Environmental management in Bulgarian agriculture (original) (raw)
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Environmental Management in Bulgarian Agriculture - Risks, Modes, Major Challenges
This paper presents a new framework for analysis and improvement of environmental management based on the achievements of the New Institutional Economics. Following that we first, identify major envi- ronmental problems and risks in Bulgarian agriculture. Next, we access efficiency of market, private and public modes of environmental management employed in sector. Finally, we give prospects and major chal- lenges
Environmental Sustainability of Bulgarian Agricultural Farms Assessment, State, Factors
SSRN Electronic Journal
The issue of assessment of diverse aspects of sustainability of agricultural farms is among the most topical in the last decades. In Bulgaria there are no comprehensive studies on environmental sustainability of farms in general or different types. This article applies a holistic framework for assessing environmental sustainability of Bulgarian farms. Initially the multiprinciple, multictiteria and mulriindicator framework for assessing environmental sustainability of farm in the country is outlined. After that a level of environmental sustainability of Bulgarian farms is evaluated in general and of farms different juridical type, size, production specialization, and ecological and administrative location. Sustainability assessment is based on a first large-scale survey on environmental aspects of sustainability of agricultural farms in the country carried out in 2016. Third, relations between environmental and socioeconomic and integral sustainability of Bulgarian farms are specified. Finally, factors for improving environmental and overall sustainability of agricultural farms in the country are identified. Our study has found out that environmental sustainability of Bulgarian farms is at a good level. Nevertheless due to an inferior level of governance and economic sustainability the integral sustainability of Bulgarian farms is lower and the improvement of the latter two is critical for maintaining overall sustainability of Bulgarian farms at current stage of development.
Forms, Efficiency and Challenges of Agro-environmental Management in Bulgaria
This paper incorporates interdisciplinary New Institutional Economics and suggests a comprehensive framework of analyzing eco-management in agriculture including: definition of eco-management as a specific system of social order; specification of governance mechanisms and modes (institutional environment; market, private, public); assessment of comparative efficiency of feasible modes in terms of potential to: protect diverse ecorights and investments, assure socially desirable level of eco-protection and improvement, minimize overall (implementing, third-party, transaction) costs, coordinate and stimulate eco-activities, meet preferences and reconcile conflicts of individuals; specification of critical socio-economic, natural, technological, behavioural , etc. factors of management choi ce. Next, it presents evolution of system of agri-eco-management during postcommunist transition and EU integration of Bulgaria, and analyzes impact(s) on agents' behaviour. Thirdly, it assesses impact(s) of dominating system of management and new public (EU, national) measures on state of environment, and identifies major eco-challenges, conflicts and risks. Finally, it suggests recommendations for improvement of public policies .
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 2012
In recent years the concept of sustainable development and related sustainable agriculture has come under wide public debate. The purpose of the paper is on the basis for sustainable agriculture and analysis of agricultural holdings influence on environment in Bulgaria to suggest trends for solving some ecological problems. The paper comprises three parts. In the first part a theoretical review of sustainable development and agriculture concept is made. The second part of the paper analyzes ecological aspects of sustainable agriculture in Bulgaria. In the third part suggestions for overcoming some ecological problems are made.
Forms, Factors and Efficiency of Eco-management in Bulgarian Farms with High Eco-activity
This paper presents the results of a first large-scale study on forms, factors, and efficiency of eco-management in Bulgarian agricultural farms of different juridical type, size, specialization, and location. First, a brief characterization of surveyed "eco-active" farms is made. After that, diverse (internal, private, contract, market, formal, informal, hybrid etc.) forms and the scope of eco-management in agricultural farms are analyzed. Next, different (ideological, economic, market, social etc.) factors of eco-management in farms are specified. After that, analysis is made on costs, effects, efficiency and perspectives of eco-management in agricultural farms. Finally, conclusions from the study are summarized.
A Study on Eco-management in Agricultural Farms with High Eco- activity in Bulgaria
This paper presents the results of a first large-scale study on forms, factors, and efficiency of eco-management in Bulgarian agricultural farms of different juridical type, size, specialization, and location. First, a brief characterization of surveyed "eco-active" farms is made. After that, diverse (internal, private, contract, market, formal, informal, hybrid etc.) forms and the scope of eco-management in agricultural farms are analyzed. Next, different (ideological, economic, market, social etc.) factors of eco-management in farms are specified. After that, analysis is made on costs, effects, efficiency and perspectives of eco-management in agricultural farms. Finally, conclusions from the study are summarized.
Efficiency of Sustainability Management in Bulgarian Agriculture
SSRN Electronic Journal
The issue of assessment of efficiency of environmental and sustainability management in agriculture is among the most topical in the last few decades. In Bulgaria there are no comprehensive studies on efficiency of environmental and sustainability management in agriculture in general and in farms of different types. This article applies a holistic framework for assessing efficiency of environmental and sustainability management in Bulgarian agriculture. Initially the multiprinciple, multictiteria and mulriindicator framework for assessing environmental and sustainability management in agriculture is outlined. After that environmental sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture at national and farms levels is evaluated. Finally, factors for improving environmental and sustainability management in agricultural farms in the country are identified. Our assessment at national and farm level have found out that there are significant discrepancies in efficiency levels based on aggregate national data and assessment (perception) of farm managers. Therefore, in management practices all kind of data have to be used in order to be able to take efficient decision at different managerial levels. Having in mind the importance of holistic assessments of efficiency of environmental and sustainability management in agriculture, and the enormous benefits for the farm management and agrarian policies, such studies are to be expended and their precision and representation increased.
This paper incorporates an interdisciplinary approach (combining Economics, Organization, Law, Sociology, Ecology, Technology, Behavioural and Political Sciences) and suggests a holistic framework for assessing environmental management and strategies in agriculture. First, it specifies: specific "managerial needs" and spectrum of feasible governance modes (institutional environment; private, collective, market, and public modes) of natural resources conservation at different level of decisionmaking (individual, farm, eco-system, local, regional, national, transnational, global); critical socioeconomic, natural, technological, behavioural etc. factors of managerial choice and feasible spectrum of (private, collective, public, international) managerial strategies; efficiency of diverse modes in terms of their potential to protect eco-rights and investments, assure socially desirable level of environmental conservation, minimize overall (implementing, third-party, transaction etc.) costs, coordinate and stimulate eco-activities, meet preferences and reconcile conflicts of individuals etc. Second, it presents evolution and assesses efficiency of diverse eco-management forms and strategies in Bulgarian agriculture during post-communist transformation and EU integration, and evaluates the impacts of EU CAP on environmental sustainability of different type of farms. Finally, it suggests recommendations for improvement of public policies, strategies and modes of intervention, and private and collective strategies and actions for effective environmental protection.
Sustainability Level of Bulgarian Agriculture
SSRN Electronic Journal
This article presents a holistic approach for assessing agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria based on its economic, social and ecological aspects on sectoral macrolevel. It is based on official statistical and other information as well as on expert evaluation. Our study has found that the Bulgarian agriculture on macro-level has good sustainability. Some of the sustainability aspects have higher levels (e.g. the economic aspect) while others (social and environmental) are inferior. Study results could help in focusing the political efforts, so that the agrarian sustainability, in its social and ecological aspect, could be increased. However, a further research is needed to evaluate the level of sustainability at micro-level, so that the major issues and problem areas are addressed accordingly.
Transition to market economy began the 1990s in most of the Central and Eastern European Countries. This paper gives an overview of some of the most widespread agri-environmental problems in the CEEC with particular reference to case studies of farming systems. Suggestions and remarks on possible means to resolve the problems are made. We will mainly refer to well-documented issues and cases which we have had good access to, partly through a large EU funded research project 2000-2003 called CEESA and to quantitative data collected in 12 countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine).