Detecting coupling direction: attractor dimensions and clustering in recurrence networks (original) (raw)
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Introduction to dynamical systems
One approach starts from time-continuous differential equations and leads to time-discrete maps, which are obtained from them by a suitable discretization of time. This path is pursued, eg, in the book by Strogatz [Str94]. 1 The other approach starts from the study of time-discrete maps and then gradually builds up to time-continuous differential equations, see, eg,[Ott93, All97, Dev89, Has03, Rob95].
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Qualitative Methods in Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems
Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 2016
This volume contains the lessons delivered during the "Training School on qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and applications" held at the University of Urbino (Italy) from 17 September to 19 September 2015 in the framework of the European COST Action "The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models, tools and policy evaluation" (Gecomplexity). Gecomplexity is a European research network, inspired by the New Economic Geography approach, initiated by P. Krugman in the early 1990s, which describes economic systems as multilayered and interconnected spatial structures. At each layer, different types of decisions and interactions are considered: interactions between international or regional trading partners at the macrolevel; the functioning of (financial, labour, goods) markets as social network structures at mesolevel; and finally, the location choices of single firms at the microlevel. Within these structures, spatial inequalities are evolving through time following complex patterns determined by economic, geographical, institutional and social factors. In order to study these structures, the Action aims to build an interdisciplinary approach to develop advanced mathematical and computational methods and tools for analysing complex nonlinear systems, ranging from social networks to game theoretical models, with the formalism of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and the related concepts of attractors, stability, basins of attraction, local and global bifurcations. Following the same spirit, this book should provide an introduction to the study of dynamic models in economics and social sciences, both in discrete and in continuous time, by the methods of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. At the same time, the students should also practice (and, hopefully, appreciate) the interdisciplinary "art of mathematical modelling" of real-world systems and time-evolving processes. Indeed, the setup of a dynamic model of a real evolving system (physical, biological, social, economic, etc.) starts from a rigorous and critical analysis of the system, its main features and basic principles. Measurable quantities (i.e. quantities that can be expressed by numbers) that characterize its state and its behaviour must be identified in order to describe the system v Preface vii
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos, 2013
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Representation in Dynamical Systems
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
The brain is often called a computer and likened to a Turing machine, in part because the mind can manipulate discrete symbols such as numbers. But the brain is a dynamical system, more like a Watt governor than a Turing machine. Can a dynamical system be said to operate using "representations"? This paper argues that it can, although not in the way a digital computer does. Instead, it uses phenomena best described using mathematic concepts such as chaotic attractors to stand in for aspects of the world.
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American Control Conference (ACC), 2021
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Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1999
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Unconventional Approaches, 2005
Classical dynamics concepts are analysed in the basic mathematical setting of state transition systems where time and space are both completely discrete and no structure is assumed on the state's space. Interesting relationships between attractors and recurrence are identified and some features of chaos are expressed in simple, set theoretic terms. String dynamics is proposed as a unifying concept for dynamical systems arising from discrete models of computation, together with illustrative examples. The relevance of state transition systems and string dynamics is discussed from the perspective of molecular computing.