"Iure electionis": A 1608-as világi elit politikai programjának megfogalmazódása Révay Péter "De monarchia..." című munkájában [Formulating The Political Program of the Secular Elite of 1608 in Péter Révay's work "De Monarchia"] (original) (raw)
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Among the manuals of logic published in Hungary in the period under consideration, the most significant is Molnár Gergely's compendium (Erotematum dialectices libri tres…, Claudiopoli, c. 1564-65). The underlying principle of the book, the inventio-judicium division is consistent with the scholastic Aristotelian-Ciceronian tradition represented by AgricolA and the early MelAnchthon. rAMus' logic and later adaptations were also based on this division, either in whole or in part. The inventrix-judicatrix division was also used by those who discussed Aristotle's logic in the spirit of humanism. A typical example of the latter is Jodocus Willichius' book (Erotematum dialectices libri tres…), which was published in several editions. The striking similarities suggest that this may have been Molnár's direct model, but it is also assumed that he was familiar with other representatives of the movement (Johannes cAesArius, Cornelius VAlerius). Megtalálni vagy kiválasztani? A hazai elméleti irodalom néhány dialektikai vonatkozása 1530-1580 között BARTÓK István Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézete, tudományos tanácsadó
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A Munkácsi Eparchia 1775-ben készített sematizmusa - Schematizmus Mukačevskej diecézy z roku 1775
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Unionism presents a unique form of recatholization represented by the Hungarian residents of the Greek rite. Significant support in the history of recatholization of the northeastern region of Hungary is provided by the clergy after the oath of loyalty from the year 1646. The history of this local parish exhibits how the ceremonial entity gradually started to dictate the trend in the evolution of the catholic church, culminating in the independent diocese of the Greek rite in Hungary. The first part is focusing on the time period from the year 1608 until the period of the erigation of the Mukachevo eparchy. It is a period of religious conflicts which furthermore impacted the development of the Greek rite in Hungary and the following consolidation of the relations in the 18th century. In the first decades of the 17th century, some presbyters entered a personal union with the Catholic church, which in turn caused a gradual convergence and creation of stronger ties amongst the two rites. Initially, this happened via the oath of loyalty in Krásny Brod (1612), later repeated, without the knowledge of the first one, in Uzhorod (1646). The difference between these two were the reasons for their existence - while the first oath was the result of a constantly strengthening recatholization, the second one reacted to the calvinization of the Greek rite. Subsequently, the Uniates underwent a consolidation evolution and due to the sufficient number of presbyters managed to be the support of the Catholic church in the 18th century. The disagreements between the bishop in Jager and the vicar in Mukachevo caused tension which was ended by the separation and (re-)erigation of the Mukachevo diocese. The following parts look at the information about the liturgical calendar and its growth in the 18th century. Schematism and the liturgical calendar are as interconnected today as they were in the past. That is the reason for the presence of the growth of schematism in the Mukachevo diocese as well as the problematic of the schematism of other Hungarian dioceses. These areas create a yet unmapped part of the history of Greco Catholics in Hungary and the problematic of schematism appears promising for further research. Since the book is containing a diplomatic transcript of schematism from the year 1775, there is also a chapter comprised of the internal and external criticism of the source. This information serves as an aid for the reader to navigate the source and understand the included context. The last part is composed of appendices. Amongst the appendices, there is a transcript of a schematism from the year 1775, which is the first schematism of the erigated diocese, as well as the chosen sources complementing the conceptually preceding chapters.
Az autonómia határai(n) : állami kontra református oktatáspolitika az 1920-as években
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