Автореферат на дисертация "Мемориалните музеи и експозиции в културната инфраструктура на съвременна Балгария" (original) (raw)

Центр М. М. Бахтина В Мордовском Государственном Университете Им. Н. П. Огарева: Характеристика Мемориальной Коллекции


В статье рассматривается история создания и характеризуется мемориальная коллекция Центра М. М. Бахтина в Мордовском государственном университете им. Н. П. Огарева. Прослеживается «биография» некоторых экспонатов (предметов мебели, личных вещей, документов и т. д., принадлежавших мыслителю). Обозначаются основные функции Центра и направления его деятельности. The article examines the history of creation and characterizes the memorial collection of Bakhtin Centre at Ogarev Mordovia State University. It traces the "biography" of certain exhibits (pieces of furniture, paraphernalia, documents, etc., which belonged to the thinker). It outlines the main functions of the Centre and the direction of its activities.

К вопросу об изучении материального наследия болгар-переселенцев в музеях России, Молдовы и Украины [ Concerning the Studies of Material Heritage of Bulgarian Migrants in the Museums of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine]// Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. № 2(22). 2017.

Калашникова Н. М. К вопросу об изучении материального наследия болгар-переселенцев в музеях России, Молдовы и Украины// Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. № 2(22). 2017. С. 99-107.

The article constates that the questions of migration history and economical position of Bulgarian migrants in scarcely populated steppe areas of Circum-Pontic region and South Bessarabia in the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries were many times examined in monographs and numerous essays, however, the studies of material heritage of this ethnic group still haven’t received deserved attention. The article emphasizes importance of studying artifacts that characterize material and spiritual culture of Bulgarian migrants in the museums of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine. It is planned to publish the results of ethnographic expeditions of 2015–2017 and the materials prepared by the specialists in Bulgarian studies from Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Bulgaria in course of the project «Bulgarians of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia. Experience of Life in Diaspora» in the monograph «Bulgarians» in the series «Peoples and Cultures». ***** В статье отмечается, что вопросы истории переселения болгар в малонаселенные степные пространства Причерноморья и Южной Бессарабии в XVIII–XIX вв. и экономического статуса болгар-переселенцев неоднократно освещались в монографиях и многочисленных публикациях, однако изучению материального наследия этого этноса пока еще не уделялось достаточного внимания. В статье акцентируется важность исследования артефактов, сохраняющихся в музеях России, Молдовы и Украины и характеризующих материальную и духовную культуру болгар-переселенцев. Результаты, полученные во время этнографических экспедиций 2015–2017 гг., а также материалы, подготовленные учеными-болгаристами России, Молдовы, Украины и Республики Болгария в рамках проекта «Болгары Молдовы, Украины и России. Опыт жизни в диаспоре» планируется опубликовать в монографии «Болгары» в рамках серии «Народы и культуры».

Милена Дамаскова, Константин Господинов. Чифликът на Воденичарови до Акве калиде и колоната с късноантичния посветителен надпис. – Известия на Бургаския музей, Том VIII, част II, 2022, 92-102.

Милена Дамаскова, Константин Господинов. Чифликът на Воденичарови до Акве калиде и колоната с късноантичния посветителен надпис. – Известия на Бургаския музей, Том VIII, част II, 2022, 92-102., 2022

The object of this notice is a column with an early Christian inscription from IV - VI century, presented in the fourth hall of the Archaeological Exposition of the Regional History Museum of Burgas (Inventory No 1537), as well as the story of members of the Vodenicharovi family, who contributed to its preservation and its submission to the museum. From an archaeological point of view, the column was discovered on the territory of a very rich modern site "Late Antiquity and Medieval Fortress Aquae Calidae - Therma" in Vetren, Burgas. It was entered in the Inventory Book of the museum in 1955 by Ivan Galabov. It was donated by Dimitar Vodenicharov, son of the famous enlightener, public figure, lawyer, landowner and banker Yovi Vodenicharov. The column was found in Yovi Vodenicharov’s estate. The inscription on the column was first published in 1901 by Václav Dobruský. Now the column is broken off in two places and because of that parts of the inscription are missing. However, in the first publication the inscription was intact. It consists of three parts, each separated at its beginning and its end by a cross. The inscription is a dedicative one. Most probably it was a donation to a church for the salvation of Eutychianus – Bishop, Vindemiolus – Diakon and Oeconomus and Philippus – Vicarius. It is not clear from the text what the donation itself was. There is no data as to which the church was or where it was located. Most probably it was Aquae Calidae as the column was found on its territory.

Дигитализация на културни ценности в български музеи и архиви (Актуално състояние)

Хармония в различията / Harmony in Diversity, 2020

The article presents the results of a survey among 42 Bulgarian museums and archives, conducted online in May and June 2020 as part of a thesis research in the BA in “Information Resources of Cultural and Historical Heritage” at the SULSIT. The research hypothesis was that museums and archives in Bulgaria were aware of the benefits of digitizing cultural heritage, but faced a number of difficulties, of which the main were: lack of appropriate equipment, limited funding, and insufficiently qualified staff. The main findings of the study confirm the research hypothesis. Museum and archive collections in Bulgaria are digitized to a relatively low degree. In comparative terms, the digitization in the archives is at a more advanced stage than that in the museums, on account of the nature of the cultural heritage items preserved in both types of organizations.

Current Affairs of the museum and monuments conservation activities. Актуальні проблеми музейної та пам'яткоохоронної діяльності.

У запропонованому збірнику наукових праць кафедри музеєзнавства і пам’яткознавства Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв висвітлено актуальні питання історії, культурології, археології, музейної та пам’яткоохоронної сфери, а також представлено погляди провідних науковців і практиків щодо вирішення актуальних проблем української культури. Видання адресоване науковцям, аспірантам, студентам вищих навчаль-них закладів, які вивчають історію, археологію, музеєзнавство, пам’яткознавство, музейним працівникам, а також всім, хто цікавиться музейною справою. The proposed collection of scientific works of the department of Museology and Monuments Studies of Kyiv National University of culture and arts highlights topical issues of history, culture, archeology, museum and monument areas, and also the views of leading researchers and practitioners to address topical issues of Ukrainian culture. The publication is intended for researchers, graduate students, students of higher educational establishments, who study history, archeology, museum, monuments, museum workers, and anyone interested in museum business.

Българските музеи в условията на XXI в.

В началото на новото хилядолетие културните организации, в това число и музеите, се изправиха пред цял ред предизвикателства, породени от взрива на информационната революция и глобализацията. В страните от бившия съветски блок тези промени сe съчетаха и с преход от планова към пазарна икономика и от твърдо надзиравана политическа система -към трудно контролируеми демократични процеси.