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Os efeitos do crescimento populacional, das mudancas climaticas, da rapida urbanizacao e do aumento na demanda por recursos energeticos, alimentares e hidricos, contribuiram para a consolidacao de um cenario global complexo e interdependente. Tal complexidade resulta em desafios e riscos globais que nao respeitam fronteiras geopoliticas e economicas, impactando sem precedentes, todo o planeta. Entre os inumeros obstaculos enfrentados pela humanidade, destaca-se a busca pela seguranca alimentar. Neste estudo, defendo a ideia de que tres pilares devam ser colocados como prioridade nas agendas regionais e internacionais para que se possa diminuir a inseguranca alimentar. Estes tres pilares concentram-se no incentivo a agricultura familiar; na boa governanca; e no desenvolvimento tecnologico. Ao final deste estudo, concluiu-se que sera necessaria uma melhor gestao por parte dos tomadores de decisao e do poder publico, garantindo que, atraves de politicas publicas, da conscientizacao dos...
Food Security and the Environment
Human Security and the Environment: International …, 2002
The 1994 Human Development Report lists seven main threats to human security: economic, health, environmental, personal, community, political and food security (UNDP 1994). Food security touches on all the dimensions of human security: economics, social relations, health, community development and structures of political power, and the environment. Consequently, food security has to be approached in a holistic way that recognises the complexity of intersecting multidimensional processes operating at all ...
These days, all living things in the world, specifically humans, are dealing with different problems associated with poverty, food scarcity and disease. Food is the primary and fundamental tool for every organism to survive and growth. The United Nations Organization main role and aim is to remove hunger from worldwide. In order to provide the right quality of food and a large amount of nutritious food systems for all organisms. These better nutritious food systems developed by the suitable application of new technologies and sustainable agriculture development. The new technological approach is used to find the new and advanced techniques are implemented through well equipped machines, etc for good nutritious food production with low cost against hungry and diseases. Developing nutritious foods through sustainable agriculture for the production of highly nutritional, medicinal and disease-resistant plant varieties for society. The agriculture sustainable development also helps for poor people are easy to utilize and remove the hungry.
Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change
This volume discusses a broad range of vital issues encompassing the production and consumption of food in the current period of climate change. All of these add up to looming, momentous challenges to food security, especially for people in regions where malnutrition and famine have been the norm during numerous decades. Furthermore, threats to food security do not stop at the borders of more affluent countries – governance of food systems and changes in eating patterns will have worldwide consequences. The book is arranged in four broad sections. Part I, Combating Food Insecurity: A Global Responsibility opens with a chapter describing the urgent necessity for new paradigm and policy set to meet the food security challenges of climate change. Also in this section are chapters on meat and the dimensions of animal welfare, climate change and sustainability; on dietary options for mitigating climate change; and the linkage of forest and food production in the context of the REDD+ approach to valuation of forests. Part II, Managing Linkages Between Climate Change and Food Security offers a South Asian perspective on Gender, Climate Change and Household Food Security; a chapter on food crisis in sub-Saharan Africa; and separate chapters on critical issues of food supply and production in Nigeria, far-Western Nepal and the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon. Part III examines Food Security and patterns of production and consumption, with chapters focused on Morocco, Thailand, Bahrain, Kenya and elsewhere. The final section discusses successful, innovative practices, with chapters on Food Security in Knowledge-Based Economy; Biosaline Agriculture in the Gulf States; Rice production in a cotton zone of Benin; palm oil in the production of biofuel; and experiments in raised-bed wheat production. The editors argue that technical prescriptions are insufficient to manage the food security challenge. They propose and explain a holistic approach for adapting food systems to global environmental change, which demands the engagement of many disciplines – a new, sustainable food security paradigm.
Food security and sustainability: can one exist without the other?
Public health nutrition, 2015
To position the concept of sustainability within the context of food security. An overview of the interrelationships between food security and sustainability based on a non-systematic literature review and informed discussions based principally on a quasi-historical approach from meetings and reports. International and global food security and nutrition. The Rome Declaration on World Food Security in 1996 defined its three basic dimensions as: availability, accessibility and utilization, with a focus on nutritional well-being. It also stressed the importance of sustainable management of natural resources and the elimination of unsustainable patterns of food consumption and production. In 2009, at the World Summit on Food Security, the concept of stability/vulnerability was added as the short-term time indicator of the ability of food systems to withstand shocks, whether natural or man-made, as part of the Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security. More recently, inte...
Practical Approach to Sustainable Food Security in Lower Income Group Countries
Over the years, steady progress have been made in the fight to end global hunger and food insecurity, however, the number of undernourished people in the world is still unacceptably high, particularly in countries with low economies. The challenging global environment- rising commodity and food prices, increased unemployment rates and most importantly the global economic recession - has taken its toll on the considerable progress that could have been made in the food security campaign. In addition, frequent natural disasters with consequent loss of human lives and economic damage, and increased political instability leading to displacement of persons have also contributed to the food insecurity menace. In the light of the above, more work needs to be done to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to adequate food to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. In pursuance of this however, food production process must not deplete natural resources or hinder the agricultural system such that provision of food for future generation will be difficult. Thus, interventions towards ensuring food security must consider sustainability. This paper discusses such sustainable drivers of food security, particularly in lower income group countries where the burden of hunger and undernourishment are particularly high.