Geometrical Method of Determination of the Value of Pi (π) (original) (raw)

The Theorem of Proof of How the Answer that Come in to Computer / Supercomputer with the 3.141592653 Value of Goba means Pi Come Definite, Complete and Rational has been Proved

In the research paper titled " The self-proving theorem of Goba and its explanation on the basis of a formula [Goba Cha Swayamshidha Sidhanta Wa Sutrachya Aadharache Spastikaran, (In marathi)], " which is researched by my father and researcher Late Shri Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar and compiled by me with providing diffetent examples and putting them in scientific and mathematical language, circumference of circle 6283185306 º ÷ diameter 2000000000 º = Goba 3.141592653 the constant of Goba is definite, complete and rational. While thinking over this research paper prepared by me, I am getting new concepts through this research and that inspires me to do research and prepare research papers on different new subjects. From this, we observed that Computer /Supercomputer is giving approximate, incomplete and irrational answer of the equation containing the Pi (π) due to the installation of approximate value of Pi in the Computer /Supercomputer. But if we install the definite, complete and rational value of Goba, 3.141592653, in the Computer /Supercomputer it will give correct, definite answer, have come to my notice. The Theorem of Proof of How the Answer that Come in to Computer / Supercomputer with the 3.141592653 Value of Goba means Pi Come Definite, Complete and Rational has been Proved, [Sanganak / Mahasanganaka Madhye 3.141592653 hi Goba chi Mhanajech Pi chi Kimmat Gheun Yenari Uttare Kasi Niscit, Purna va Parimeya Yetat, Yachya Siddhatecha Siddhant, (In Marathi)], and I am putting before the world, by giving different types of examples and I have tried to put these formulae clearly in scientific and mathematical language.

The self - proving theorem of Goba and its explanation on the basis of a formula (Circumference of circle 6283185306º ÷ Straight diameter 2000000000º = 3.141592653 Constant of Goba, fixed, Complete Rational Value), (In English)

The value of an irrational number pi is determined from the ancient times up to the modern super computer era. In this paper author Late Shri Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar has conjunctured the rational number , Christened “GOBA” by introducing some concept with references to a circle is nomenclature is like π (Pi), but it is not an irrational number. Its value is computed as 3.141592653 The self-proving theorem of Goba is based on the extinction and creation of the world. The world becomes extinct in an invisible degree and the evolution or creation of the world or the radius of a circle is achieved by exploding that invisible degree or bisecting that degree. In Geometry, symbol for measurement accepted by world scientists (world official) is degree and the very degree is the root, scale, source and base of the research carried out by my father Late Mr. Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar. The base of this whole research is 36º measure of circle. By various methods the straight radius - measures of straight radius, arc radius - measure of arc radius, radius - measure of radius, circle - measure of circle, measure of circumference, circumference of circle - measure of circumference of circle, Goba - Goba radian, 1000000000º straight radius, 1047197551º arc radius, the ratio of straight radius to arc radius have been founded. By giving various examples in this research paper, I have tried to explain these formulae in scientific and mathematical language.

Theory of π

The research, the theory of π is not connected with economics activities, but it is a pure science & pure mathematics, which does not gain anything much to the society and does not motivate the economic activities like applied research. This research does not have much important to society in general, but can be useful to astronomy, astrophysics, space calculations, nuclear science, pure geometry and exact measurement of curved area, surfaces & volume with curved surface in physics only. The research, the theory of π uses the major tool as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, arithmetic, statistics & calculus with the help of even simple calculator, pc. , Main framed computer & super computer in the form of mathematical formulas and Computer programming. Present value of πt -3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286209 is not correct at all. It is not the area of circle but it is area of regular polygon having infinite sides. Hence we create vertical line at equi-distance method and with the help of computer program UP09R that is based on our method, we calculate value of π that is 3.1416 which we have suggested is the area of circle and is rational & exact most probable number.

True Value of Pi π Now is 3 141592653 we Call This as Goba Constant we Symbolic it as This Goba This Letter

The value of an irrational number pi (π) is determined from the ancient times up to the modern super computer era. In this research paper, I divide the circumference of circle in to 6 equal arc radius of length λ (Lambda). 6 λ (lambda) = 2 Goba r, This gives Goba = 3 λ (lambda) ÷ straight radius, with the aid of equation measurement of λ (lambda) and arc radius give the Goba constant. The researcher has given this name, " GOBA " it's as symbolic, this Goba, this letter. Its equations given, its value is computed as 3.141592653 The self-proving theorem of Goba and its explanation on the basis of a formula, is based on the extinction and creation of the world. The world becomes extinct in an invisible degree and the evolution or creation of the world or the radius of a circle and circumference of circle is achieved by exploding that invisible degree or bisecting that degree. In geometry, symbol for measurement accepted by world scientists (world official) is degree and the very degree is the root, scale, source and base of the research. Degree: closed chop (compass), tip of the compass means point, means 1 point, means 1° degree, means dot • = degree means unit of measurement. The degrees of a circle without support means without circumference are 36°, this is the base of this whole research is 36° measure of circle. This is a fundamental research.

The Theorem with Regards How the Value of Circumference of Circle 6283185306º ÷ Straight Diameter 2000000000º = Goba 3.141592653, is Definite, Complete and Rational

“The self - proving theorem of Goba and its explanation on the basis of a formula (Goba Cha Swayamshidha Sidhanta Wa Sutrachya Aadharache Spastikaran, (In marathi),” which is researched by my father and researcher Late Shri Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar and compiled by me with providing diffetent examples and putting them in scientific and mathematical language, While thinking over this research paper prepared by me, I am getting new concepts through this research and that inspires me to do research and prepare research papers on different new subjects. The theorem with regards how the value of circumference of circle 6283185306º ÷ straight diameter 2000000000º = Goba 3.141592653, is definite, complete and rational, [Wartul Parigha 6283185306º ÷ Saral Vahyas 2000000000º = Goba Chi 3.141592653 Hi Kimath Kashi Nichit, Purna Wa Parimay Aahe, yacha Shidhanta, (In Marathi)], I am putting before the world and I have tried to explain clearly this formula in scientific and mathematical language by giving different examples in this research paper.

The Theorem with Regards the Definite, Complete and Rational Value of Circumference of Circle 6.283185306º ÷ Straight Diameter 2º = Goba 3.141592653 from Arc Radius ÷ Straight Radius = 1.047197551 Su. S. J. Constant

“The self - proving theorem of Goba and its explanation on the basis of a formula (Goba Cha Swayamshidha Sidhanta Wa Sutrachya Aadharache Spastikaran, (In marathi),” which is researched by my father and researcher Late Shri Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar and compiled by me with providing diffetent examples and putting them in scientific and mathematical language, While thinking over this research paper prepared by me, I am getting new concepts through this research and that inspires me to do research and prepare research papers on different new subjects. The theorem with regards the definite, complete and rational value of circumference of circle 6.283185306º ÷ straight diameter 2º = Goba 3.141592653 from Arc Radius ÷ Straight Radius = 1.047197551 Su. S. J. Constant, [Kauns Trigha ÷ Saral Trigha = Yenara Sthirank, 1.047197551 Sula.Sha.Ja.Sthiranka Varun, Wartul Parigha 6.283185306º ÷ Saral Vahyas 2º = Goba Chi 3.141592653 Nichit, Purna Wa Parimay Kimath, cha Shidhanta, (In Marathi)], I am putting this formula before the world and I have tried to explain clearly this formula in scientific and mathematical language by giving different examples in this research paper.

What is π (on the history, development and use of π, beginning more than 2000 years BC)

conference paper, 2023

What is π, we all grow up understanding the circle number π, which helps to calculate the circumference and other parameters of the circle. Nevertheless, how and when was this constant or coefficient, discovered? Were there developments? Which steps were necessary for these? This short essay tries to shed light on the darkness of the past. In this elaboration, the main focus should be on the emergence or gradual discovery of this circular constant, from where it arose with high probability, is our present-day π really the ancient used constant or coefficient itself? Why did π or the underlying ratio gain scientific importance? When and how was π calculated more precisely in ancient times?