About the definition and measurement of the times-diffraction-limit number of high-power laser beams (original) (raw)
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Modeling of the laser beam shape for high-power applications
Optical Engineering
Aperture losses and thermo-optic effects (TOE) inside optics as well as the effective beam width in far field should be taken into account in the analysis of the most appropriate laser beam profile for high-power applications. We have theoretically analyzed such a problem for a group of super-Gaussian beams taking first only diffraction limitations. Furthermore, we have investigated TOE on far-field parameters of such beams to determine the influence of absorption in optical elements on beam quality degradation. The best compromise gives the super-Gaussian profile of index p ¼ 5, for which beam quality does not decrease noticeably and the thermo-optic higher order aberrations are compensated. The simplified formulas were derived for beam quality metrics (parameter M 2 and Strehl ratio), which enable estimation of the influence of heat deposited in optics on degradation of beam quality. The method of dynamic compensation of such effect was proposed. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Repetition-rate influence on the beam quality of a XeCl excimer laser
Optics Communications vol. 167, pp. 291-298 (1999), 1999
The results of beam quality measurements of a XeCl (λ=0.308 μm) laser, equipped with a generalised self-filtering unstable resonator (GSFUR), while operating in the burst mode at repetition rates of up to 50 Hz are presented. In particular, the behaviour of the laser-energy distribution (both in the near- and far-field) and of the beam-angular stability vs. the repetition rate was measured. The time evolution of the divergence within the single laser pulse was also measured. The GSFUR showed its remarkable ability to achieve a nearly diffraction-limited divergence since the beginning of the laser pulse, and, most importantly, to maintain the values of the times diffraction-limit (TDL) number, of the M2 parameter and of the beam angular stability (BAS) independent of the repetition rate. The BAS resulted in fluctuations smaller than one third of the beam divergence.
Characterizing output beams for lasers that use high-magnification unstable resonators
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2001
Laser beams generated from high-magnification on-axis unstable resonators by use of hard-edged optics typically have a doughnut-shaped distribution in the near field (i.e., a flat-top profile with a hole in the middle for an axially coupled beam). We derive analytical expressions describing this distribution by using the flattened Gaussian beams concept. The superposition of two flattened Gaussian beams whose flatness and steepness of edges are controlled by defined parameters (i.e., the beam width and the order) is used to analyze the output beam intensity along the propagation axis. Finally, experimental measurements of beam propagation from a copper-vapor laser fitted with a high-magnification unstable resonator show excellent agreement with theoretical predictions.
Optical quality of high-power laser beams in lenses
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2009
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Characterizing flat-top laser beams using standard beam parameters
Canadian Journal of Physics, 2006
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Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2001
Beams of a high angle of convergence and divergence are called high-aperture beams. Different ways of defining high-aperture generalizations to paraxial beams are reviewed for both scalar beams and electromagnetic beams. The different approaches are divided into three types. The particular examples of Gaussian beams and Bessel beams are discussed. For Gaussian beams, beams that exhibit a Gaussian variation in the waist necessarily include evanescent components, which rules out their use in describing propagation over all space. Generalizations of the definitions of beam width and the beam-propagation factor M^2 for high-aperture beams are described. The similarities among the three types of high-aperture beams and the different models of ultrashort-pulsed beams are discussed.