Logical Reasoning Abilities of Junior High School Students in the Province of Cotabato, Philippines (original) (raw)



This paper aims the aim of the present study is to ascertain the extend of logical reasoning of standard IX students as predictor of their academic performance in mathematics and to find out the significant relationship between Logical reasoning and academic performance in Mathematics. The descriptive method with a survey design was adopted. A sample of 540 standard ninth students in Kanchipuram region from 13 high/higher secondary schools was selected through stratified random sampling technique. The tools developed by the investigators was Logical Reasoning questionnaire for High School Students (LRQHSS) consisting of 25 items despite of being considered the half yearly examination math mark of students as academic performance. Findings revealed that as many as 67.8% of variances could be predicated from students’ Logical reasoning on academic performance of students in Mathematics and significant correlation between logical reasoning and academic performance in Mathematics.

Determinants of Students' Logical Reasoning and Mathematics Achievement

Journal of Literature Languages and Linguistics, 2015

This study examined the determinants of students' logical reasoning and mathematics achievement. Three factors; age, sex and class level were viewed as determinants of students' logical reasoning. Ex-post-facto research design was used for the study and the sample size was 420 senior secondary school students in Olamaboro Local Government Area of Kogi State-Nigeria. Three research questions were raised and three hypotheses also stated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument used for data collection was "Mathematical Reasoning Test (MRT)" developed by the researchers and validated by two mathematics Educators and one measurement and evaluation lecturer. The reliability of the instrument was determined using inter-rater approach and kendall's coefficient of concordance statistic gave .84. Data was analysed using t-test and analysis of variance. The findings revealed among others that; age and class levels determine students' logical reasoning in mathematics. It was recommended that age and class level should be given serious recognition in planning and organizing the mathematics curriculum.

"Development of Logical Thinking in Elementary School Students in relation to

The present study was conducted to investigate Logical Thinking in Elementary School Students. Logical Thinking and Certain Cognitive are interrelated. The point of the examination was to discover the relationship of Logical Thinking of Elementary School Students with Certain Cognitive. The study used descriptive method of research. The investigator had taken 240 secondary school students by using random sampling technique respectively. The students were assessed by using Piagetian type to asses logical thinking of the subjects and Raven's Colored Progressive matrices for measurement of intelligence. KEYTERMS: Logical Thinking, Certain Cognitive and Elementary School Students. The human child, for a long time, was presumed to be non-different from the adult; the little child was considered a miniature adult. He was dressed in adult clothes cut to suit his size. He was expected to think and behave like adults. It took a long time for this faulty conception of human development to change. Small children now are no longer considered as miniature adults and they are not expected to think and behave like their adult counterparts. Piaget has experimentally proved that adult forms of thought are distinct from those of children. The extensive research of Jean Piaget has helped dispelling this very common misconception regarding the nature of human thought and intelligence. JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY Since the development of logical thinking is very important for the cognitive functioning of an individual throughout his life; and also it is most crucial from the educational point of view, the important issue before us today is to identify the structure of elementary school student thought taking into account the maximum number of its dimensions. Equally important is to develop a matching model of curriculum and pedagogy for class room instruction in different subjects. The present investigator, however, thinks more significant thing would be to know the acquisition of the necessary tools for logical thinking and to see the development of these tools in respect of certain variables. Benet and others much before Piaget tried to describe human intelligence in terms of one's capacity to think rationally. In the light of above discussion, the present investigator wants to conduct the study in Assam state. The main purpose of the study will be to see a correspondence between child's acquisitions of various tools or instruments on which logical thinking depends and his/her actual measured intelligence, age and socioeconomic status.

Logical Thinking in Mathematics : A Study of Secondary School Students in Pakistan


The main aim of this study was to assess performance of grade 9th students in logical thinking. A test of reasoning was administered to a sample of above 500 hundred. The results show differential performance of the students. Item wise performance with background variable as school sector shows that performance of private schools students was significantly better than students of public schools. Similarly male and urban students performed well than female and rural students respectively. Interaction analysis of gender, rural urban divide shows that some items show interaction effect by behaving differently in response to background variables.

Student’s Logical Reasoning Ability in Terms of Sequential Thinking Style

Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif

Logical reasoning ability plays an important role in serving students understand and solves mathematical problems. The students' thinking style is one factor that affects how students solve problems. This study aims to reveal the student's logical reasoning ability based on a sequential thinking style. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study design. The subjects of this study included 15 grade 8 students due to limited access during the Covid-19 pandemic. We used Gregorc's thinking style questionnaire to classify students' thinking styles and three straight-line equation problems to reveal students' logical reasoning abilities. Four students, two for concrete and abstract sequential thinking styles, were interviewed to demonstrate their logical reasoning abilities. The results showed differences in students' logical thinking abilities in terms of thinking styles on constructing and establishing assumptions, assessing and testing, establishing generalizations, and determining conclusions indicators. Thus, it can be concluded that the thinking style can affect the students' logical reasoning abilities. Abstrak Kemampuan penalaran logis berperan penting untuk membantu siswa memahami dan menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika. Gaya berpikir siswa merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi cara siswa memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kemampuan penalaran logis berdasarkan gaya berpikir sekuensial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini meliputi 15 siswa kelas VIII dikarenakan keterbatasan akses pada masa pandemi. Peneliti menggunakan angket gaya berpikir Gregorc untuk mengklasifikasikan gaya berpikir siswa dan tiga soal tes materi persamaan garis lurus untuk mengungkap kemampuan penalaran logis siswa. Empat orang siswa, masing-masing dua siswa untuk gaya berpikir sekuensial konkrit dan abstrak, diwawancarai untuk menggali kemampuan penalaran logis siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir logis siswa ditinjau dari perbedaan gaya bepikir sekuensial konkrit dan abstrak pada indikator membangun dan menetapkan asumsi, menilai dan menguji, menetapkan generalisasi dan menentukan kesimpulan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaya berpikir dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan penalaran logis siswa.

The Importance of Logical Thinking Ability of Secondary Level School Students in South Delhi

The technology of organizing the process of developing logical thinking skills of elementary school pupils is the great challenge. Every moment in school the teacher is facing the development of logical thinking of students, the level of formation of which largely determines consciousness, the efficiency of mastering the foundations of sciences, the ability to navigate independently in an ever growing volume of information, apply existing knowledge to the maximum benefit, create the most favourable conditions for acquiring new knowledge and to communicate it to others. The development efficiency will increase if we implement the psychological and pedagogical conditions and mental ability and intelligence for the development of logical thinking with scientific reason and understanding the basic fundamental knowledge and concepts in the course curriculum and also the extra curricular activities for development of mental psychology that flourish in not only in academic but also the in the home of younger students with the help of innovative technologies. The essence of the concepts of "logic", "thinking", "logical thinking", "and logical thinking of junior pupils", "innovative technologies" is considered. The logical thinking of younger school children is the ability to use simple logical actions by students to form a full-fledged learning activity, which includes the ability to: highlight and hold a learning task; independently find and learn common ways to solve problems; adequately evaluate and control yourself and your activity; own reflection and self-regulation of activity; use the laws of logical thinking; own and use different forms of generalization, including theoretical ones.

Logical Intelligence And Problem Solving Ability In Mathematics Among Secondary School Students

The logical mathematical intelligence is the most securely documented of the intelligence. This intelligence derives from the handling of objects, grows into the ability to think concretely about those objects, then develops into the ability to think concretely about those objects, and then develops into the ability to think formally of relations without objects. Problem solving is a process by which an individual uses previously acquired knowledge, understanding, and skill to satisfy the demands of an unfamiliar situation. This study focus on the logical intelligence and problem solving ability in mathematics among secondary school students. Normative survey method was used for the research. Sample includes secondary students. Stratified sampling technique was used. The statistical technique used was correlation and t test. The hypotheses state that. 1) There will be significant correlation between logical intelligence and problem solving ability of secondary school students; 2) There will not be significant difference between male and female students in their logical intelligence Emotional intelligence & 3) There will not be significant difference between male and female students in their problem solving ability.. 1. NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Logical – mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. Problem solving is a deliberate or purposeful act on the part of an individual to realize the set of goals by inventing some novel methods or systematically following some planned steps for the removal of interferences of the obstacles in the path. Problem solving is an important strategy in mathematics learning. Logical/mathematical intelligence involves

The Predictive Power of Reasoning Ability on Academic Achievement

The present study examined the contribution of six components of reasoning ability (inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, linear reasoning, conditional reasoning, cause-and-effect reasoning and analogical reasoning) to explain the variation in academic achievement of class 10 th students. Through stratified random sampling technique five hundred and ninety eight students solved 35 contextualized different components of reasoning problems standardised by the investigator. The different components of reasoning ability were assessed with help of automatic linear modelling. The predictive power of various components of reasoning ability for academic achievement was 31.5 %. Out of the six dimensions of reasoning ability, the maximum involvement was reflected by deductive reasoning (.49) followed by cause and effect reasoning (.26) inductive reasoning (.16), linear reasoning (.05), conditional reasoning (.03) and analogical reasoning (.02) on academic achievement. The results achieved with the help of this method predicted greater accuracy and authenticity.

An Analysis of Proportional Reasoning Ability of Secondary School Students on Opportunity Material Viewed from Gender Perspective

Hipotenusa : Journal of Mathematical Society

This study aims to analyze the proportional reasoning ability of junior high school level students in solving math problems between male and female students on the opportunity material. This type of research is qualitative research. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII who were selected through the purposive sampling technique. Data collection methods are tests and interviews. The instruments used were the math ability test (TKM), proportional reasoning test (TPP) and interviews. Data were analyzed using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The validity of the data was tested by means of triangulation. The results showed that in the opportunity material, the male student subject was able to reach the entire level stage and fulfil the characteristics of proportional reasoning, while the female student subject was only able to reach level 1, while at level 2, the subject was unable to recognize the problem situation given was a proportional situation, at leve...

Exploration of Mathematics Problem Solving Processes of Junior High School Students with Different Levels of Logical Thinking Ability

Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Problem solving is one of the most important skills for students. Meanwhile, logical thinking is the ability to solve problems by relying on mental abilities. The purpose of this research is to describe the problem solving process of students with different levels of logical thinking. This research is an exploratory qualitative research involving eighth grade students of SMP N 5 Tuban who have different levels of logical thinking as research subjects. The subjects who were interviewed were 4 students. Instruments to measure the level of logical thinking used The Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GALT) while exploring the process of solving problems using the stages of entry, attack, and review. The results of the analysis show that students with high logical thinking skills meet the entry, attack, and review stage. Students with low logical thinking skills meet the entry stage in ‘know’ and ‘want’ aspects only, at the attack stage they only meet the try and possible aspects, and...