Drug Addiction in Urban Life of Bangladesh: A Sociological Study for Exploring the Causes (original) (raw)

"Drug Addiction of Young Generation in Bangladesh: Perspective and Causes"


Drug addiction is turning to the national problem from social problem. It creates many other problem. This study conducted to identify the core cause of drug addiction of young generation in Bangladesh. To conduct this research, questionnaire survey and case study have conducted. Case study tried to bring out the core factor responsible for the drug addiction of young generation and questionnaire survey expressed the people’s perception toward drug addiction. This research findings suggest that influence of peer group, weak family bonding, affluence and shortage of money are the key responsible factor for the drug addiction of young generation in Bangladesh.


Back ground: Drug addiction is a serious public health crisis which affects almost every sphere in a community in a way or another and this in turn can possibly lead to social disharmony, severe crimes, degraded social status and most possibly physical and mental health deterioration. The sole purpose of our study was aimed to analyze the current awful situation of drug addiction at four different southern cities of Bangladesh. Methods: This cross sectional health based survey was carried out with a self-designed standard questionnaire by manual data collection over a nine months period (12.09.2015 to 10.04.2016) at four adjacent cities oopalganj, Khulna, Bagerhat and Narail respectively. Total 300 substance abusers were investigated by majorly visiting at their home and sometimes visiting the places where they usually take drugs. Descriptive statistics were applied to the collected data and analyzed using Microsoft Excel software. Results: In this cross sectional study we observed that, 82% addicts are predominantly young males mostly between the ages of 10-30. About 48% are addicted by cannabis, 19% and 17% by yaba and phensedyl respectively. In case of first starting of drug use curiosity, surrounding environment were the primary reason and cannabis as their first drug (61%) followed by phensedyl (16%). At least 53% addict's relayed on locality like friends and 30% used local dealers as a main source to collect these abused drugs. Healthy financial support is very important for collecting abused drugs and 30% addicts spend pocket money, 23% job, 20% business source to buy these costly substances. Although it is important to mention that 61% addicts are compromising either physical or psychological complications but it is one of good symptoms to observe that more than 60% of drug addicts are trying to give up addiction forming agents in these days. Conclusion: In recent years drug addiction has significantly increased in the whole world especially in South Asian countries. It must be emphasized as an alarming sign by the government as well as awareness among the peoples are very essential to stop this critical condition from affecting our future young leaders.

Causes of Drug Addiction among Youth in Sylhet City of Bangladesh

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2017

The study investigated the causes of drug addiction among the youth and identified the problems faced by young drug addicts as consequences of drug addiction. In this study, through purposive sampling technique total 42 drug addicts were identified. Data was collected by using structured questionnaire, interview schedule and observation. To identify the causes of drug addiction, an analytical technique namely Influencing Causes Index (ICI) was used. The study depicts that curiosity was first and foremost reason and temptation by friends was the second reason behind drug addiction among youth. This study also revealed that highest 76.19% of drug addicts changed taking of drugs one after another to get adventure by tasting different drugs. About 88.09% drug addicts feel being neglected by their relatives due to drug addiction. About 95.24% felt that they did not have any discipline in their daily life and 50% have experienced some sexual problems due to their involvement in drug addiction. About 33.33% were faced some physical problems like kidney failure, lungs problem, heart disease, paralysis and psychological problem in pornography etc. Areas and context specific data are important for future policies and effective surveillance initiatives.

Socio-cultural, psychological and family aspects of drug addiction of adolescents and its impact: An analysis from Bangladesh perspective

Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2021

Aim: Nowadays, drug addiction is a common social disease in all societies of the world. This study's main objective is to explore the socio-cultural, psychological, and family aspects of drug addiction and examine drug addiction's effects on the user's health, family, and social impact. Method: This study is qualitative in nature, where data have been collected from primary and secondary source. For collecting primary data, a survey has been conducted at Chattogram and Noakhali district of Bangladesh. 136 drug-addicted person aged between were selected. A structured questionnaire was supplied among respondents. Secondary data have been collected from various national and international journals, books and newspaper writing. Findings: The results of the study show that about 65.45% of the total drug-addicted people in Bangladesh are being addicted to drugs due to various social and cultural causes, whereas 25% of people are being addicted to drugs due to psychological causes, 8.08% people are being addicted to drugs due to various family problems and 1.47% related to other matters. The findings also show that drug abuse has negative effects on the user's body and mind. It impairs memory and reduces working capacity. Drug addiction has a potential threat to the life of the addicted person. Implications/Novel Contribution: Prevention of drug addiction has already become a great challenge for almost all nations. This study's core implication is that it will play an important role in reducing drug addiction in Bangladesh. It will provide awareness to the drug-addicted adolescents and their guardian regarding the impact of drug addiction. This study also provides a new avenue for scholars to contribute their knowledge and wisdom to eliminate drug addiction by further adding more research regarding drug addiction and its impact.

The biological and sociological factors of drug addiction in contemporary Bangladesh


2)Introduction 4-5 3) Data and Methods 5 4) What is drug addictions 5-6 5) Why do people take drugs? 6-7 6) The Scenario of Drug addiction in Bangladesh 7-8 7) Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse Sociological factors Biological Factors 9-14 8) Contributions of Rehabilitation center to minimize drug abuse 14-16 9) Recommendation 15-18 10)Conclusion 18

Drug addiction of adolescents and its impact: An analysis from Bangladesh perspective

Drug addiction is a societal disease that is pervasive in modern culture and affects all societies worldwide. This research aims to explore the causes of drug addiction as well as how it affects the user's family life, societal influence, and general health. The secondary data used in this study's research was collected globally from a variety of published sources. Additionally, studies demonstrate that drug addiction has detrimental impacts on a user's physical and mental health. Along with job capability, memory is among the badly damaged functions. The condition of drug addiction increases the danger of death for those who suffer from it. Prevention of drug addiction has already become a major challenge for almost every nation. The study's most important result is that it will greatly contribute to Bangladesh's efforts to reduce drug addiction. It will increase knowledge about the consequences of drug addiction among adolescents who use drugs and the parents of those adolescents. By conducting additional research on the impacts of drug addiction, this study creates an additional opportunity for academics to donate their expertise and life experience to the cause of ending drug addiction.

Drug abuse and its impact on Bangladesh

International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

This study investigates drug abuse and its impact on Bangladesh and aims to identify the family-related and social reasons for being addicted, and the causes and effects of drug abuse. A descriptive crosssectional study was conducted in assessing the causes and consequence of its impact in Bangladesh using purposeful sampling for sample collection, involving recent graduates from different public and private university, civil servants, and civil society members. Findings revealed that drug abuse is multidimensional, and should be addressed accordingly. Many of the addicts view the rehabilitation procedures and costs introduced by the Narcotics Department as high and cumbersome. Many people, especially the youths are eager to get rid of drugs, but unfortunately can hardly find any way out. The addicts, while talking with the investigators, sought treatment to wipe out the negative effects of the drugs. Thus, the government should involve both the family and society which are the two most effective institutions to prevent drug addiction within the drug policy covering both the preventive and curative issues. These two institutions side by side with the government and nongovernmental efforts can play vital role in drug demand reduction, and preventing drug abuse in the country. Also, urgent major policy and institutional reforms involving all the concerned bodies is needed for effective response to combat drug abuse in the country.

Teenagers Indulgement in Drug A Study on Different Socio-Economic Groups in Urban and Rural Bangladesh

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023

To find out the causes, level of knowledge and sources of drugs among drug addicted teen agers. Materials & Methods: It was cross sectional mixed method type of study conducted at different shelter homes at Dhaka and Mymensingh from January 2022 to November 2022. Study population were the teen agers, age 14-19 years old patients admitted to the shelter homes. Data was collected by face to face interview with pretested structured and unstructured questionnaire.

A Research Proposal on "The causes of drug addiction among street children in Dhaka city"

Drug abuse among street children in Bangladesh is highly increasing day by day. This study will be conducted to identify the causes of this alarming tendency. Our research will be based on a survey and the respondent (i.e. street children) will be selected using snowball technique from some selected spots in Dhaka city. This study will help us to know the present scenario of drug addiction among street children in Dhaka city and suggest the way to eliminate this dangerous situation.

Socio-demographic Characteristics of Drug Abusers Attending a De-addiction Center in Dhaka


Results: Amongst 158 patients, 94.30% were male and 62.0% were in the age group of 21-30 years with a mean age of 26.46 + 6.168 years. Majority (60.8%) patients were married and 48.7% had education up to higher secondary level, 29.1% were unemployed and 27.2% students. About 36.7% were spending between 101500 Taka/day and 65.8% arrange money for drugs by themselves. The reason behind starting drug abuse was mainly peer pressure (49.4%) followed by curiosity (26.6%). The mean age of starting drug was 19.42 + 7.68 years and 68.35% were addicted to the drug for the period between 1-5 years. Only 4.4% had positive family history of drug abuse. Regarding route of drug abuse, ingestion was most popular (55.1%) and only 8.9% participants were using injectable route. Amongst abused drugs, Amphetamine (Yaba) was most popular among the female (77.7%) and students (21.5%).