Interactive Visualization Of 3D-Vector Fields Using Illuminated Stream Lines (original) (raw)

Fast Display of Illuminated Field Lines

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1997

A new technique for interactive vector field visualization using large numbers of properly illuminated field lines is presented. Taking into account ambient, diffuse, and specular reflection terms, as well as transparency and depth cueing, we employ a realistic shading model which significantly increases quality and realism of the resulting images. While many graphics workstations offer hardware support for illuminating surface primitives, usually no means for an accurate shading of line primitives are provided. However, we show that proper illumination of lines can be implemented by exploiting the texture mapping capabilities of modern graphics hardware. In this way, high rendering performance with interactive frame rates can be achieved. We apply the technique to render large numbers of integral curves of a vector field. The impression of the resulting images can be further improved by a number of visual enhancements, like color coding or particle animation. We also describe methods for controlling the distribution of field lines in space. These methods enable us to use illuminated field lines for interactive exploration of vector fields.

Strategies for interactive exploration of 3d flow using evenly-spaced illuminated streamlines


Abstract This paper presents several strategies to interactively explore 3D flow. Based on a fast illuminated streamlines algorithm, standard graphics hardware is sufficient to gain interactive rendering rates. Our approach does not require the user to have any prior knowledge of flow features. After the streamlines are computed in a short preprocessing time, the user can interactively change appearance and density of the streamlines to further explore the flow.

An Illustrative Visualization Framework for 3D Vector Fields

Computer Graphics Forum, 2011

Figure 1: A) A direct streamline visualization of a 3D linear vector field exhibits severe visual clutter. B) A few intermediate representative streamlines generated by our approach capture the essential flow pattern. C) The final illustrative visualization using streamtapes enhances the depth cues for streamlines and succinctly conveys both directional and structural information.

IRIS: Illustrative Rendering for Integral Surfaces

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000

. A path surface generated from a turbulent jet dataset, rendered in two different styles using the framework proposed in this paper. In the left image, the surface is opaque, and the front and back side are rendered with yellow and blue, respectively. An adaptive stripe pattern visualizes individual pathlines on the surface and provides the orientation of the flow. On the right, the surface is rendered transparently with a denser stripes to give a hatching-like appearance. Both figures emphasize surface silhouettes for better distinction of individual surface layers.

Trajectory Density Projection for Vector Field Visualization

Trajectory visualization is an important tool to capture intrinsic characteristics of vector fields. However, often this class of geometric visualization suffers from visual clutter due to the number of curves that occlude each other and may cover relevant features. Attempts trying to avoid this effect often require complex pre/post-processing for seeding, clustering, or filtering of relevant lines. In this work we present a simple, yet effective technique for rendering large amounts of trajectories, which highlights features of their projected density. The technique exploits capabilities of modern graphics hardware and avoids explicit feature extraction. We propose efficient schemes for its computation, provide suggestions for sensible parameter setups, and discuss important implementation aspects. In addition, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in several application scenarios.

LineAO—Improved Three-Dimensional Line Rendering

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000

Rendering large numbers of dense line bundles in three dimensions is a common need for many visualization techniques, including streamlines and fiber tractography. Unfortunately, depiction of spatial relations inside these line bundles is often difficult but critical for understanding the represented structures. Many approaches evolved for solving this problem by providing special illumination models or tube-like renderings. Although these methods improve spatial perception of individual lines or related sets of lines, they do not solve the problem for complex spatial relations between dense bundles of lines. In this paper, we present a novel approach that improves spatial and structural perception of line renderings by providing a novel ambient occlusion approach suited for line rendering in real time.

Visualizing vector fields: the thick oriented stream-line algorithm (TOSL)

Computers & Graphics, 2001

The visualization of dense vector fields has important applications for scientific purposes. Beyond the standard methods, such as arrows and particle tracing, texture-based methods are able to show almost all the details of a field. This paper presents the Thick Oriented Stream-Line (TOSL) algorithm, which can show direction, orientation and local flow speed even for dense vector fields by simulating the convolution process. A practical comparison of the performances of TOSL vs. other visualizations algorithms (LIC and fastLIC) shows that the proposed algorithm can provide output textures faster than the other considered techniques. r

Visualization of 3-D vector fields - Variations on a stream

30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1992

This paper presents several new algorithms for rendering three-dimensional vector elds. The techniques described are all variations of streamlines. A new algorithm has been developed for streamribbons which avoids many of the difculties associated with the standard technique of connecting neighboring streamlines. Also, a streamtube algorithm is described where the tube width is based upon the local cross ow divergence. The streamribbon and streamtube ideas are then combined by rendering lines along the surface of the streamtube which rotate according to the local streamwise rotation rate. Finally, a memory-e cient and accurate implementation of unsteady particle paths is presented.

Directional enhancement in texture-based vector field visualization

Proceedings of the 4th …, 2006

The use of textures provides a rich and diverse set of possibilities for the visualization of flow data. In this paper, we present methods designed to produce oriented and controlled textures that accurately reflect the complex patterns that occur in vector field visualizations. We offer new insights based on the specification and classification of neighborhood models for synthesizing a texture that accurately depicts a vector field. Secondly, we introduce a computationally efficient method of texture mapping streamlines utilizing outlining textures to depict flow orientation. efficient method of texture mapping streamlines utilizing outlining textures to depict flow orientation.

Streamline visualization of multiple 2D vector fields

Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation …, 2008

The analysis of data that consists of multiple vector fields can be greatly facilitated by the simultaneous visualization of the vector fields. An effective visualization must accurately reflect the key physical structures of the fields in a way that does not allow for an unintended bias toward one distribution. While there are several effective techniques to visualize a single vector field through equally-spaced streamlines, applying these techniques to individual vector fields and combining them in a single image yields undesirable artifacts. In this paper, we present strategies for the effective visualization of two vector fields through the use of streamlines.