Fake news, and its fatal consequences (original) (raw)

Fakenews or Infodemic during COVID-19 Pandemic

Assam Tribune, 2020

In view of the ongoing corona virus outbreak how do you assess the impact of misinformation in public domain? With the outbreak of COVID-19, misinformation in the public domain becomes an infodemic, i.e. pandemic of incorrect information, posing great risks to global health. Misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theory claim that nCoronavirus is a bio-weapon, a spy operation, a medico-business strategy, a population scheme or a religious mission. It cannot be denied that a sea of misinformation on social media platforms regarding prevention, treatment, vaccination, self-medication, etc. to fight the virus has become a matter of serious concern. But, it is also true that statements like cow-urine as a possible cure for COVID19 from the law-makers of the state and then being covered by media beyond the national boundaries can spread misinformation too.

Impact of Fake News and Myths Related to COVID-19

Journal of Content Community and Communication, 2020

With the advent of the internet and the subsequent increase in use and accessibility, the social media networks have particularly emphasised in terms of the news being shred online. However, this has caused a drastic change in the assessment and obtaining of the real information. Hence, this paper has aimed to assess the impacts of fake news and myths regarding the novel Covid-19 pandemic. Through the systematic review of the related studies and support through relevant literature, the findings of the research include various harmful impacts of the notion. This ranges from small impacts such as spread of misinformation to more sinister impacts such as the wrongful utilisation of drugs for curing the disease. Moreover, the paper also mentions the various motives behind the spread of such false information, primarily fuelled by collecting monetary benefits in terms of digital marketing, etc. Overall, the study concludes the impacts of spread of fake news and myths are generally harmfu...

COVID-19, a tale of two pandemics: novel coronavirus and fake news messaging

Health Promotion International

Summary The emergence of COVID-19, caused by novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, became a pandemic in just 10 weeks. Without effective medications or vaccines available, authorities turned toward mitigation measures such as use of face masks, school’s closings, shelter-in-place, telework and social distancing. People found refuge on the internet and social media apps; however, there was a proliferation of instant messaging containing hoaxed, deliberate misleading information: fake news messaging (FNM). The aim of this study was to assess FNM through content analysis and to discriminate them in a proposed taxonomy structure. A sample of convenience of messages, memes, tweets or cartoons in several languages was selected from the most popular social media outlets, i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. More than 300 FNM were identified. Descriptive statistics were used for highlighting potential relationships between variables. Content analysis determined that FNM could be divided into Healt...

Fakenews Infodemic during COVID-19 Pandemic

Assam Tribune, 2020

With the outbreak of COVID-19, misinformation in the public domain becomes an infodemic, i.e. pandemic of incorrect information, posing great risks to global health. Misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theory claim that nCoronavirus is a bio-weapon, a spy operation, a medico-business strategy, a population scheme or a religious mission. It cannot be denied that a sea of misinformation on social media platforms regarding prevention, treatment, vaccination, self-medication, etc. to fight the virus has become a matter of serious concern. But, it is also true that statements like cow-urine as a possible cure for COVID19 from the law-makers of the state and then being covered by media beyond the national boundaries can spread misinformation too. Dutta, A. (2020, April 5). Sanitize your minds, Check fake news: Face to Face with P J Baruah. The Assam Tribune, p. 4.

COVID-19 and Fake News

Encyclopedia, 2021

COVID-19 can be defined as a global pandemic caused by a coronavirus that first surfaced in 2019. Fake news refers to false reports that can be found in digital media. The combination of these two concepts creates an especially mismanaged situation that can result in widespread unease among the population, to whom the news appears continuously and without quality filters.

Disinformation and Coronavirus: The Origin of Fake News in Pandemic Times Desinformación y Coronavirus: El Origen De Las Fake News en Tiempos De Pandemia


A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. Their origin is uncertain and behind them often hides "the compensation of a frustrated desire of someone or a social group, the need to make public the confidentiality of interests that upset the established order, misunderstandings or distorted interpretations" (Kapferer, 1988, p.18). Fake news is false or misleading information presented as news and develops shared complicity because people do not usually question messages that come from their intimate circle. The main objective of this research is to identify the origin of fake news published in Spain related to COVID-19, for that, we opted for a quantitative methodology that allows us to explore features and useful aspects for their detection and providing empirical evidence regarding misinformation. The results show that as Thucydides announced in the 5 Century a. C. in this war against misinformation two main reasons motivate the origin of the...