh and AI center,BAU, Mymensingh. Four different bulls of cross breed (Holstein-Friesian × Zebu, Sahiwal × Zebu, Sindhi × Zebu and Red Chittagong Bull) were examined physically with a special emphasis to the palpation of the scrotum and testicles and rectal palpation of the pelvic genitalia were carried out once every two weeks. The sexual behavior particularly the libido was observed at service. A total of 107 ejaculates were collected and evaluated with respect to ejaculate volume, mass activity, sperm motility, concentration of sperm, pH, percentages of live and dead spermatozoa from 1 May to 31 October, 2013. The bulls used in this study were regarded as clinically normal. During the study, mean value of semen ejaculate volume, sperm motility, mass activity, sperm concentration, percentage of live and dead sperm and pH were 5