Il terzo dopoguerra (original) (raw)

Le troisième idéal


Od tri velika ideala modernog demokratskog doba, bratstvo je vrlo brzo zasjenjeno drugim dvjema vrijednostima, slobodom i jednakošću. Suvremena politička teorija je skoro jednoglasno zamijenila i sam pojam bratstva pojmom solidarnosti ili društvene pravednosti: u svojoj Teoriji pravednosti, John Rawls izričito izjednačuje bratstvo s »načelom razlike« koje legitimira mehanizme distributivne pravednosti. Ipak, pogrešno prevodeći francusko fraternité kao community, neke angloamerički autori uvode treći republikanski ideal u okoštalu debatu liberala i komunitarijanaca: tamo gdje fraternité shvaćena kao solidarnost omogućuje suopstojnost slobode i jednakosti, fraternité shvaćena kao zajednica postavlja granice izgradnji dobro uređenog demokratskog društva.

Koncept Treća Italija – Zemlja Mikropoduzeća I Klastera


Glavna karakteristika talijanske gospodarstva, kada je u pitanju veličina poduzeća, je da su najviše zastupljena mikropoduzeća (manje od deset zaposlenih) u usporedbi sa ostalim OECD zemljama u odnosu na veličinu poduzeća i udjelu zaposlenosti. Od ukupnog broja talijanskih proizvodnih poduzeća 84% predstavljaju mikropoduzeća, koja obuhvaćaju 25% ukupne zaposlenosti, 11,4% prometa i 15,3% dodate vrijednosti. Dominantna zastupljenost mikropoduzeća je imala veliki utjecaj na strukturu talijanske industrije. Da bi prerastao problem vezan za rast zbog veličine poduzeća, vlada je tokom proteklih desetljeća razvila koncept "Treće Italije" i poduzela konkretne mjere za unapređenje povezivanja MSP u klastere. Industrijski okrug je u Italiji glavni oblik grupiranja poduzeća u klastere. U mnogobrojnim sektorima u kojima su dominirala mala poduzeća, povezivanje ovih poduzeća u klastere u pojedinim regijama pružilo je mogućnosti ubrzanog razvoja, osvajanja tržišnih niša, povećanje izvoza i novog zapošljavanja. Ključne riječi: mikropoduzeća, industrijski okruzi, klasteri, treća Italija, regionalni razvoj SUMMARY-The main characteristic of the Italian economy, according to the size of the enterprise, is domination of micro enterprises (less than 10 employees) in comparison with other OECD countries in relation to the size of enterprise and the share in employment. Micro enterprises represent 84% of the total number of Italian manufacturing enterprises, which comprise 25% of total employment, 11.4% of turnover and 15.3% of added value. The dominant presence of micro enterprises had a major impact on the structure of the Italian industry. To overcome the problem linked to growth due to the size of enterprises, the government has developed the concept of "Third Italy" in recent decades and has taken concrete measures to improve the connectivity of SMEs in clusters. Industrial district in Italy is the main form of grouping enterprises into clusters. In many sectors in which prevailed micro enterprises, connecting these enterprises in clusters in certain regions has provided development opportunities, conquering market niches, increasing exports and new employment.

U prilog dvotočju i trotočju

Jezik časopis za kulturu hrvatskoga književnog jezika

U prilog dvotočju i trotočju (2022.), da spomenemo samo neke. Zajedno sa svojim kolegama filolozima drugih usmjerenja nisu imali sreće da se u miru posve posvete znanstvenim i stručnim pitanjima koja su ih zanimala, nego su se neprekidno uključivali, ovako ili onako, u obranu imena i društvenoga položaja hrvatskoga jezika pokazujući da je on poseban jezični sustav, od svih drugih odvojen posebnim osobinama i posebnom poviješću.

Trodimenzijski numerički model prednapete natege

Basic notions of numerical modelling of prestressed ties, as used in the analysis of spatial prestressed reinforced-concrete structures, are presented. The ties are modelled by one-dimensional curvilinear elements contained in a three-dimensional finite element of concrete. The model developed in this way is entered in the PRECON3D program. The use of the model is presented through numerical examples, and its validity is checked by comparing the results with numerical and experimental results taken from literature.

3. međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno / 3 rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno 2023

3. međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno / 3 rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno 2023 , 2023

The 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno, as a field of new confrontations of various forms of freedom is a vital reflection on the stimulating impulses of multi-original art, which in contemporary art still has its artistic dimension – both in technical terms and in visual interpretation. In accordance with the development of new technologies and artistic practices, some authors depict interesting inventions in the interweaving of traditional and contemporary graphic practice. For some authors, the basis is figuration in a naturalistic, expressive or lyrical spirit, while others indulge in the discovery of their own introspective forms and bring us countless variations of organic, geometric, abstract or metaphorical interpretation. With its continuity, the International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno is becoming recognisable and is receiving attention in international graphic circles. Like all similar events, the Triennial’s aspiration is to provide insight into current concepts of different graphic art generations. It is up to us and the artists to ensure that in the future such exhibition meetings, through their diversity, remain not only a place of positive collaboration, but also a place for expressing aesthetic, communicative and technical reaches of contemporary society. The gathered authors from 35 countries of the world at the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno testify that art is a medium that enables freedom of expression and remind man that in the end, the limits are only those that we impose on ourselves, and confirm that art will always be sociologically sensitive and in the service of humanism.