Возможности получения дополнительной информации из давно исследованных памятников на дне Тувинского моря // Possibilities of retrieving additional information from sites investigated long ago on the bottom of the Tuva Sea (original) (raw)

Perspectives for the archaelogical exploration the archaeological exploration of the right-bank tributaries of the river Ket (using the example of the Orlovka river) / Перспективы археологических исследований правобережных притоков реки Кети (на примере реки Орловки)

Томский журнал лингвистических и антропологических исследований, 2023

The archeological work of A.P. Dulzon in the catchment area of the river Ket from 1952 onwards has lost no scientific relevance to this day. He paved the way for many decades for historical and cultural studies in the Ket River region. To date, the Ket River has been insufficiently explored from an archeological perspective. Its tributaries on the right bank, which are characterized by a considerable length, remain a “blank spot” on the map of the Tomsk region, as they are difficult to access. In 2020, archeologists organized an exploratory expedition to the Orlovka River, one of the largest tributaries of the right bank of the river Ket. This watercourse has been wellknown to Russians since the 17th century. It is mentioned by travelers and explorers and is recorded in early cartographic materials. In the 1930s, an Evenki nomadic village council was established in its catchment area, which practiced a nomadic farming lifestyle until the 1980s. The main task of the reconnaissance in 2020 was to verify the information of the local population about the presence of archeological sites in the middle and upper reaches of the Orlovka River. Two large settlement complexes were discovered based on the work results. One was located on the banks of the Tura River, the other - at the mouth of the Vtoraya Rechka river. The latter complex includes a fortified settlement with a circular defense system. The dating question of these monuments has not yet been clarified. Random finds from the settlement on the Vtoraya Rechka river indicate that one of the periods in which it was in operation was the late Middle Ages and possibly the modern period. According to written sources, this fragment of the Ket River region was inhabited by the population of the Ostyak Pitkin volost in the 17th to 19th centuries. Most likely, the operation of the settlement complex during this period can be associated with this population group. The results of the 2020 reconnaissance indicate the archeological potential of the right bank of the Ket River and the need to conduct targeted field studies here.

Исследования Тувинской Археологической Экспедиции

Археологические открытия. 2017 год, 2019

М.Е.Килуновская, Н.А.Лазаревская, П.М.Леус, А.В.Семенов, Вл.А.Семенов. - Исследования Тувинской Археологической Экспедиции //Археологические открытия. 2017 год. М.: Институт археологии РАН, 2019. //Discoveries of the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition 2017 //Archaeologocal discoveries. 2017. Moscow, 2019

[Рец. Г. В. Длужневской] ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ ИЗ НЕБЫТИЯ. О. Б. Беликова. Последняя экспедиция А. В. Адрианова: Тува, 1915–1916 гг. Археологические исследования (источниковедческий аспект). Томск: Изд-во Томского университета, 2014. ISBN 978-5-7511-2283-6. 570 с. 301 ил.

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. – 1992. – Вып. 21 / [Гл. ред. Е. Н. Носов]. – СПб.: ДМИТРИЙ БУЛАНИН, 2015. – 464 c., ил., 2015

Рецензия Г. В. Длужневской – это отзыв, данный на рукопись книги О. Б. Беликовой и отправленный автором в издательство Томского университета 11 марта 2014 г. К сожалению, Галина Вацлавна не дожила до выхода этой, безусловно интересовавшей ее книги. Ввиду важности издания книги об А. В. Адрианове и его последней экспедиции в Туву и особого внимания Г. В. Длужневской к этому труду, в котором она указана одним из трех рецензентов, Редакция «Археологических вестей» посчитала возможным и желательным опубликовать в качестве рецензии на вышедший труд отзыв на подготовленную к изданию рукопись.

Oleksandrivka mound on banks of the Akarzha river at the Black sea: history of the grave and memories of one of its researchers (Олександрівський курган на березі річки Акаржа біля Чорного моря: історія могили та спогади одного з її дослідників) 2024


The purpose of the paper is to analyze the situation with the Oleksandrivka Mound, located on the banks of the Akkarzha River at the Black Sea. It concerns the 'excavations' of a unique site, conducted by V. Beilekchi and V. Petrenko in 1993, the materials of which have not yet been published. The scientific novelty is in the introduction of materials and a number of cartographic sources regarding the history of the study of the Oleksandrivka Mound into scientific circulation. In addition, the information on the reconstruction of the mound in 2010 and the results of excavations in 2020 are presented, as well as the prospects for publishing the materials of the 1993 'excavations' are considered. Conclusions. The problem of legal rights related to the materials of the Oleksandrivka Mound, which is being discussed in Ukraine, and more so in the Republic of Moldova, is farfetched, since they belong exclusively to the Ukrainian state and are kept in the funds of the Institute of Archaeology and Odesa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. As for the rights of the Head of the excavation of the mound, who had the 'Open Sheet' on them, he could have obtained a time-limited author's rights on the publication of the materials if he had fulfilled all the requirements and rules given in the instructions for the 'Open Sheet'. This refers to the mandatory submission of a notarized 'Open Sheet', a report, a diary of fieldwork, drawings, imprints, certificates on the transfer of the finds to state storage, etc. to the Field Committee at the Institute of Archaeology or to Odesa Archaeological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine after the completion of work and processing of materials. However, V. Beilekchi did not do any of that, so he actually did not obtain the author's rights. Well, more: he broke another obligation stated in all the 'Open Sheets' of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of 1993: "It is forbidden to assign work on this 'Open Sheet' to another person". So, based on the above, V.H. Petrenko did not have any rights related to the materials of the Oleksandrivka Mound, but he also had no obligations, which is why any permissions for the use of those materials he signed are not worth the paper they are written on.

Базанов М.А. БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕРРОР В ПРОВИНЦИАЛЬНОМ ВУЗЕ: СЛУЧАЙ ДИРЕКТОРА ЧЕЛЯБИНСКОГО ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОГО ИНСТИТУТА И. К. ЗЕЛЕНСКОГО // Magistra Vitae: электронный журнал по историческим наукам и археологии. 2016. № 2. С. 66–79.

The article analyses an individual case: political prosecution of I.K. Zelensky, the director of Chelyabinsk pedagogical institute. In this way, it reveals one of the mechanisms of Stalinist repression. It shows that the main factor in this particular case of political and ideological campaigns proved to be an impulse “from below”. This impulse came from the Soviet microsocium (institute teaching staff). The main reason for persecution of the director was teachers’ discontent with actually existing material and domestic problems, and the desire to remove the Institute management. It is characteristic that the higher authorities sought to extinguish the persecuted director. They pointed to the inadmissibility of open conflict and even cancelled the decision of the primary party nucleus to expel from him the Communist Party. Terror became a tool of conflict resolution in microsocium. The article shows that political accusations emerged from discontent, and how deeply they were intertwined with everyday problems. Thereby, I put the question of ordinary citizens’ responsibility for the repression as well as of possibilities to deal with the policy of repression at the grassroots level. Thus, I. K. Zelensky was able to protect his students and colleagues from political persecution in the institute, being their patron as he did. However, he was shot after the arrest of his high-ranking patrons and defenders.

Савко И.А., Чумов Т.Е. Новые памятники археологии близ cел Новоалейское и Верх-Алейка (New archaeological sites near the villages of Novoaleiskoye and Verh-aleika)

New archaeological sites near the villages of Novoaleiskoye and Verh-aleika, 2020

Савко И.А., Чумов Т.Е. Новые памятники археологии близ cел Новоалейское и Верх-Алейка // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайскогокрая. – Барнаул : Изд-во Алт. ун-та, 2020. – Вып. XXVI. – C. 127-130. В статье представлена информация о результатах археологической разведки в районе сел Новоалейское и Верх-Алейка Третьяковского района Алтайского края, которая проводилась в августе 2019 г. археологическим отрядом АлтГПУ. В ходе обследования были обнаружены два неизвестных ранее курганных могильника. Из подъемного материала на левом берегу р. Алей в обрыве надпойменной террасы обнаружен каменный артефакт среднепалеолитического облика. Получены также данные о руднике, расположенном на г. Слюдянка, в 1,5 км к юго-востоку от с. Новоалейского, который можно предположительно соотнести с приисками, открытыми начальником Алейского завода Д.Ф. Головиным в 1774 г. В ходе разведки были сняты метрические показания объектов, определены GPS-координаты, сделано общее описание современного состояния памятников. The article provides information on the results of archaeological exploration in the area of the villages of Novoaleiskoye and Verkhnealeiskoye of the Tretyakovsky District of the Altai Territory, which was carried out in August 2019 by the archaeological unit of Altai State Pedagogical University. During the investigation, two previously unknown burial mounds were discovered. In the lifting material on the left bank of the Alley river in the sheer drop of the floodplain terrace, a stone artifact of the Middle Paleolithic appearance was discovered. Also, the data were obtained on a mine located in the town of Slyudyanka, 1,5 km south-east of the Novoaleyskoye village, which can be presumably related to the mines discovered by the head of the Aleisky plant D.F. Golovin in 1774. During the fieldwork, GPS coordinates were determined, a general description of the current state of the site was made.

Средневековые курганы с сожжениями и деревянными столбовыми конструкциями в Туве // Medieval kurgans with cremations and wooden pile structures in Tuva

Археологические вести. №23. СПб. 2017. С. 253-258

Keywords: Tuva, kurgan, memorial complex, wooden pile structure, cremation, circular stone kerb, Kyrgyzes. This paper is a publication of two objects archaeologically investigated in 2015 in Tuva. These are sites dated to the 9th–12th century AD and containing remains of wooden pile structures. On the basis of these sites (as also information from precedent studies) a group of archaeological objects possessing a number of common features can be identiied: – the base of the object is represented by a large circular stone kerb constructed in several rows; – the wooden piles are arranged in a circle over a rather shallow pit; – the structure of the stone mound (as well as its present view after excavations) is identical to that of the kurgans with cremation on the surface; – there are calcined skeletal remains in the pit but they are very few; – in the mound and/or in the pit, bones of sheep and goats are encountered; – finds are rare in the pits and constitute no standard ‘set’. So far this group is not identiied in terms of its chronology, culture or functionally (possibly we are dealing here with ‘memorial complexes’) although they are quite distinctly marked by their construction.

Female grave with coral earrings from Xiongnu burial ground Ala-Tei 1 in Tuva // Женское погребение с коралловыми сережками из могильника хунну Ала-Тей 1 в Туве

Sayan-Altai scientific review (33), 2022

Килуновская М. Е., Леус П. М. Женское погребение с коралловыми сережками из могильника хунну Ала-Тей 1 в Туве Kilunovskaya M. E., Leus P. M. Female grave with coral earrings from Xiongnu burial ground Ala-Tei 1 in Tuva ______ В женском погребении могильника хунну Ала-Тей 1 на дне Саяно-Шушенского водохранилища были найдены золотые серьги с подвесками из веточек коралла. Будучи изначально ценными и хрупкими изделиями, такие находки чрезвычайно редки. Несколько золотых сережек с коралловыми подвесками известны в захоронениях чирикрабатской культуры в нижнем течении Сырдарьи. Можно предположить, что эта редкая находка попала в Туву с запада по одному из маршрутов Шелкового пути, через Среднюю Азию, оазисы Восточного Туркестана, северное приграничье ханьского Китая и Монголию. ________ In Xiongnu female burial ground Ala-Tei 1 at the bottom of the Sayan-Shushenskoe Reservoir, gold earrings with pendants made of coral twigs were found. Being initially valuable and fragile products, such 耀nds are extremely rare. Several gold earrings with coral pendants are known in the Chirikrabat culture graves in the lower reaches of the Syrdarya. It can be assumed that this rare 耀nd came to Tuva from the West along one of the Silk Road routes, through Central Asia, oases of East Turkestan, the northern border of Han China and Mongolia.