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“Thomas Aquinas and the Modern and Contemporary Debate on Evil”
This article aims to demonstrate that Thomas Aquinas's metaphysics of being, in which evil is considered a privation or lack of perfection introduced only by the creature against God's intention, is a remarkable starting point for solving the main problems involved in the modern and contemporary debate on the problem of evil. It also seeks to prove that Aquinas's position is neither reducible to an 'optimistic theodicy' -such as Leibniz's theodicy-nor to a 'free will defence'.
The Christian Philosophical Worldview of St. Thomas Aquinas
Many thanks to Mark Boone for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. I'd also like to thank Dr. David Naugle for being a model of a Christian philosopher to me. Additionally, I'd like to thank my confirmation saint, St. Thomas Aquinas, for his help and example. Last, and most importantly, I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for providing an opportunity to write on this topic.
The Philosophy of God in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Works. A Characterization of the Main Issues
Studia Gilsoniana, 2024
The topic of God in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas will be treated in three aspects: the question of the existence of God, the essence of God, and the topic of the relations between man and God. In this article, we would like to show the key issues of Thomas’s philosophy of God in order to show how they serve as a starting point for the theology of Aquinas. With regard to the first matter, it was claimed that the only argument of Thomas for the existence of God is the reasoning conducted in De ente et essential, where Aquinas points at the existence of God (the subsistent act of existence – ipsum esse subsistens) as the external efficient cause of the existence of beings composed of two elements, the act of existence and the essence as potentiality. In this perspective, the famous ways of St. Thomas were accepted in numerous philosophical systems (Aristotelianism, Neo-Platonism, and their compilations) to be an illustration of the possibilities of arriving at the stance that the first cause exists. When it comes to the latter issue, we present a concise approach to God’s attributes in Thomas’s Compendium theologiae and show a strictly existential approach to these attributes in the Thomism of Mieczysław Gogacz. Regarding the relation of man to God, we turned our attention —following St. Thomas — to two orders of these relations: natural, related to justice, and supernatural, which is love (friendship) between man and God. As an example of the application of philosophical solutions in theology, we point to a Thomistic interpretation of the development of the religious life of man. In sum, we observe that the philosophy of God, in its version developed by Aquinas, is characterized by strict intellectualism and a naturalistic starting point for philosophical analyses.
The Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas. A Sketch
paperback and epub: hardcover: Kindle: This book is aimed at helping those who are not experts in medieval thought to begin to enter into Thomas’s philosophical point of view. Along the way, it brings out some aspects of his thought that are not often emphasized in the current literature, and it offers a reading of his teaching on the divine nature that goes rather against the drift of some prominent recent interpretations. The excerpt that can be downloaded is used with Permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Softcover and epub versions are available from their webpage. Amazon has a kindle version.
Religion and World Civilizations: How Religion Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present. Volume 2: Medieval and Early Modern Worlds, 2023
This is the final draft of the manuscript. I do not yet have permission from the publisher to upload the printed version. Please cite this as: Van Boom, Jason Cronbach (2023). “Theology of Thomas Aquinas,” in Religion and World Civilizations: How Religion Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present. Volume 2: Medieval and Early Modern Worlds. Andrew Holt, editor. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 53-54.
Thomas Aquinas was one of the most significant figures in the field of ethics, theology and philosophy. He was the master spokesman for the Christian faith in that era of European history when Catholic theology and the power of the Roman Church reached their peak of influence. Aquinas’ thought “all human beings have intrinsic goodness” expresses the importance of human beings. Aquinas’ view here was understood as every human being is good in their own way of living and all human beings have goodness in them and so all are important in this world. Everybody should be treated as equal human beings.
The Virtue of Religio in Thomas Aquinas: Between Justice and Love
Religions, 2023
The aim of this article is to interpret the virtue of religio in the thinking of Thomas Aquinas against the background of his Summa Theologiae. In Summa Theologiae, the issue is placed in the context of justice and injustice; thus, this article seeks to show the deeper reason as well as the possible connections between religio and iustitia. Justice, according to Thomas, is preferably realised where there are differences among people and some debt (debitum) occurs that needs to be settled. The inclusion of the virtue of religio under justice is justified by the existence of a relationship in which a debitum also arises, but settlement is impossible. Aristotle, who inspired Thomas, claims that true friendship rests on similarity and equality. This article wants to present how this opinion of Aristotle could be manifested in Thomas’s description of the virtue of religio. The article posits the question of whether the gift of friendship with God does not permit us to give a new interpretation of the virtue of religio. The authors conclude that, together with love, the virtue of religio is infused into man, thanks to which he can perform deeds commensurate with the goal of ultimate beatitude. For a person who loves God, the act of religio is not only a means of satisfying the demand of justice towards the Creator of all things but also a grace in which he returns his love to God.
The Monist
The aim of this essay is to sketch the basic outline of Aquinas’s metaethics and its support for his virtue-based ethics. When Aquinas’s central metaethical thesis is combined with his theological views, especially his understanding of the doctrine of divine simplicity, then the theological interpretation of the central metaethical thesis constitutes the basis for a religious ethics that makes God essential to human morality but without tying morality to God’s will. The result is a metaphysically grounded, objective normative virtue ethics which is theological at least in this sense that it is ultimately based in God’s nature.