Sono aperte le iscrizioni della Summer School Investigating Historical Landscapes and Architectures: Methods and Tools, che si terrà a Bagni di Lucca (Lucca), dal 1 al 10 luglio 2020. La Summer School è organizzata dall’Università di Pisa e sostenuta dal Lions Club Garfagnana, con il partenariato di Soprintendenza ABAP di Lucca e Massa Carrara, Comune di Bagni di Lucca, Fondazione Michel de Montaigne e Valdilima House. Una “scuola” immersa nello splendido e selvaggio scenario della Val di Lima per imparare a indagare il paesaggio e le architetture del passato per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. La partecipazione garantisce 4 crediti ufficiali (ECTS). Attività sul campo si alterneranno a lezioni teoriche. Durante il fine settimana i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di dedicarsi ad attività sportive (rafting o canyoning) o ricreative nelle locali Terme. La scuola costituisce un’ottima opportunità per laureati, dottori di ricerca e professionisti di ampliare le loro esperienze nello studio sul territorio e imparare nuovi strumenti di indagine. Il costo è di 1300 €. Saranno assegnate 6 borse di studio di 300 € ciascuna. La scadenza per le iscrizioni è il 15 maggio 2020.Tutte le informazioni all’indirizzo: Registration is now open for the Summer School Investigating Historical Landscapes and Architectures: Methods and Tools, which will be held in Bagni di Lucca (Lucca), from 1 to 10 July 2020. The Summer School is organized by the University of Pisa and supported by the Lions Club Garfagnana, with the partnership of Soprintendenza ABAP of Lucca and Massa Carrara, Municipality of Bagni di Lucca, Fondazione Michel de Montaigne and Valdilima House. A "school" immersed in the beautiful and wild scenery of Val di Lima to learn how to investigate the landscape and architecture of the past for the enhancement of cultural heritage. The participation guarantees 4 official credits (ECTS). Field activities will alternate with theoretical lessons. During the weekend participants will have the opportunity to dedicate themselves to sports activities (rafting or canyoning) or recreational activities in the local Spa. The school is an excellent opportunity for graduates, PhDs and professionals to broaden their experience in the study of the territory and learn new investigative tools. The cost is 1300 €. 6 scholarships of 300 € each will be awarded. The deadline for registration is May 15, 2020. All information at the address:

Cultural Heritage Surveying Experiences of Comitato Italiano Fotogrammetria Architecttonica Summer School 2011

The main goals of that educational programe were: (a) to develop the thinking about the importance of cultural heritage preservation, (b) to emphasize the potential of application of LASER scanning techniques to the surveying of cultural heritage sites. The Summer School involved five professors and seventeen professionals and students not only from Italy (8), but also from Brazil (7), Turquey (2), Venezuela (2), and Romania (3). The technical backgrounds of the participants were the areas of remote sensing, architecture, digital photogrammetry, civil engineering, and surveying. The Summer School had an itinerant programe, starting from the city of Noci, located in Puglia, Southern Italy, and going down into the Puglia province, by visiting the community of Laterza, and the cities of Lecce and Bríndisi. The methodology for developing the technical and cultural programe was divided into three main parts: (a) a theoretical part held by technical presentations; (b) the "on-site&qu...

Innovative Research on Historical Landscapes. International Summer School: Detecting and Interpreting Landscape Transformations


Landscape archaeology is quite a young discipline, comprising computer based mapping and remote sensing technology as well as earth and nature sciences, applied to landscape in addition to traditional archaeological and historical methods. The aim is to trace human impact on top and below today’s surface and by this read a particular landscape’s complete history. While the discipline was developed in England (and the US) and is most widespread there, some Italian universities are at the forefront when it comes to developing and applying new methods in this field. Padua University certainly is one of them, having the medieval period as its primary focus.

Architecture and restoration paths crosses experiences Paesaggio come architettura LANDSCAPE AS ARCHITECTURE Identity and conservation of Crapolla cultural site

M. A. Aldarelli, G. Camarda, F. Comes, R. Fialová, C. Ficarra, L. Rongé, G. R. Krauss, G. Vitiello, F. Zoni, St. Peter’s Abbey as palimpsest, in Landascape as architecture. Identity and conservation of Crapolla cultural site, a cura di Valentina Russo, 2014


Documentation and preservation of widespread rural heritage are today possible only if you can activate processes of conservation headed by local communities, thereby recognizing the link between the communities and their culture. The cultural heritage places (villages, sites and landscapes) can take different values; action is needed respecting the right of communities to identify the values contained in them. 'Collaborative networks should be set up at different levels among multiple stakeholders in order to address issues related to heritage and create new value chains through innovative synergies. Dynamic, flexible, inclusive and integrated processes of engagement need to be employed for assessing long-term social impacts of heritage conservation programmes' (Icomos, 2014). In 2011 the 3DSurvey Group of the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the Canova Association initiated an annual summer school program entitled 'Laboratory of Places 2017, Ghesc and surroundings, History, survey, evolution Laboratory of Places'. The definition of " Laboratory of Places 2017, Ghesc and surroundings " links the idea of an inhabited space to an open space suitable for study, research, and an interactive absorption and confrontation of differing ideas. Founding elements of the project involve educational collaborations with university, but equally important will be the development of programs with local schools, associations, and public administration (Quaderni di Ghesc, 2010).


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