G. MONTEROSSO, Le grandi necropoli di Megara Hyblaea e Gela: le campagne di scavo di Paolo Orsi (original) (raw)

La prima campagna di scavi nel Sese Rosso e il rituale funerario nella necropoli megalitica dell’Isola di Pantelleria

Thesaurus Amicorum. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Guzzetta a cura di Carmelo Crimi, Massimo Frasca, Renata Gentile Messina, Dario Palermo, 2020

THE FIRST EXCAVATION SEASON IN THE SESE ROSSO AND THE FUNERARY RITUAL IN THE MEGALITHIC NECROPOLIS OF THE ISLAND OF PANTELLERIA - Discovered in 1997, the Sese Rosso, transformed into a military watchtower during the Second World War, was the subject of a first excavation in 2008, concentrated in the southwestern part of the funeral monument. Three chambers have been investigated, two of which still not violated, which have revealed human and animal burials, along with vascular sets and two globular rock crystal beads. The observed funerary ritual was based on secondary inhumation which included the selection and re-composition of the bodies and their make-up through the use of ocher. The set of acquired data, which place the monument in an advanced phase of the Mursia facies (first half of the II millennium BC), allows to compare the funerary style of the sesi megalithic necropolis with that of the northern Africa mounds and excludes, instead, each link with other architecturally similar evidences (navetas, talayots, nuraghi, Corsica towers) until now taken as a comparison.

Maria Grazia Melis (2011): "Usini, necropoli di S’Elighe Entosu – Relazione di scavo 2011"

FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 242, 2011

Le prime ricerche dell'Università di Sassari nel territorio di Usini, finanziate dal Comune, si sono sviluppate tra il 2006 e il 2009 1 . Il progetto pluriennale è stato orientato al raggiungimento di obiettivi scientifici, didattici e di valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico del territorio. Sul piano scientifico è maturato intorno a due tematiche: lo studio dell'organizzazione della necropoli a grotticelle artificiali (domus de janas) di S'Elighe Entosu e il suo rapporto con il territorio e le aree d'abitato. A tale scopo è stata creata un'équipe internazionale, coordinata da chi scrive; il gruppo italiano, del quale hanno fatto parte sul campo Ramona Cappai, Luca Doro, Laura Manca e Stefania Piras, ha coordinato lo scavo archeologico nella necropoli; il gruppo del CNRS -UMR 6636 LAMPEA, di Aix-en-Provence, coordinato da André D'Anna e costituito da Jean Louis Guendon, Florian Soula e -limitatamente al primo anno -Pascal Tramoni, ha diretto l'indagine territoriale intorno alla necropoli e nelle aree limitrofe, allo scopo di confrontare il tipo insediativo individuato a S'Elighe Entosu su scala comunale. I due gruppi hanno lavorato in stretta relazione e partecipato a entrambi gli aspetti della ricerca sul campo.

M. Nafissi, Oreste, Tisameno, gli Ephoreia e il santuario delle Moire a Sparta

Vestigia. Miscellanea di studi storico-religiosi in onore di Filippo Coarelli nel suo 80° anniversario. A cura di Valentino Gasparini, Potsdamer Altertums wissenschaftliche Beiträge-Band 55, Franz Steiner Verlag. , 2016

From the brief summary of this essay in the ‘Introduction’ to Vestigia, the Collection of historical-religious studies offered to Filippo Coarelli on the occasion of his 80th anniversary, the reader gets the erroneous impression that the present contribution follows the traditional opinion, according to which the recovery of the bones of Tisamenos by Sparta took place in the 6th century BC. The same summary is unfortunately reproduced in most reviews of the volume. The standard dating and interpretation are based on a misunderstood analogy with the famous episode of the translation of Orestes’ bones from Tegea to Sparta. The transferal of Tisamenos’ bones from Achaia to Sparta would have been instrumental to the inclusion of Achaia in the Spartan sphere of influence. Instead, this essay (although conceived as a pendant to ‘Erodoto, Sparta e gli oracoli su Tegea e Oreste’, Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca, n.s. III 2, 2014, 295-332), distances itself from this interpretation. First of all, the study affirms the preliminary need to grasp and take into account the actual religious significance of this and other similar episodes, too often immediately interpreted in a political sense. For this purpose, the contribution examines the tradition of Tisamenos and his death, the topographic location of his tomb in Sparta, close to the pheiditia (according to the indication of Paus. VII 1.8: most likely in the agora, in strict relationship with Orestes’ tomb, Paus. III 11,10). The comparison with the recovery of Orestes’ bones is crucial to understanding the religious significance of the foundation of Tisamenos’ tomb, but it does not provide a key to its chronological collocation and only vaguely defines its aims and possible political context. The recovery of the bones of Tisamenos was operated with an expiatory purpose, probably in response to some difficulties encountered by Sparta in maintaining its hegemony in the Peloponnese. This general interpretation, though hypothetical, is much more solid than any conjecture on the chronological context of the episode, which is more likely to be located in the 5th than in the 6th century.

DE MARIA S., CURCI A., NEGRETTO F. 2005, “La necropoli meridionale: B. Il funerale dell’asino e la tomba 27”, in DE MARIA S., GJONGECAJ S. (a cura di), Phoinike III, Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e ricerche 2002-2003, Ante Quem, Bologna, pp. 107-114.

Isti tu to Archeologico Albanese D i partimen to di Antichi tà

OLCESE G., GONZALEZ MURO X., PELLEGRINO A. (2017), La villa A di Dragoncello (Acilia): la ripresa degli scavi

Archaeological research on Villa A from Dragoncello (Acilia) was carried out in two campaignes, in 2016 and 2017. The area lies between the sea, the Tiber and Ostia and is of great interest. In the Roman period, it was residential, populated by aristocratic villas and rural settlements. The recent research is the continuation of excavations in the area begun by the Soprintendenza in the 1980s. The two campaigns offered an important opportunity to review the data from the sites and the materials of Dragoncello, and have resulted in new insights into the area's redevelopment. During the 2016 campaign, excavations were carried out on the villa's peristyle, in the northwest sector (A) and, simultaneously , at the southern edge (B). In Sector A, wall structures of various types were identified. These can be attributed to five different rooms (V, W, X, Y, Z), and at least four moments in life (from the end of the 2 nd century B.C. to the beginning of the 3 rd century A.D.). The 2017 expedition concentrated on structures located north of the peristyle. Inside rooms X, Y and T, a necropolis came to light, consisting of five tombs. At the same time, room V was excavated. Here a wide, rectangular structure was discovered , one that is very interesting: it is subdivided into small cells, arranged in rows of twelve along the two longer sides.