Мангилев П. И., прот., Тютюбеев А. Ф., диак. Собрание старопечатных книг библиотеки храма в честь Рождества Христова г. Екатеринбурга (на Уралмаше) // Церковь. Богословие. История. 2020. № 1. С. 432–442. (original) (raw)
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Мангилев П. И., прот. Соборы старообрядцев поморского согласия Южного Урала и Зауралья второй половины XIX – первой четверти XX в. // Традиции русской духовной культуры в памятниках письменности XVI–XX вв. Новосибирск, 2018. 450 с. (Археография и источниковедение Сибири; вып. 37). С. 186–191., 2018
The article contains a list of the Old Believers’ councils of the Pomortsy of the Southern Urals and the Trans-Urals in the second half of the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century. During this period there was an active discussion within the Pomorian Soglasie concerning possibility to enter into marriage without any priest’s blessing («unblessed» — the marriage that was not performed by a priest). Part of the Old Believers considered such marriages to be legal, while the other part disagreed. The polemic on this issue within the Soglasie resulted in a split among the supporters of the «unblessed» marriages. Part of the Old Believers, who followed the Ozersk Council of June, 29, 1875 took the position of obligatory re-baptizing of the Fedoseevtsy and Filippovtsy representatives as they refused «unblessed» marriages. Later the practice of re-baptizing was extended to the Pomortsy, who did not accept «unblessed» marriages. This position failed to win universal recognition and became the reason for polemics within the Soglasie. Numerous councils of Old Believers discussed the issue. The article summarizes information about these councils and takes into account the revealed lists of resolutions of the Old Believers’ councils and the lists of polemical and historical works, concerning these councils. Information about the cathedrals is presented in chronological order. The article provides data regarding the Old Believer meetings, the number of participants, the names of some leaders of the council meetings. Brief information about the contents of the conciliar decrees is given. Conciliar decisions and Old Believer works are interesting sources on the history of religious consciousness of Russian peasants — Old Believers. Information about Old Believers’ writings, historical and polemical, dedicated to cathedrals is given. Data on manuscripts of conciliar decisions, which are kept in the manuscript collection of the Laboratory of Archeographical Research of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, are given.
Мангилев П. И., прот. Описание рукописных книг библиотеки Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии (часть 5) // Вестник Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии. 2019. № 3 (27). С. 29–65., 2019
The article provides a complete archeographic description of 10 manuscripts of the collection of the rare books and manuscripts of the 18th–21st centuries (three books of the 18th century; three books of the 19th century; two books of the 20th and another two — of the 21st century) from the library of the Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary. The author gives a brief overview of the collection and the history of its study, and provides also a bibliography for the works on rare and manuscript books of the seminar library. Of all the newly described books, special attention is drawn to the manuscript “Flower Garden of the Hieromonch Dorotheus” (edited in 65 chapters). Written in 1728–1729 (that is in 7237, according to the Old Believers’ tradition), this manuscript was made in the Pomorian tradition by a monk called Dosifey. Of particular interest is the pamphlet volume — a manuscript collection of the 1730–80’s , which in addition to the traditional works of Old Believer book publishing, contains a polemical essay of the Old Believers «Extracted from the book <…> about the church gathering and the communion of the Body and Blood of Christ» and «The word of the holy monk Dorotheus about the commiseration of the soul and the memory of lives of the saints…», published in an edition, that differed from the traditional one included into the «Flower Garden…». The third manuscript of the 18th century is “The Book of Canons”, most of which has been lost. Among the manuscripts of the 19th century there are two Old Believers’ compilations: a collection of educational, canonical and statutory works, and a collection of works by monk-scimnik Maxim, the Ural Old Believer writer of the 18th century. The third compilation of the 19th century consisting, for the most part, of secular content (mainly of the poems written in the 18th–19th centuries), belonged to the priest Konstantin Startsov, who served at one of the rural parishes of the Vyatka diocese in the 19th century. The compilation is particularly helpful in terms of characteristics of the reading interests of Orthodox clergy in the first half of the 19th century. Manuscripts of the 20th–21st centuries are of great value for the description of religious life during this period. The collection copied in 1953 contains verses of N. A. Nekrasov and some liturgical texts, among which the most interesting is the “Penitential canon of the fallen, and then repented monk”, translated into Russian by archimandrite Amphilochius (Tumsky; died in 1868). Two manuscripts containing religious verses of an unknown author and a collection of akathists in Russian and Chuvash are also described.
MANUSCRIPTS AND OLD PRINTED BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF ARCHIMANDRITE RAFAIL (VALCHANOV) AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF THE HOLY ASCENSION OF THE LORD IN THE VILLAGE OF VAROVNIK (Summary) The article provides a partial description of the private library of Archimandrite Rafail (1881-1964), kept in the church of the village of Varovnik, Sredets municipality. Between 1922-1927 and 1941-1949 Rafail was abbot of the Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring near thevillage of Golyamo Bukovo, which, at that time, was the only functioning Orthodox monasticinstitution in the Bulgarian part of Strandzha Mountain in south-eastern Bulgaria, near the Turkish border. Special attention is given to a manuscript written in a mixture of ChurchSlavonic and Modern Bulgarian at the Golyamo Bukovo Monastery by the monk Haralampi in 1896.
Стрельников С.В., Павлов А.П. Межевые книги Троице-Сергиева монастыря середины XVI в. В очередной выпуск альманаха вошла публикация ранее не издававшихся межевых книг Троице-Сергиева монастыря середины XVI в. В источниках имеются сведения о землевладении около 450 светских лиц, преимущественно служилых людей, причем, как правило, эти сведения являются уникальными, не встречающимися в других известных документах. Публикацию сопровождает биографический справочник, в который включены данные о земельных владениях, чиновном положении, служебной деятельности, родственных связях персон, упомянутых в межевых книгах.